Signe Johanna Vannesjo1, Yuhang Shi1, Klaas P Pruessmann2, Andrew Dewdney3, Karla L Miller1, and Stuart Clare1
1FMRIB centre, NDCN, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Magnetic Resonance, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany
Traditionally, shim preemphasis filters to compensate for
eddy current fields have consisted of a sum of exponentially decaying terms. It
has recently been proposed to instead implement a non-parametric preemphasis
filter based on the shim impulse response function. This can address features
that are not captured with the exponential model, such as oscillatory responses.
We here compared the two preemphasis approaches for higher-order dynamic shim
updating. The non-parametric filter yielded an improved frequency response of
the system and about 10 ms faster shim settling, as well as suppression of field
oscillations after a shim step.Introduction
Dynamic operation of higher-order shim fields is compromised
by a number of mechanisms, most prominent of which are eddy currents. To
counteract the effects of eddy currents it is common to pass the input waveform
through a preemphasis filter, which traditionally consists of a sum of
exponentially decaying terms1,2. The parameters of the exponentials are
typically determined through an image-based eddy current characterization
process. Recent advances in field measurement technology, however, permit more
rapid characterization of shim field dynamics3,4. This can be utilized to
determine exponential preemphasis parameters, but also reveals features in the
field response that go beyond the exponential model, such as oscillatory
responses. Based on such characterization it has been proposed to implement
non-parametric preemphasis filters constructed from the inverse of the shim
impulse response function (SIRF)5, which has the potential of yielding more
comprehensive control over the system’s frequency response.
In this work we investigate the
utility of the different preemphasis approaches for higher-order shim updating.
Specifically we compare i) traditional image-based eddy current
characterization vs. SIRF-based parameter extraction for exponential
preemphasis, and ii) exponential preemphasis vs. non-parametric preemphasis based
on the SIRF inverse.
system characterization was performed on a Siemens Magnetom 7T system with
dynamically operated 2nd order spherical harmonic shims. The Siemens
Healthcare Tx-Array system provided full waveform control of the input to the
shim amplifiers (Resonance Research Inc.) with software preemphasis consisting
of up to five exponential terms. Like on most present-day systems, the
higher-order shim coils were not shielded.
Standard image-based eddy current characterization was obtained
by acquiring a field map of a spherical phantom at different delay times after
a shim step. Each field map was fitted to a spherical harmonic spatial basis
set, and the shim field time decay was fitted to a set of 2-3 exponential
terms. Amplitudes and time constants of the exponential preemphasis terms were
subsequently calculated as described by Jehenson et al1. For fine-tuning of the
parameters, the process was repeated once with the initially calculated
preemphasis applied.
Additionally, the SIRF of each shim channel was measured with
a 3rd-order dynamic field camera (Skope Magnetic Resonance
Technologies) using the method described in Ref. (4). Frequency-swept test pulses
were input to the shim system while monitoring the resulting output field. A
frequency-domain deconvolution of the output by the input then yields an
accurate and detailed estimate of the system frequency response (Fig. 1).
Based on the measured SIRF, preemphasis filters were
calculated in three ways: 1) by fitting three exponential terms to the ideal
compensatory step response in the time domain, 2) by performing a
frequency-domain fit of 1/SIRF, using a model of three exponential compensation
terms, 3) by calculating a non-parametric preemphasis filter as Ht/SIRF,
where Ht was defined as a target system response of 3 kHz bandwidth5 (Fig.
To evaluate preemphasis performance, field camera
measurements of shim field responses to stepped shim pulses using the different
preemphasis implementations were measured. Additionally, the full SIRF was
remeasured using exponential and non-parametric preemphasis.
Both exponential and non-parametric preemphasis
eliminated the central peak, corresponding to long-living eddy currents, in the
measured SIRFs (Fig. 3). However, while the exponential preemphasis merely
raised the response at higher frequencies, the non-parametric filter shaped it
to closely follow the target, thereby actively suppressing resonances. In the
time-domain, the non-parametric filter yielded 5-10 ms faster settling time
after a shim update and was able to suppress field oscillations induced by the
step (Fig. 4). Comparing the different versions of exponential preemphasis, all
were able to achieve eddy current compensation to within ±1% of the step amplitude
after an initial settling period of about 10 ms (Fig. 5). A slight advantage
for the SIRF-based frequency-domain fit was observed in some of the shim
Discussion and Conclusions
Long-living eddy currents induced in cold structures of the
cryostat are well described by an exponential model, and can thus be sufficiently
compensated with traditional preemphasis. Higher-frequency components of the
system response, however, are not well captured by the exponential model. These
can be addressed by using a non-parameteric preemphasis filter based on the
SIRF inverse.
In practice, exponential
preemphasis should suffice for applications where a settling time of 10 ms or greater
is acceptable. For faster shim updates, however, a more comprehensive model is
needed. Shim operation beyond simple step-wise updating likely also stands to
benefit from the improved frequency response of the non-parametric preemphasis
project has received funding from the Dunhill Medical Trust and from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie
grant agreement No 659263. Technical support from Siemens
Customer Solutions is gratefully acknowledged.References
1. Jehenson P, et al. Analytical method
for the compensation of eddy-current effects induced by pulsed magnetic field
gradients in NMR systems. J Magn Reson 1990;90:264–278.
2. Koch K, et al. Dynamic shim updating
on the human brain. J Magn Reson 2006;180:286–296.
3. Barmet C, et al. Spatiotemporal
magnetic field monitoring for MR. MRM 2008;60:187–197.
4. Vannesjo SJ, et al. Field camera
measurements of gradient and shim impulse responses using frequency sweeps. MRM
5. Vannesjo SJ, et al. Measurement and
pre-emphasis of shim responses using frequency sweeps. In: Proceedings of the
20th Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Melbourne, Australia; 2012. p. 142.