High resolution tract density tract-based spatial statistics and automating fiber-tract quantification analysis in patients suffering from major depressive disorder
Stefan Sommer1,2, Nadja Doerig3,4, Janis Brakowski2, Martin grosse Holtforth5, Sebastian Kozerke1, Erich Seifritz2,4, Simona Spinelli2,4, and Philipp Stämpfli2

1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH and University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Psychiatric Hospital, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Division Neuropsychology, Departement of Psychology, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 4Neuroscience Center, University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 5Department of Psychology, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland


In the last few years, tract base spatial statistics (TBSS) and automating fiber-tract quantification (AFQ) have become prominent tools for analyzing diffusion data in group studies. In this study, we introduce optimized high-resolution tract density (optTD) images and analyze these maps using TBSS and AFQ in patients with major depressive disorders. We show a higher sensitivity in the newly introduced optTD compared to traditional FA analyses. Significant group differences were found using both methods indicating robust findings. High resolution optTD maps derived from optimized tractograms provide a promising tool for investigating white-matter abnormalities in mental disorders.


Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging provides a useful tool to examine structural white matter changes in health and disease. Tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS)1 is a popular tool for the evaluation of diffusion data in group studies. As a quantitative measure, TBSS typically analyses the fractional anisotropy (FA) to find statistically significant group differences, whereby tractography is not explicitly performed. Calamante proposed a method to create super-resolution track-density (TD) maps2 based on diffusion fiber tractograms. Nevertheless, the resulting super resolution TD images seem unfeasible as a quantitative marker due to biases in the tractograms, introduced by seeding strategies or intrinsic tracking algorithm properties. Daducci introduced a Convex Optimization framework called COMMIT3, whereby a local forward model and a global optimization algorithm improve the fit of the tractogram with regard to the measured diffusion signal. This optimization leads to reduced false positive fibers and algorithm specific tracking biases in the tractogram. In this study, we compare optimized TD evaluated using TBSS and tract profiles derived from automating fiber-tract quantification (AFQ) analysis4.


Datasets of 29 unmedicated adult patients suffering from major depressive disorder and 37 healthy controls (age and gender matched) were acquired on a Philips Achieva 3T system. The following scan parameters were used for the diffusion acquisition: TR: 13.4s, TE: 55ms, FOV: 240x240mm2, with 72 contiguous slices, slice thickness: 2mm, acquisition matrix of 120x120, SENSE factor of 2. Diffusion-weighted images were acquired along 32 directions distributed uniformly on a half-sphere with a b-value of 1000 s/mm2 in addition to a b = 0 scan. Additionally, 1mm isotropic T1-weighted structural images were recorded. For each dataset, the diffusion data was corrected for eddy-currents and subject motion using FSL5 and susceptibility induced distortions were reduced by applying the recently proposed INVERSION method6. Whole brain fiber tracking was performed using the constrained spherical deconvolution approach and the iFOD2 algorithm implemented in MRtrix package7. Tissue priors were estimated from T1 images in FSL and used for the anatomically constrained tractography with SIFT inspired dynamic seeding. A total of 2.5 million fibers were generated per subject. Furthermore, each tractogram was optimized with the COMMIT framework using an intra-cellular stick model and two isotropic compartments (CSF, gray matter). The derived fiber weights from COMMIT were used to calculate an optimized high-resolution (1.25mm isotropic) track density for each. TBSS analysis was performed with the FA and optimized track density (optTD) maps. For the optTD map, the skeleton and transformation parameters from the TBSS analysis of the FA images were applied. Results were corrected for multiple comparison (P<.05). Additionally, the optTD was evaluated along the 20 major fiber bundles using the AFQ framework. To check the optimization quality of the COMMIT framework, fit errors were also evaluated using AFQ.


The TBSS results of the FA did not reveal any significant group differences, whereas the optTD showed multiple significant clusters, predominantly in the left hemisphere, where the patient group exhibits a larger optTD compared to the control group. Overlapping results from TBSS and AFQ analyses are shown in Figure 1 and 2. Fit errors from the COMMIT optimization did not show any significant group differences in the AFQ analysis.


The FA maps did not show any significant changes between the two groups, whereas the optTD was sensitive to group differences in TBSS and AFQ analyses. Both evaluation methods have limitations, such as normalization errors and back-projection step for TBSS and fiber segmentation accuracy for AFQ. Therefore, the overlapping significant clusters hint to a rather robust group difference, compared to results derived from a single analysis. The optTD is reported as absolute values but is highly dependent on the acquisition protocol and the used fiber-forward model in the optimization.


We showed a high sensitivity in the newly introduced optTD compared to the FA in this particular example. Significant group differences were found using TBSS and AFQ analyses indicating robust findings. High resolution maps derived from tractograms provide promising novel contrasts to investigate white matter abnormalities in mental disorders.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Smith, S., et al. Tract-based spatial statistics: voxelwise analysis of multi-subject diffusion data. NeuroImage, 2006:31;1487-505.

2. Calamante F., et al. Track-density imaging (TDI): Super-resolution white matter imaging using whole-brain track-density mapping. NeuroImage, 2010;53:1233-43.

3. Daducci, A., et al. COMMIT: Convex Optimization Modeling for Microstructure Informed Tractography. IEEE, 2015:34;246-57.

4. Yeatman, J., et al. Tract Profiles of White Matter Properties: Automating Fiber-Tract Quantification. PloS one, 2012:7;e49790.

5. Jenkinson, M., et al. Improved optimization for the robust and accurate linear registration and motion correction of brain images. Neuroimage, 2002:17;825–41.

6. Bhushan C., et al. Co-registration and distortion correction of diffusion and anatomical images based on inverse contrast normalization. Neuroimage, 2015:115;269-80.

7. Tournier, J-D, et al. https://github.com/MRtrix3/mrtrix3 2012


Figure 1 shows significant TBSS results of the optTD in blue (P<.02) overlaid onto a fiber probability map of the Left Arcuate Fascicule. The ROIs depict the start and end points of the cropped AFQ fibers. In the diagram, the optTD values along the left Arcuate Fascicule is depicted (red patient, blue control). The light gray area highlights the significant bundle area resulting from the AFQ analysis (P<.05). The location of the significant cluster is indicated by the crosshair on the anatomy.

Figure 2 shows significant TBSS results of the optTD in blue (P<.02) overlaid onto a fiber probability map of the Left Corticospinal Tract. The ROIs depict the start and end points of the cropped AFQ fibers. In the diagram, the optTD values along the left Corticospinal Tract is depicted (red patient, blue control). The light gray area highlights the significant bundle area resulting from the AFQ analysis (P<.05).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)