Extending the Sensitivity of a Head Coil toward Simultaneous Head and Neck Imaging Using High Permittivity Materials at 7 T
Manushka V. Vaidya1,2,3, Gillian G. Haemer1,2,3, Christopher M. Collins1,2,3, Gang Chen1,2,3, Giuseppe Carluccio1,2, Mary Bruno1,2, Graham C. Wiggins1,2, Daniel K. Sodickson1,2,3, and Riccardo Lattanzi1,2,3

1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R), Department of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 3Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States


A standard head-coil may not be sufficient to examine regions inferior to the base of the skull. Previous work demonstrates that the field-of-view of a surface coil can be extended using high permittivity materials (HPM). In this work, we use calcium titanate bags to extend the sensitivity of a commercial head-coil, and demonstrate an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio in the neck muscles, brainstem and superior regions of the spinal cord and cervical vertebrae. Our results indicate that extending the sensitivity of any commercial coil may be possible using appropriately positioned HPMs.


Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is a valuable tool to examine lesions (e.g. lymph node lesions) and visualize anatomical structures (e.g. brainstem and cervical vertebrae) in the head and neck1. While a standard head coil is sufficient for visualizing anatomical regions above the base of the skull, inferior regions require a separate neck coil1. Water bags in a head coil were previously used to improve the transmit field (|B1+| ) for pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling2. Additionally, high permittivity materials (HPM) can be used to extend the field of view (FOV) of a surface coil3. This work aims to extend the FOV of a commercial head coil into the neck using strategically placed HPM bags.


Simulations: Numerical simulations were carried out to determine whether the HPM pads should be constructed from powder/water slurries using Barium titanate (BaTiO3, εr = 298, σ = 0.39 S/m) or Calcium titanate (CaTiO3, εr = 110, σ = 0.08 S/m)4,5. A 4-port head sized quadrature-driven birdcage coil, similar to the experimental transmit head coil (Nova Medical, Wilmington, MA), was modeled using Microwave Studio (CST 2015,Germany), and loaded with a human model (Duke). Each port was tuned and matched at 297.2 MHz in the absence of HPMs (S-parameters, Fig. 1). Two HPM pads (~12x14x2cm3) constructed from sections of spherical and cylindrical shells were positioned at the base of the skull to extend from the posterior of the ears around the back of the head and neck on both sides, and extending 7cm outside the coil (Fig 1). The birdcage coil was not re-tuned and matched after placing HPM pads in simulation, as re-tuning and matching the commercial coil was not possible. S-parameters did not significantly change in the presence of HPMs (Fig 1). An accuracy of -30 dB was used to ensure convergence, and 5-8 million mesh cells were used with same global and local mesh settings for all cases. Transmit efficiency (|B1+|/sqrt(dissipated power)) was evaluated for three cases: 1) No HPM, 2) BaTiO3 pads, and 3) CaTiO3 pads.

Experiments: Simulation results suggested that CaTiO3 pads improved FOV and transmit efficiency, so HPM pads were constructed from CaTiO3 powder (Alfa Aesar, 99 %+, -325 mesh powder) and deuterium oxide (Sigma Aldrich, 99% atom %D). The saturated slurry was measured (85070E Dielectric Probe Kit, Agilent Technologies), and heat-sealed between plastic sheets to create two pads: 12x14x2cm3 and 11x14x2cm3 (εr = 110, σ = 0.08 S/m). A healthy volunteer was scanned on a Siemens whole-body 7T scanner (MAGNETOM, Erlangen, Germany) using a one channel transmit, 24 channel receive head coil (Nova Medical, Wilmington, MA). A transmit reference voltage (to achieve 90o flip angle in the center with a 500 μs hard pulse) of 295 V was used for all cases. Flip angle maps (TR/TE = 5.000/2.42 ms, BW = 650 Hz/pixel, FOV = 285x285 mm2, matrix size = 128x128) were obtained used a turbo-FLASH based technique (6). SNR was calculated using the Kellman method from the raw data (7), obtained using a GRE sequence (TR/TE = 200/4.1 ms, nominal FA = 20°, BW = 300 Hz/pixel, FOV = 285x285 mm2, matrix size = 256x256). In order to assess image quality, T1-weighted MPRAGE (TR/TE = 2.250/3.48 ms, nominal FA = 9o, BW =200 Hz/pixel, FOV = 256x216x158 mm3, matrix size = 348x348x144) images were also acquired. In-vivo sagittal and coronal slices through the brainstem were obtained for each case. All studies involving human subjects were performed in accordance with the institution’s IRB.


The simulation and experimental data demonstrate that extending the FOV of a head coil and improving the SNR in the neck is feasible using HPM pads. All experiments were carried out using HPM pads containing CaTiO3. Experimental results show that HPM improved the SNR in the neck, especially the brainstem and neck muscles with percentage improvement ranging from 45% (spinal cord) to 478% (muscle) (Fig 3). Frontal and superior regions of the brain showed SNR loss with the HPM pads (Fig 3). However, as SNR is generally very high in those regions due to coil proximity, we anticipate that this decrease will not affect image quality.T1-weighted MPRAGE images showed improved quality in the posterior of the neck, especially in the muscles, brainstem, and the superior spinal cord and cervical vertebrae.


HPM pads positioned in a head coil are an inexpensive method for extending SNR further into the brainstem and spinal cord, and this method may be applied to other existing commercial coils.


This work was supported by the Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (www.cai2r.net), a NIBIB Biomedical Technology Resource Center (NIH P41 EB017183).


1. Wippold FJ. Head and neck imaging: The role of CT and MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2007;25(3):453-465.

2.Teeuwisse WM, Collins CM, Wang C, Yang Q, Ma W, Smith N, van Osch M, Webb A. Improvement in high field pulsed arterial spin labeling using dielectric pads: a simulation and experimental study. Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2010;p.3863.

3. Vaidya MV, Sodickson DK, Collins CM, Lattanzi R. Extending the sensitivity of a transmit/recieve radiofrequency coil with dielectric materials at 7 T. Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2015; p.0406.

4. Haines K, Smith NB, Webb AG. New high dielectric constant materials for tailoring the distribution at high magnetic fields. Journal of magnetic resonance 2010;203(2):323-327.

5.Luo W, Lanagan MT, Sica CT, Ryu Y, Oh S, Ketterman M, Yang QX, Collins CM. Permittivity and performance of dielectric pads with sintered ceramic beads in MRI: early experiments and simulations at 3 T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2013;70(1):269-275.

6. Klose U. Mapping of the radio frequency magnetic field with a MR snapshot FLASH technique. Medical Physics 1992;19(4):1099-1104.

7. Kellman P, McVeigh ER. Image reconstruction in SNR units: A general method for SNR measurement†. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2005;54(6):1439-1447.


Figure 1: Simulation (A) and Experimental (B) set-up. The location of the HPM pads (pink in A, white bags in B) is shown.

Figure 2: Numerical simulations of transmit efficiency in a head model. Using CaTiO3 (B) transmit efficiency in deeper regions in the head and neck is higher than with BaTiO3 (C) or without HPM (A). S-parameters do not significantly change at 297.2 MHz with the addition of CaTiO3 bags.

Figure 3: SNR maps show that placing two bags of CaTiO3 on the back of the neck extend the receive sensitivity of the coil and improve SNR in muscles, brainstem, superior spinal cord and cervical vertebrae. Percentage improvements between 45% (spinal cord), 272% (muscle) and 478 % (muscle) were obtained.

Figure 4: T1-weighted MPRAGE images show signal improvement in the superior regions of the neck and inferior regions of the brainstem when using CaTiO3 pads.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)