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RF coil design for multi-nuclear lung MRI of 19F fluorinated gases and 1H using MEMS
Adam Maunder1, Madhwesha Rao1, Fraser Robb2, and Jim Wild1

1Unit of Academic Radiology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 2GE Healthcare, Aurora, OH, United States


Mutli-nuclear lung MRI using inhaled inert fluorinated 19F gas and 1H provide complementary structural-functional information. The close MR resonance frequencies of the two nuclei preclude the use of dual-tuned coils using trap circuits. Thus, we introduce the use of Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) in a quadrature transmit-receive RF coil to switch between two resonance frequencies of 19F and 1H at 1.5T. Characterization of the additional loss and co-registered imaging of 19F and 1H with a custom-built body sized phantom is demonstrated.


Multi-nuclear MRI of an inhaled inert gases such as 3He, 129Xe and 19F alongside anatomical 1H imaging provides complementary functional and structural information of the lung for quantitative clinical diagnosis1,2. Fluorinated gases have the advantage of being relatively cheap and do not require an optical-pumping polarizer. Multi-tuned RF coils for 3He-129Xe-1H for lung imaging have been demonstrated previously using passive trap circuits3,4. The close resonance frequencies of 19F and 1H (60.06 MHz and 68.83 MHz at 1.5T) make passive/active traps infeasible. A potential solution is by active switching the RF coil between the two resonances5-7.


In this study we investigate using Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) to switch a transmit-receive coil between the 1H and 19F Larmor frequencies. The MEMS (GE Healthcare coils, Aurora, OH, USA) have suitable standoff voltage, isolation impedance and switching time for use in the MRI8 and to actively switch between resonances9. The RF coil was constructed in-house and the electrical design is described along with the characterization of equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the MEMS and associated noise/loss factor.


Two surface-coil loops of dimension 36 cm × 24 cm were designed to operate as a quadrature transmit-receive pair specifically sized for lung imaging as shown in Figure 1. Coils were isolated using a capacitive decoupling network10. The coil topology and matching equation is shown in Figure 1, where Zm is the matched input impedance, Zcoil is the coil input impedance and Cm1,Lm2,Cm3 and Cm4 are matching elements. An external DC power supply was used to switch the MEMS. The coil is tuned to 1H and Cm4 is isolated (off) when the MEMS is open, and tuned to 19F coils when MEMS is closed (short). In a separate experiment, ESR was found by measuring the quality (Q) factor of a resonant loop (15 cm ×15 cm) coil with and without MEMS. A phantom to emulate the human lungs (tissue and air space) was developed for multi-nuclear imaging made up of an outer container filled with 3.6g/ℓ NaCl and 1.96g/ℓ CuSO4⋅5H2O solution and an inner container (8 L) filled with perfluoropropane as shown in Figure 2. RF choke inductors (3.9 nH) were introduced at the MEMS control board and 0.7 m away to prevent induced RF currents. 19F imaging is performed with the following imaging parameters: fast gradient echo sequence, matrix = 32×32, TR=100, TE=1.6, BW=8.06 kHz, FOV=48 cm, slice thickness=100 mm and 5 averages (scan time of 16 s). Pixel intensity ρx,y at each voxel volume (V) location (x,y) in the slice is given by11, ρx,y=αVB1x,yω0M0sin(2πγτB+1x,y) where α is a constant representing system gain, γ is the gyromagnetic ratio, τ is the pulse width, M0 is the longitudinal magnetization and B+1x,y/B1x,y are the transmit and receive sensitivities. The transmitted RF power (peak) was varied linearly from 193 W to 580 W and measured values were fitted to estimate the flip angle, ϕ=2πγτB+1x,y with specified power12. Co-registered 1H imaging was performed with a gradient echo sequence. The Imaging parameters were: TR=200, TE=20, flip angle= 70 , BW=15.63 kHz, FOV=48 cm, slice thickness=20 mm, matrix = 256×256 and 1 average. The imaging parameters of the 19F superimposed fast gradient echo sequence image were: TR=15, TE=1.9, BW=8.06 KHz, FOV=48 cm, slice thickness=100 mm, matrix = 64×64 and 150 averages.


The measured Q factors of the resonant coil are shown in Table 1. The MEMS inherent impedance was 0.41 Ω + 6.6 nH. Zcoil was 21.8-2.3j Ω and 29.6+30.2j Ω at 60.1 MHz and 63.8 MHz respectively. The circuit values used to satisfy matching are Cm1=68pF,Lm2=90nH,Cm3=10pF,Cm4=68pF. The calculated noise factor13 increased from 1.012 to 1.017 when the MEMS ESR was added, assuming capacitors (Cm1,Cm3,Cm4) and inductor (Lm2) have Q factors of 1000 and 100, respectively. The matching and isolation of the coils with MEMS switched on and off are shown in Figure 3. 19F flip angle measurement (contours) superimposed on a 19F image for = 387 W is shown in Figure 4(a). The 19F image superimposed on co-registered 1H image is shown in Figure 4(b).

Discussion and Conclusion

Although ESR for MEMS is similar to PIN diodes (0.2 Ω6), MEMS power consumption is much lower. We have successful demonstrated MEMS are sufficiently robust to switch between multi-nuclear MR imaging of 19F fluorinated gas and 1H using routine imaging sequences. Also, using sample loading dominated transmit-receive dual tuned RF coils the increased loss from the introduced MEMS ESR at frequencies > 60 MHz was negligible. Future studies will evaluate the MEMs in this coil design for human lung imaging.


Daniel Spence (GE Healthcare, Inc.), Michael Czigler (GE Healthcare, Inc.), Marco Aimi (GE Global Research) for providing guidance and support.

This work was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), National Institute for health research (NIHR), Medical Research Council (MRC), General Electric (GE) Healthcare and University of Sheffield Hyperpolarised Imaging Group - POLARIS. The views expressed in this abstract are those of the author and not necessarily those of EPSRC, NHS, NIHR, MRC or the Department of Health.


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Figure 1: The circuit schematic of 19F and 1H switchable RF coil showing dimensions, tuning capacitor values and matching network.

Figure 2: (a) Illustration of phantom used for imaging with the RF coil positioned for imaging and (b) photo of the setup at the scanner.

Table 1: Quality factor of the resonant coil with or without MEMs included in series.

Figure 3: Return loss and isolation between coils in both switched-MEMS closed (red) and un-switched- MEMS open (blue)

Figure 4: (a) Flip angle map superimposed on 19F image and (b) 19F image superimposed on co-registered 1H image.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)