Katharina E. Schleicher1, Stefan Kroboth1, Klaus Düring2, Michael Bock1, and Axel Joachim Krafft1,3,4
1Dept. of Radiology - Medical Physics, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2MaRVis Medical GmbH, Hannover, Germany, 3German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Heidelberg, Germany, 4German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
A simulation
framework is presented to optimize radial acquisition schemes with variable
echo times which are designed to minimize the directional anisotropy of the
artifact of an MR-safe guidewire. The simulation results are compared to
measurements. We could theoretically and experimentally verify that the
homogeneity of the artifact can be improved via the variable-TE method.Introduction
Guidewires are
essential tools for intravascular interventions – unfortunately, conventional
metallic guidewires can cause excessive heating during MRI procedures.
1 Recently,
MR-safe guidewires have been developed from a glass fiber reinforced structure with
embedded iron particles as local passive markers. The susceptibility artifacts of
these markers depend strongly on the echo time (TE) and on the orientation against
2 Recently, a radial acquisition scheme with variable TEs was
proposed yielding a more homogeneous artifact.
3 In this work a simulation
framework was implemented to gain insight into the artifact behavior and, thus,
to further optimize radial acquisition schemes.
Material and Methods
Simulation Framework
In the simulation framework the intra-voxel dephasing of a magnetic
distortion field Bz’ (e.g. from the markers of the guidewire) is
calculated. MR signals are computed from the magnetization on a 15-fold denser ‘spin’-grid
in each spatial direction compared to the intended imaging resolution. For each
grid location, the magnetization evolution during data acquisition is
simulated, and all grid values are finally summed up to form the simulated
k-space. Signal values of ‘spins’ which are spatially located within the
guidewire material or which are spectrally located outside the range of the
slice-selection process due to influence from Bz’ are set to 0 while
the remaining ones are initialized as 1. The simulation is performed for
conventional Cartesian sampling as well as for radial acquisitions with constant
and variable TEs.
To simulate the artifacts
of an MR-safe guidewire (MaRVis Medical GmbH, Hannover, Germany), the guidewire
was modeled as a chain of spherical iron particles (size: 8±2µm) placed along
its central strand (mean particle distance along guidewire direction: 50±30µm,
radius of central strand: 60µm). Particle sizes and distances along the
guidewire followed a Gaussian random distribution whereas the axial variations of
the particle position (perpendicular to guidewire orientation) followed a
uniform random distribution. Each iron particle was represented by a point-like
dipole field so that the total Bz’ can be calculated from the
summation of individual dipole fields:
B ′z=∑iμ0mz4π⋅2(z−zi)2−(x−xi)2−(y−yi)2((x−xi)2+(y−yi)2+(z−zi)2)5/2
Here, (xi,yi,zi) reflects the position
of the ith dipole. The magnetic moment mz of the
particles is assumed to be aligned with B0 and calculated from the
particle volume and the saturation magnetization of iron.
Variable-TE Acquisition Scheme
In the radial acquisition with variable TEs, a different TEn is
used for every spoke n so that TE is
shortest (TEmin=1.8ms) for readout-direction parallel to B0
and longest (TEmax=10.8ms) perpendicular to B0 to minimize
the directional anisotropy of the dipole artifact. For all other directions,
two different variation schemes are implemented: (1) Sine-modulation 3: TEn=TEmin+(TEmax−TEmin)⋅|sin(ϕn)|, and (2) Sine-squared modulation: TEn=TEmin+(TEmax−TEmin)⋅sin2(ϕn). The latter
scheme is chosen as the inverse of the cos2-modulated dipole-field.
For both schemes, simulations were carried out with the following
parameters: FOV=270x270mm2, object-size=180x250mm2, BW=610Hz/px,
slice-thickness=5mm, matrix=128x128. The acquisition was simulated for 201
radial spokes (angular range: 2π) with 256 readout points per spoke (2-fold
oversampling). Images were reconstructed using the NUFFT algorithm.4 Simulations
were based on a GPU implementation 5 and remaining computation was done in
For comparison, images of the guidewire were acquired at 1.5T (Siemens
Symphony) using the same parameters as in the simulation (TR=14ms, α=15°). Both, simulations and
measurements, were also carried out using a conventional Cartesian acquisition as
reference. To measure the artifact width, profiles perpendicular to the wire were
defined and the FWHM was computed for sections of the wire perpendicular and
parallel to B0 (Fig. 2).
Results and
Measured and simulated Cartesian (Fig. 1a,e) and radial (Figs. 1b,f) images
consistently show the expected anisotropic artifact for constant TE and a more
uniform artifact pattern for the variable-TE imaging strategies (Figs.
1c,d,g,h). Quantitatively, simulated artifact widths were systematically smaller
(15-25%) whereas the artifact ratios (rw) are in agreement which
means that our simulations correctly describe the artifact behavior. Only minor
differences in rw were found for the sin- and sin2-modulated
acquisitions, although the artifact visually appears more defined in the sin2-case.
Even though the simulation systematically underestimates the absolute artifact
width, simulations proved as a useful tool for sequence optimization as reflected
in a correct reproduction of the artifact ratios. To further improve the
simulation, iron particles could be simulated more realistically, e.g. as cluster-forming
ellipsoids. Based on the simulations, further optimizations such as different
TE modulation schemes, variation of TEmax and TEmin, and
variable-TRs can be easily tested. This will facilitate the development of efficient
data acquisition strategies for improved guidewire visualization.
Grant support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under grant
number BO 3025/2-2 is gratefully acknowledged.References
1. Nitz et al. JMRI 2001;13:105-14.
2. Rubin
et al. Invest Radiol 1990;25:1325-32.
Krafft et al. ISMRM 2015, 1662.
Fessler et al. IEEE T-SP, 51(2):560-74, Feb. 2003.
5. Kroboth, Master‘s Thesis, TU Graz, 2013.