Signe Johanna Vannesjo1, Christian Vogt1, Lars Kasper1,2, Maximilian Haeberlin1, and Klaas P Pruessmann1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Translational Neuromodeling Unit, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Accurate gradient time-courses are crucial for MRI, yet actual
waveforms generally deviate from ideal. We here propose to treat the task of
finding the ideal gradient input for a targeted output gradient waveform as a
case-by-case optimization problem, based on an LTI model of the gradient
system. The method is aimed to achieve optimal gradient waveform fidelity that
a given gradient system is capable of producing, considering both bandwidth and
amplitude/slew rate limitations. We perform the optimization for an EPI and a
spiral sequence and compare the resulting output to using non-optimized input
on measured k-space trajectories.Purpose
To improve the fidelity of gradient waveforms using
a case-by-case optimization approach, considering both the bandwidth of the
gradient system and time-domain limitations.
Accurate gradient time-courses are crucial for MRI,
especially in the context of fast imaging acquisitions. However, due to e.g. eddy
curents, the gradient system acts as a filter on the input waveforms, thereby
causing actual gradient time-courses to deviate from ideal. It is standard
practice to pass the gradient input waveforms through preemphasis filters to
improve the output waveform fidelity1. Common to all preemphasis approaches
is that they strive to equalize the system response within a given bandwidth.
However, as any real-world system, the gradients have a limited range of
operation, manifested as amplitude and slew rate limitations. These limits
operate on the waveform in the time-domain and must be kept throughout. For any
given preemphasis filter serving to boost certain frequencies there will exist
valid input sequences that violate the time-domain limits after preemphasis. At
the same time, the filter will not be able to deliver the optimal gradient
output that the system would be capable of producing for all target gradient
We here propose to treat the task
of finding an ideal gradient input to achieve a targeted output gradient waveform
as a case-by-case optimization problem. This allows for taking the inherent
frequency response of the system into account while still ensuring time-domain
system limits to be kept. We demonstrate the feasibility of the method by
comparing measured gradient output using optimized and non-optimized input
waveforms on a commercial MR system.
Theory and Methods
The proposed gradient input optimization is based on a model
of the gradient system as linear and time-invariant, implying that the system
can be fully described by its gradient impulse response function (GIRF). For MR
imaging applications the time-course of the integral of the gradient waveform, i.e.
k(t), is commonly the crucial parameter. We therefore defined the objective
function of the optimization to minimize the L2-norm of the difference between the actual k(t) and the targeted k-coefficient, kT(t): min‖ subject to the constraints: i(t)\leq G_{max}, \frac{\text{d}i(t)}{\text{d}t} \leq S_{max} \quad \forall t where i(t) is the input waveform, and G_{max},S_{max} are the system
amplitude and slew rate limits, respectively. The objective function describes
a constrained quadratic problem, which we chose to solve with an active set
algorithm. Optimization was performed based on the measured GIRF of a 3T
Philips Achieva system2. The measured GIRF was fitted to a rational system
transfer function in order to eliminate measurement noise (Fig. 1).
Target k-space sampling patterns
were defined as an EPI and an Archimedean spiral with 220x220mm2 FOV and 3x3mm2
resolution. From the selected k-space traversals, time-optimal target gradient
waveforms were obtained using the algorithm described by Lustig et al3, with
amplitude and slew rate settings of 25mT/m and 160mT/m/ms, respectively. The
integral of the target gradient waveforms yielded the target k(t) for the
objective function of the gradient input optimization. The input optimization
was performed for each imaging axis (X and Y) separately, setting Gmax and Smax
to 31mT/m and 200mT/m/ms, respectively. To evaluate the resulting optimized
input waveforms, the actual field output to the non-optimized and the optimized
gradient waveforms were measured on the MR system using a dynamic field camera4.
The input optimization achieved GIRF-predicted gradient output
waveforms that were visibly closer to the target compared to using
non-optimized inputs (Fig. 2). Sharp corners of trapezoidal gradient lobes were
better approximated in the EPI, and the sinusoidal target gradient of the
spiral was better matched in amplitude and phase. The error to the target
gradient waveform was reduced by about half (Fig. 3). As expected, the error
reduction was even more pronounced in k(t), which defined the cost function. The
measured k-space trajectories similarly showed that the optimization yielded output
that more closely followed the target (Fig. 4). The improvement was especially noticable
in bandwidth-limited features, such as the turns of an EPI and in the center of
a spiral trajectory.
Discussion and Conclusions
We have here presented a method for achieving optimal
gradient waveform fidelity that a given gradient system is capable of
producing, considering both bandwidth and amplitude/slew rate limitations. The
approach is not limited to gradient systems, but may e.g. be advantageous for
driving higher-order shims dynamically, where the trade-off between bandwidth and
time-domain capabilites is especially problematic. The method may further find
uses in the design of gradient sequences, which currently typically only
consider time-domain amplitude/slew rate limitations.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Jehenson P, et al. Analytical method for the compensation
of eddy-current effects induced by pulsed magnetic field gradients in NMR
systems. J Magn Reson 1990;90:264–278.
2. Vannesjo SJ, et al. Gradient system characterization by
impulse response measurements with a dynamic field camera. MRM 2013;69:583–593.
3. Lustig M, et al. Fast Method for Designing Time-Optimal
Gradient Waveforms for Arbitrary -Space Trajectories. IEEE Transactions on Medical
Imaging 2008;27:866–873.
4. Barmet C, et al. Spatiotemporal magnetic field monitoring
for MR. MRM 2008;60:187–197.