Performance of 7 Tesla Normal Metal and Superconducting Cryo-coils for MRI of Rat Brain
Jarek Wosik1,2, Kurt Bockhorst3, Tan I-Chih4, Kuang Qin1, Krzysztof Nesteruk5, and Ponnada A Narayana3

1Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX, United States, 2Texas Center for Superconductivity, University of Houston, Houston, TX, United States, 3Radiology, The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX, United States, 4The Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine, The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX, United States, 5Institute of Physics of Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland


We report on the performance of receive only 300-MHz planar cryogenic (both copper and superconducting) coils for MRI of rat brain at 7 T. The double-sided coils were fabricated by patterning Cu and YBCO on laminate and 0.33 mm thick sapphire substrate, respectively. Practical limits of the performance of the cryocoils (20 mm Cu and 17 mm superconducting) were tested using 3D-RARE, 2D-RARE, and RGB-FA maps recorded with EPI_DTI protocols. Both in-vivo and ex-vivo images were acquired. Twofold SNR gain was achieved at 65K. Cryo-system stability tests with over 11 hours of DTI ex-vivo scanning are presented.


It is well known that in the case of a sufficiently small coil, thermal noise of the system is dominated by coil noise and that cooling of receiver coils, made either of Cu or superconducting materials can provide very significant improvement of SNR [1-3]. Recently, we have further developed [3-5] our 7 T MRI 1H (300.3 MHz) receiver probe with the tuning/maching and decoupling circuitry. The new probe was made to meet specific operating requirements such as low-loss electronics, stable operating frequency at cryogenic temperatures over long periods of time, very short coil-body distance, short preparation time, and user-friendly operation. Our further objective was to explore the practical parameters of the probe equipped with either copper or superconducting coil and its use for ex-and in-vivo imaging of rat brain.

Methods and Results

A single-stage GM type pulse-tube cryo-cooler, CryMech model HPT10 [6], was designed to operate horizontally. In order to meet certain cooling requirements and high-magnetic field limitations, non-magnetic titanium was used in the cold head design and the coil was separated by 8" distance from the metal cold-head (Fig. 1a). A rotary valve was also separated from a pulse tube expander (2 m stainless steel flexible helium lines). The HPT10 provides 16W at 77K and the lowest achievable temperature of the coils was measured as 55 K. The coils vacuum shroud was designed to be compatible with 116 mm Bruker transmit coils (Fig. 1bc). Both superconducting (YBCO) and Cu coils were similar in design as previously shown [5]. The matching/ tuning and detuning circuit was integrated with the coil inside the cryostat and it was designed to be the same for either superconducting or normal metal coils [6]. Measured unloaded and loaded (ex-vivo case) Qs were 280 (Cu 295 K), 750 (Cu 77 K), and 50,000 (HTS at 77 K) and 200, 460, and 890, respectively. A 7T/30 USR MRI scanner (Bruker BioSpin, Karlsruhe, Germany and a homogenous “rat-equivalent” phantom was used with the SNR measured by using the macro Auto_snr that is part of the Bruker scanner software (Fig. 1d). This method yields SNR per unit volume that is independent of the acquisition parameters and allows for comparison across different scanners and different acquisition parameters [7]. Comparison of axial ex-vivo rat brain images acquired at 65 K and at 295 K for 11 hours 22 minutes (256 slices) is shown in Fig. 3. The 50 µm isotropic resolution was achieved (3D-RARE, RARE factor 6, TR 500 ms, TE effective 38 ms, NA 8). A twofold increase of SNR was measured (Fig. 1d and 3). In vivo axial rat brain images were recorded also at 65 K and 295 K (Fig. 4). The upper left displays 2D-RARE (factor 4) images of the Splenium, upper right Bregma -3 mm, second row at left Bregma -2 mm and at right Bregma -1 mm. NA=4, acquisition time 33.5 min, TR 10010 ms, TE effective 22 ms, in plane resolution 0.1 mm, 100 slices, slice thickness 0.2 mm. For the same location as in Fig. 4, axial RGB-FA maps were recorded with an EPI-DTI protocol. The colors intensity reflects the FA-value. Splenium is coded red, the Fimbria magenta, the Fornix green and Internal Capsule blue and green. Acquisition parameters were: time 59.5 min, TR 350ms, TE 26ms, SW 227 kHz, NA=1, 2 segments (aka shots), 42 icosahedral orientated directions, 9 bzero images, b-value 800 s/mm^2, resolution 0.24x0.20 mm, slice-thickness 0.20 mm. Fat suppression and saturation bands were activated.

