Improving travelling wave efficiency at 7 T using dielectric material placed ”beyond” the region of interest
Rita Schmidt1 and Andrew Webb1

1Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands


The concept of traveling-wave MRI has been introduced for ultra-high fields, enabling large field-of-view excitation and physical separation between the antenna and the subject. Several studies have shown that introducing additional materials/structures into the magnet bore or surrounding the subject can improve the efficiency. In this work we explore the use of high permittivity material placed behind the region of interest and show that it can be beneficial for traveling wave efficiency. Separating the region of improved efficiency from that of the dielectric allow positioning of a receive array in the close proximity to the region of interest, physically separate from the dielectric material.


The concept of traveling-wave MRI has been introduced1 for ultra-high fields, enabling large field-of-view (FOV) excitation and physical separation between the antenna and the subject. However, the efficiency of such an RF transmit setup is usually much lower than conventional methods due to the large excitation coverage1,2. Several studies have shown that introducing additional materials/structures into the magnet bore or surrounding the subject can alter the RF field propagation in order to improve the efficiency in the region of interest. These include adding a dielectric lining3 placed between the antenna and the subject to reduce the attenuation, as well as a recent study with metamaterials placed close to the head4. In this current work we explore the use of high permittivity material placed behind (with respect to the direction of traveling wave propagation) the region of interest and show that it can be beneficial for traveling wave efficiency due to an electromagnetic “refraction” effect from the added dielectric material. Separating the region of improved efficiency from that of the dielectric allow positioning of a receive array in the close proximity to the region of interest, physically separate from the dielectric material.


3D Electromagnetic simulations were performed to calculate the B1+ efficiency in terms of the relative permittivity (εr) and material dimensions using finite integration technique (FIT) software (CST Microwave Studio, Darmstadt, Germany). All B1+ maps were normalized to an accepted power of 1 Watt. Two setups were examined in simulations: i) the brain as the region of interest with two-halves of an annular cylinder of dielectric material positioned around the neck, and ii) the knee as the region of interest with an annular cylinder of dielectric material placed around the thigh. In vivo experiments in the brain were performed using a quadrature segmented dipole antenna5 for both transmit and receive (see Figure 1). Data were acquired to compare images with and without two halves of an annular cylinder filled with water with dimensions of 100 mm outer radius, 60 mm inner radius and 80 mm height. MRI experiments were performed on a Philips Achieva 7 T MRI system. A gradient echo sequence was run with the following parameters: FOV 28 x 28 cm2, spatial resolution 1.5 x 1.5 x 7.0 mm3, TR/TE of 700/2.72 ms.


Figure 1 shows simulation results for the B1+ variation in the brain for a set of dielectric material permittivity values and outer radii. There was no change in the maximum 10g SAR value when the cylinder was in place, but an average increase of ~20% in the transmit efficiency, with a maximum value of ~50%. Increasing the radius of the dielectric material improves the efficiency of the B1+ in the brain. However, an increased permittivity has a non-linear effect, reaching a maximum in the range of εr equal to 120. Figure 2 shows the results from in-vivo scanning of the brain of a volunteer with the two-halves of the annular cylinder placed around the neck as described above. Figure 3 shows a comparison of the B1+ maps with and without the dielectric material for imaging of the knee. The average increase of B1+ obtained in the region of interest was 20%, with a local maximum increase of 67%; the maximum SAR (10 g spatially averaged) was increased by 27%, so overall there is a minor increase in the B1+ per square root of maximum SAR. This is not surprising since the leg forms an ideal shape for travelling wave MRI1, effectively forming a tapered structure which does not produce large reflections, unlike the case in the brain2. Figure 3 also shows an effect which can be thought of as electromagnetic refraction, in which the RF bends towards the high permittivity material, producing higher efficiency in front of the dielectric.


By placing high permittivity material at a location physically separate from the imaging region of interest, the transmit efficiency can be improved directly “in front” of the material, allowing close fitting receive arrays to be used for high sensitivity MR detection. Electromagnetic simulations and in vivo results show, on average, a 20% gain in efficiency using this approach.


We are grateful to W. Brink for helping to scan volunteers.


[1] Brunner D.O. et al. Nature. 2009; 457: 994–999. [2] Zhang B. et al., Magn. Reson. Med., 2012; 67: 1183-1193. [3] Andreychenko A. et al., Magn Reson Med. 2013; 70: 885–894. [4] Zivkovic I., Scheffler K. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 2014; 22: 4834, [5] Raaijmakers A., Magn. Reson. Med.,2015 doi: 10.1002/mrm.25596.


Figure 1: Electromagnetic simulation with varying parameters of the dielectric material in the proximity to the neck. Setup is shown in (a). b) B1+ maps for varying outer radius, εr of 80. c) B1+ maps for varying εr with outer R=120mm. d) and e) show B1+ profiles in the dashed overlays.

Figure 2 Images of four slices scanned without (a) and with (b) two-halves annular cylinder filled with water. c) and d) shows the image intensity profile for the yellow overlays in two directions : y-axis and z-axis , respectively. The scaling for the images is the same.

Figure 3 Simulation of the B1+ distribution without (a) and with (b) dielectric material placed next to the knee. White overlay show the scanning region of interest. B1+ maps scaling is 0 to 0.25 μT/√W. c) and d) show B1+ profiles in the center of the knee in z- and y- axes of the region of interest, respectively.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)