A.A. Hurshkainen1, I.J. Voogt2, A.A. Haghnejad2, D.W. Klomp2, P.R. Luijten2, I.V. Melchakova1, S.B. Glybovski1, C.A.T. van den Berg2, and A.J.E. Raaijmakers2
1Department of Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, ITMO University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2Imaging Division, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Dipole antennas are being used increasingly for body
imaging at 7T. For dipole antennas, SAR levels can be reduced by increasing the
antenna-subject spacing. However, this will increase inter-element
coupling. In this study we investigate
the relationship between antenna-subject spacing, inter-element coupling and maximum
local SAR levels for fractionated dipole antennas. We demonstrate that the
originally presented antenna-subject spacing (2 cm) can be increased without
significant scattering losses. We have realized an 8-element array of
fractionated dipole antennas with 4 cm antenna-subject spacing and demonstrate uncompromised
imaging performance with 45% lower local SAR levels in comparison to the
original design.Purpose
Dipole antennas are being used increasingly for body
imaging at 7T [1-3]. Although local SAR
levels underneath the elements are already relatively low, the antenna designs
without a dielectric substrate can further reduce their SAR levels by
increasing the antenna-subject spacing. However, this will increase
inter-element coupling. Although arrays
of dipole antennas have intrinsically low inter-element coupling without adding
additional circuitry, the increased inter-element coupling may cause
considerable scattering losses which will result in reduced efficiency. In this study we investigate the relationship
between antenna-subject spacing, inter-element coupling and maximum local SAR
levels for the fractionated dipole antenna [1]. We introduce with an improved
antenna design with larger antenna-subject spacing and demonstrate its imaging
performance and local SAR levels.
We investigated inter-element coupling of two fractionated
dipole antennas positioned at varying inter-element distance on a large
elliptical ASTM phantom filled with saline water. Coupling was measured without
matching circuitry using the formula $S_{12norm} = S_{12}^2/(1-S_{11}^2)$. The
fractionated dipole antennas have a polycarbonate placeholder that guarantees
20 mm distance from the imaging subject. Graphs of coupling vs inter-element
distance were obtained with three additional layers of spacing of 25, 40 and 55 mm. The same setup was simulated
(Sim4life, ZMT, Zurich).The simulation setup is depicted in Figure 1 (c). In
the electromagnetic model there are two printed meandered dipole antennas on a plexiglass
substrate, positioned on a water phantom. Simulations
were performed for varying inter-element distances (0
– 60 mm) and for 3 additional layers of foam (25, 40, 55 mm).
The same simulations were used to
acquire the local SAR distributions underneath the active element for the
various antenna-phantom spacings.
As a result of these investigations, a new antenna
array has been realized with increased subject-antenna spacing (Fig 4a). In
addition to a 17 mm plexiglass layer, 23 mm of foam was attached to the
elements resulting in a total thickness of 40 mm. To demonstrate the reduction
in SAR10g, the new array and the original fractionated dipole antenna array were
simulated for a prostate imaging setup on the Virtual Family model ‘Duke’ [4] (Fig.
3a). SAR10g distributions were evaluated by calculating the SAR for a
sum-of-magnitude electric field distribution which is a severe over-estimation
of the real SAR levels but serves well to compare the two array setups (Fig. 3b,c).
Finally, the new array with thicker spacers has been
used for prostate imaging on a healthy volunteer (informed consent). The in-situ
coupling matrix has been measured using directional couplers. B1 maps and T2w
images (TR/TE=2500/90 ms, 0.5x0.5x3 mm3, TSE-factor
9) have been performed using the original array of fractionated dipole
antennas and the new array with thicker spacers on the same volunteer.
Figure 1 (a,b) shows the resulting graphs of
inter-element coupling vs inter-element distance for various thicknesses of the
additional foam layer between the antennas and the phantom. As expected,
coupling increases with additional spacing. Figure 2 shows the local SAR
distributions for the investigated spacings. As a result of the additional
spacing, SAR levels are reduced. However, B1+ measurements indicate that the
efficiency of (isolated) antennas remains the same. Question remains
whether the increased coupling does not result in increased scattering losses
resulting in lower B1+ for an array setup. Therefore, an array setup has been
realized and simulated. Again, simulations indicate that B1+ values inside the
prostate are the same for both the original array and the array with thicker
spacers (Fig.5). However, the maximum SAR10g level for the array with thicker spacers
is reduced by 45 %.
The measured S-parameter matrix for the array with
thicker spacers is indicated in Figure 4(c). Clearly, the inter-element
coupling levels are not dramatic (-12 dB for nearest neighbors, much less for
next-nearest neighbors and beyond). The reflection levels of element 2 and 3
are a bit too high. But this does not result in dramatically less B1+ as can be
seen in the B1+ maps for the original fractionated dipole antenna array and the
new array with thicker spacers (Fig.5). These results show that actually even
more B1+ is reached for the array with thicker spacers. T2w
images for both setups are indicated in Figure 5.
The original array of fractionated dipole antennas for
body imaging at 7T uses 20 mm spacing.
This study shows that the spacing can be increased without compromising image
quality but with the advantage of a 45 % lower SAR level. Although the
inter-element coupling increases with the increased spacer thickness, coupling parameters
for the investigated subject remain below -12 dB.
This work was supported in part by the Russian
Science Foundation (Project No. 15-19-20054).References
1) Raaijmakers
et al, ‘The fractionated dipole antenna…’ MRM 2015 published online
2) Winter et al. 'Design and evaluation
of a hybrid radiofrequency applicator...' PLoS One 2013
3) Lakshmanan et al. 'The circular dipole'. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual
Meeting of ISMRM Meeting & Exhibition in Milan, Italy, 2014.
4) Christ et al. ‘The virtual family…’ Phys
Med Biol 2010;55:N23–N38.