Discussion and Conclusions

The targeted twofold SNR gain has been realized by 20 mm diameter Cu coil for ex-vivo scans (Fig. 1d and 3). In-vivo rat brain scans for 20 mm coil showed rat size dependent gain of SNR in the range of 40% -60% (Fig. 4). It was found that optimization of the coil size for twofold gain for in-vivo measurements requires the diameter reduction from 20 mm to 18-19 mm for copper coil and to 17 mm for superconducting coil. In the latter case additional gain over copper coil of the same size (17 mm) was obtained for both ex-vivo and in-vivo cases. Our technology allows to acquire high resolution in vivo scans and high SNR of structures deep in the brain, which were only accessible earlier in scans performed ex vivo. The ex vivo scans with a slice thickness of 50 μm are close to the thickness of histological sections. We believe that our existing setup is capable to sample acceptable images with thinner slices, possibly 20-30 μm. This facilitates highly improved comparisons between MRI and histological sections.


This work was supported by Texas Center for Superconductivity.


[1] for review: L. Darrasse et al., Biochimie, 85, p. 915, 2003.

[2] Khare, et al., Superconductive Passive Devices, in Applied Superconductivity : Handbook on Devices and Applications (ed P. Seidel), Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany (2015).

[3] M. Kamel et al., Proc. ISMRM. 15 (2007) p. 327.

[4] J. Wosik et. al, Applied Physics Letters 91, 183503, 2007.

[5] J. Wosik, et al., Proc. ISMRM 22 (2014), p. 4808.

[6] J. Wosik, et al., Proc. ISMRM 20 (2012), p. 438.

[7] C. Wang, and P. E. Gifford, AIP Conf. Proc. 710, 1805 (2004).

[8] P. A. Narayana et al., Psychiatry Res. 2014 March 30; 221(3): 220–230.


Figure 1. Pulsed tube cryogenic probe with G-10 vacuum shroud (a), rat bed with fitted shroud (b), the probe inserted from the back side of the magnet with a position adjustor, frequency and matching tuning rods, helium lines and vacuum hose ( c), SNR (at 65 K-blue, at 295 K-red) vs. depth plots (Bruker Auto_snr macro used).

Figure 2. Plots of the coil frequency, quality factor Q (a) and temperature as a function of time (0-time indicates turn on of the cryocooler) (b). It can be seen that frequency is stabilized after 35-40 minutes since turning on the cryocooler.

Figure 3. Comparison of axial ex-vivo rat brain images acquired at low temperature (65 K) (upper row) and at room temperature (295 K) (lower row). Images from left to right show the following slices: Midbrain, Splenium, 3 mm, and 2 mm posterior to the Bregma.

Figure 4. In vivo axial rat brain images acquired at 295 K (left four) and 65 K (right four). Out of each two groups of four images the upper left displays 2D-RARE (factor 4) the Splenium, and Bregma -3 mm, second row from left Bregma -2 mm, and the right Bregma -1 mm.

Figure 5. Rows 1and 2 display axial RGB-FA maps recorded with an EPI-DTI protocol at the same slice locations as shown and described in Fig. 3. The colors indicate the orientation (in respect to the scanner's bore) of highly anisotropic structures: blue axial, red horizontal, green vertical.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)