Mixed sensors are at present competitive with classical tuned coils for
the detection of MRI signals on a very low field range. A very low field head MRI system is developed without pre-polarization technique nor
magnetic shielding room. Homogeneity of the system and gradients were
characterized. A homogeneity of 115 ppm was achieved in a quasi-open
configuration. Linearity of the gradients was verified. The amplitude of each gradient was 100 times lower
than at high field but sufficiently high to achieve a resolution of 2 mm x 2 mm x 2 mm.Target audience
engineers, researchers, radiologist and all medical center interested in a low
field MRI setup.
low field Magnetic Resonance (VLF MRI) is a complementary imaging modality of conventional
1. VLF MRI based on inductive coils has many advantages: It is a low
cost MRI (<50 000$), light weight, transportable (<100 Kg) silent
and applicable to patients with metallic implants and pacemakers, claustrophobics
and premature babies. Moreover, a new kind of image contrast appears at this
range of field that could help in depicting cancer
2-3. However, VLF
MRI is inherently limited in signal-to-noise Ratio (SNR) and requires important
averaging time to obtain images with sufficient SNR for a relevant diagnosis.
Many methods were employed in order to improve NMR signal and/or detectivity,
i.e., Pre-polarization method
4 and/or the use of SQUID or atomic
5-6. Our laboratory has developed Nitrogen cooled
superconducting-magnetoresistive hybrid sensors
7 competitive to low
Tc SQUIDs above 100kHz. These sensors are untuned and can be coupled through
low resistive room temperature flux transformers to a room temperature antenna
presenting a high filling factor. They are very robust and
accept strong RF pulses with a very short recovery time compared to tuned RF
coils, which allow measurements of broad signals. We have already
proved the efficiency of using these sensors on a small VLF MRI setup
In the present work, a VLF whole
head MRI system is developed and characterized in order to study the effectiveness of mixed sensors in such a simple clinical system without employing pre-polarization technique or magnetic
shielding room.
A VLF MRI setup and a spectrometer were constructed (figure
1). An adjusted three coils Maxwell configuration is adopted to generate the main
magnetic field. Coils are designed in order to minimize enclose feelings of
claustrophobes (cylinder diameter of 83 cm). Inductive coils are water cooled providing an adjustable
magnetic field up to 12 mT. Experiments are usually done at
B0=8 mT (353 kHz). Double split saddle coils are used to generate gradient fields along frequency
and phase (X and Y) directions and circular Maxwell coils are used to generate the gradient field along Z
direction. Gradient coils are used not only for 3D imaging but also for correcting
external inhomogeneity (shimming). To test the homogeneity of the static field, we used a container of 200x200x200 mm
3 volume filled with doped water (T1 ≈ 120 ms; T2 ≈ 70 ms) simulating the average
relaxation time of a brain. A 90◦ pulse
is applied to obtain a Free Induction Decay (FID). The NMR time-domain signal is
Fourier transformed to obtain the magnitude of the resulting spectrum.
To test gradients linearity, we have imaged a sample, presented
in figure 3a, filled with same doped water. The linearity of the gradients is
directly measured on the image profile. We performed
1D images along X and Y directions. Then the position of the signal with the
actual position of doped water in the phantom are compared.
We have used, for these measurements a tuned coil (Q = 50) placed around the sample.
The Fourier transform of the FID signal is presented in
figure 2. Achieved homogeneity is about 115 ppm for 200x200x200 mm3
Then, gradients linearity was verified. We
obtained around 3% of error along both X and Y directions (figure 3). Adjustable
gradients strength was also studied. A gradient of 500 µT/m was sufficient
to get a 2 mm resolution.
Homogeneity of 115 ppm gives the resolution bandwidth (1 point
= 40 Hz). Thus,
a bandwidth of only 4 kHz will be sufficient for imaging a 200 mm length sample.
This fact will compensate partially the loss in SNR due to low polarization at
low field.
In another hand, although gradients strength allows a
good image resolution, those gradients (less than
1 mT/m) imply longer readout sequence limiting the possibility of
reducing time’s sequences.
A VLF MRI brain setup was constructed with an
adjustable main magnetic field (<12 mT). A field homogeneity of 115 ppm was achieved on a
200x200x200 mm
3 volume with this simple and open
configuration. Future work will focus on reducing 3D imaging time
sequence in order to be ready to combine mixed sensors with brain VLF MRI
We acknowledge the
Technosanté program support.References
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