Jérémie Daniel Clément1, Lijing Xin2, Rolf Gruetter3,4,5, and Özlem Ipek2
1CIBM-LIFMET, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2CIBM-AIT, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3LIFMET, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Department of Radiology, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 5Department of Radiology, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
The purpose of the study was to build dedicated
surface coils for the temporal and the frontal lobes of the human brain at 7T. Their transmit field efficiency and single-voxel
spectroscopy performances were compared with a birdcage coil with a dielectric
pad. An increased B1+-field for the
brain regions was measured with the surface coils compared to the birdcage with the pad, which allows single-voxel SPECIAL spectroscopy and anatomical image acquisitions in the peripheral temporal and frontal lobes.
Birdcage coils demonstrate high transmit field at the center of the brain and
lower transmit field close to the cortex at 7T. Adding a dielectric pad inside
the coil leads to a substantial increase of the transmit field under the pad
[1]. Surface coils can offer high transmit field in their vicinity. The purpose
of the study was to design highly efficient surface coils for the peripheral
temporal and frontal lobes of the human brain regions and compare them with the
volume coil with dielectric pads in terms of transmit field efficiency and
single-voxel spectroscopy performance.
loops (ETE-loops)(110x90mm
2 each side) and Frontal-Region-Operating loops
(FRO-loops)(two loops with 80x60mm
2 each) were built with copper and
tuned/matched to 297.2 MHz (> -15dB). The decoupling was better than -15dB and
common-modes on the coaxial cables were diminished with baluns. FRO-loops were
driven in quadrature mode while ETE-loops can be driven as one-side only or two
sides, depending on the interest. Cases (Fig.1) were drawn on Solidworks
(Dassault Systèmes, France) and printed in ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene
Styrene, CubePro DUO 3D printer,3DSystems,MA,USA). For comparison, a birdcage coil (,16 legs,32-channel receivers,Nova Medical, Inc.
MA) and a dielectric pad (100x100x5mm
3, ϵ
r=160,BaTi in
deuterated water), placed on the temporal and frontal regions of the brain were
used. The birdcage coil with pad (BC-pad) and without pad (BC) were studied. Finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations were
performed, for the exact model of the coils, on Sim4Life 2.0 (ZMT,Switzerland)
on a Virtual Family human model [2] at 1 mm iso-gridded. In simulations, the
birdcage and loop coils were tuned to 297.2 MHz and matched to input impedance
(> -15 dB). In-vivo
measurements were performed on Magnetom 7T MR scanner (Siemens, Erlangen,
Germany). B
1+ maps were acquired with SA2RAGE sequence [3].
Spectroscopy measurements were performed with a semi-adiabatic SPECIAL sequence
(VOI = 20x20x20 mm
3,TR/TE = 6500/16 ms,NA = 64). To position MRS
voxel, anatomical images (Fig.3A-B-C) were acquired with MP2RAGE sequence [4].
experimental and simulated B1+ maps are shown for
one-side of the ETE-loops and FRO-loops (Fig.2). The mean B1+
values of 12.7μT and 14.5μT at the voxel placed in the temporal (Fig.2A) and the frontal
(Fig.2B) regions were measured for 500μs-long 90° hard pulse which corresponds to 11.7 μT. Simulated B1+
maps (Fig.2C-D) demonstrate similar distributions to the experimental ones
(Fig.2A-B). 3D-MP2RAGE human brain images (Fig.3A-B-C) and the single-voxel
proton spectra acquired with the ETE-loops (Fig.3D) and FRO-loops
(Fig.3E) are shown within the SAR limits (Fig.4A-B). The loops were compared to the BC-pad. Placing the
dielectric pad improves the field in the voxel placed just under the pad (Fig.5),
and the mean B1+ values of 10.8μT and 9.3μT are achieved
at the voxel placed in the temporal (Fig.5B) and the frontal (Fig.5B) regions, for 500μs-long
90° hard pulse. The single-voxel spectroscopy could be performed with the
ETE-loops (Fig. 3D) while it has not been possible with the BC-pad due to
insufficient B1+.
Discussion and conclusion
dedicated surface coils present notable advantages compared to the birdcage
coil with the dielectric pad. ETE-loops and FRO-loops offer head-conformal
placement of the coils to yield high transmit field efficiency in their
vicinity. Although adding the dielectric pad inside the birdcage coil increases
(B+1)2/SAR10g,max ratio by 33% in the frontal voxel and 27% in
the temporal voxel, performing B
1+-demanding spin-echo
single-voxel spectroscopy is not always possible. Furthermore the
(B+1)2/SAR10g,max ratio achieved for the BC-pad in the frontal lobe
is 20% higher than that in the temporal lobe, suggesting that an increased
transmit efficiency under the pad is dependent on the region of the brain and
head-shape. Similar study [5] was performed by using a dielectric pad placed in
a birdcage coil and two-times SNR increase was
achieved compared with and without pad in the medial-temporal lobe with
less-SAR sensitive STEAM spectroscopy sequence. We concluded that ETE-loops and
FRO-loops offer higher transmit field compared to the BC-pad, which make them
more suitable for the application in edges of the brain with the drop of
1+ field.
This study was supported by Centre d’Imagerie BioMédicale (CIBM) of the
UNIL, UNIGE, HUG, CHUV, EPFL and the Leenaards and Jeantet Foundations.References
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[3] F. Eggenschwiler et al. SA2RAGE: A New Sequence for Fast B1+-Mapping. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 67, pp. 1609–1619 (2012)
[4] JP Marques et al. MP2RAGE, a self bias-field corrected sequence for improved segmentation and T1-mapping at high field. Neuroimage, vol. 15, 49 (2010)
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