Multi-Contrast Late Enhancement Out-Performs Conventional Late Gadolinium Enhancement for Myocardial RFA Lesion Characterization
Philippa Krahn1,2, Haydar Celik3, Venkat Ramanan2, Jennifer Barry2, and Graham A Wright1,2

1Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Physical Sciences, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada, 3Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation, Washington, DC, United States


In this work we evaluated the quality and accuracy of myocardial RFA lesion visualization using the MCLE sequence. To compare MCLE to the standard LGE, we imaged 29 acute lesions in 11 pigs. Lesion sizes measured from each set of images were highly correlated, yet MCLE consistently achieved higher CNR than LGE. Our relaxometry maps from MCLE suggested a dramatic variation in T1 after contrast injection, which will alter the optimal TI for LGE. Therefore, we demonstrated that MCLE, with the varied TIs in each acquisition, is a more robust sequence for visualizing even the most subtle lesions.


In order to use MRI in the context of radio-frequency ablation (RFA) procedures, it is necessary to identify a robust imaging protocol that is capable of visualizing even subtle lesions. In this work we aimed to identify a superior method for contrast-enhanced MR visualization of RFA lesions. We compared the multi-contrast late-enhancement (MCLE) sequence implemented in our group1 with late gadolinium enhancement (LGE, an IR-FGRE sequence), which is considered the gold-standard clinical technique for evaluating myocardial infarct. We performed our comparison based on accuracy of measured lesion extent and on the achievable CNR from each technique.


To characterize RFA lesions, we performed catheter ablation in a pig model (n=29 lesions, 11 pigs) as described in a previous publication,1 according to a protocol approved by the Animal Care Committee (Sunnybrook Research Institute). A Navistar irrigated catheter (Biosense-Webster) guided by X-ray fluoroscopy was navigated into the left ventricle, where 35W was applied for 45s. Immediately after ablation the pigs were transferred to the MRI suite and the imaging protocol was begun on a1.5T GE (Signa HD) system. Two primary sequences were used 3-50min after Gd-DTPA injections (Magnevist, 0.2mmol/kg) were administered: MCLE (FOV=240mm, matrix=192x160, slice thickness=5mm, BW=83.33kHz, TE/TR=1.7/4.0ms, variable TI) and LGE (FOV=240mm, matrix=192x160, slice thickness=5mm, BW=15.63/31.25kHz, TE/TR=4.2/8.9ms, TI=400-600ms). Each sequence allowed image acquisition at a rate of 1 breath hold per slice, and MCLE yielded a series of 20-40 images across a range of TIs and phases of the cardiac cycle. To evaluate the accuracy of lesion visualization, we compared the size of the lesions measured from MCLE compared to the size measured from LGE images (both done manually). From axial imaging planes, we selected the MCLE image that most closely matched the cardiac phase represented by LGE. Due to the wash-in wash-out kinetics of Gd-DTPA, the lesions were enhanced by different patterns depending on the timing of image acquisition after injection (consistent with previous observations2). We observed two main phases of enhancement: the first during early time points after injection when the lesion appeared hypointense relative to slightly enhanced normal myocardium, and the second during later time points when the lesion developed a hyperintense rim, brighter than the lesion core and myocardium. To assess the quality of lesion visualization by MCLE and LGE, we compared the CNR between lesion core and myocardium (at the early phase) or between the lesion rim and myocardium (at the late phase) delineated manually. Lastly, we characterized the lesions using T1* relaxometry maps generated from the MCLE acquisition by selecting 8-11 images at different TIs within the diastolic phase.


The MCLE and LGE acquisitions both clearly visualized the RFA lesions (Fig 1). Our paired size comparison across all 29 lesions demonstrated strong correlation between these measurements, with a regression of: (MCLE size)=0.98×(LGE size)+0.19 (R2=0.95). The set of images produced by MCLE provided a choice of the image with highest CNR (Fig 2). Lesion detection was particularly improved for small lesions subject to through-plane cardiac motion. A higher CNR was achieved by MCLE in all of the paired cases, and the order of acquisition appeared to have no significant effect (Fig 3). On average, MCLE provided higher CNR by a factor of 1.8 and 3.1 from the early- and late-phase comparisons respectively. From our relaxometry analysis, T1* evolved dramatically with time after Gd-DTPA injection. The average T1* from 2 lesions reached a minimum of 260±30ms at 11min after Gd-DTPA injection, increasing thereafter and reaching 440±30ms at 35min (approximately a 69% increase).

Discussion & Conclusions

We successfully demonstrated that MCLE visualizes RFA lesions accurately and with higher CNR relative to the standard LGE sequence. The analyzed T1* maps imply a substantial change in T1 after Gd-DTPA injection that will affect the optimal TI selected for LGE. Rather than performing frequent T1 scout scans or settling for poor image contrast, the MCLE acquisition over a range of TIs provides flexible contrast, avoiding this issue. RFA lesions are typically composed of a central core of necrosis and microvascular obstruction, surrounded by hemorrhage and edema. The wash-in wash-out Gd-DTPA kinetics are unique to this structure, resulting in variable patterns of enhancement at different times post-injection.2 We have shown that in comparison to the standard LGE approach, MCLE produces a richer set of images providing greater opportunity to obtain a clear visualization of RFA lesions.


University of Toronto School of Graduate Studies, the Government of Ontario, and CIHR


1. Celik H et al. Intrinsic Contrast for Characterization of Acute Radiofrequency Ablation Lesions. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2014;7(4):718-727

2. Detsky J et al. Inversion-Recovery-Prepared SSFP for Cardiac-Phase-Resolved Delayed-Enhancement MRI. MRM. 2007;50:365-372

3. Dickfeld T et al. Characterization of Radiofrequency Ablation Lesions with Gadolinium-Enhanced Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging. JACC. 2006;47(2):370-378


Figure 1: LGE (TI=500ms, 8min post-injection) and MCLE (TI=1160ms, 2min post-injection) images depicting the same two RF lesions.

Figure 2: (A) Varying |CNR| at different TIs from MCLE and LGE acquisitions of a single lesion. |CNR|LGE=13.9 and the maximum |CNR|MCLE=30.0. (B-D) MCLE visualization of the lesion at TI=224, 603, and 982ms (3min post-injection). (E) LGE at TI=605ms (11min post-injection).

Figure 3: Ratio of |CNR| achieved with MCLE and LGE as a function of time between acquisitions. Paired measurements from 23 lesions were obtained from MCLE and LGE acquisitions within 10min of one another and lesions in the same phase of enhancement, either early or late.

Figure 4: (A) T1* map depicting 2 lesions. Other analyzed regions included edema and remote healthy myocardium (L1, L2, E, and R respectively). (B) Average T1* values in the indicated regions from identical MCLE acquisitions repeated at 4 times following Gd-DTPA injection.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)