Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) in the
capillaries reflects capillary geometry and flow velocity, which may be probed
by diffusion MRI measured at varying diffusion times. In this study, we
employed flow-compensated pulsed and oscillating gradient sequences to
investigate the diffusion time dependence of pseudo-diffusion in the mouse
brain with diffusion times ranging from 2.5 ms to 40 ms. We used a simplified
IVIM model to characterize the pseudo-diffusion compartment and flow
compartment based on the relation between capillary segments and diffusion
time/distance. Our results clearly demonstrated diffusion time dependence and
suggested that the pseudo-diffusion fraction increased with increasing diffusion
MRI signals acquired from biological tissues reflect intra-cellular and extra-cellular
water diffusion as well as certain microcirculatory flow that mimics diffusion.
The latter, commonly called pseudo-diffusion, is a major focus of intra-voxel
incoherent motion (IVIM) imaging
1, which provides unique information
about blood perfusion in the capillaries and small vessels
2,3. It is
also suggested
1 that the observed IVIM signals may be linked to the
relation between the vascular segment length and the diffusion distance/time. Recently,
Wetscherek et al. demonstrated diffusion time dependency of pseudo-diffusion
in the liver and pancreas
4. In this study, we investigated the
contribution of pseudo-diffusion on diffusion MRI signals in the brain over a relatively
wide range of diffusion times using flow compensated
4,5 pulsed
gradient spin-echo (PGSE) and oscillating gradient spin-echo (OGSE)
Theory: Two types of microcirculatory flow were brought up
by Le Bihan et al1. When the diffusion time is long enough for
microcirculatory flow to pass through multiple vascular segments (type 1), the
signal attenuation can be modeled as F1 = e-D*·b, where D* is the pseudo-diffusion coefficient. When the diffusion time is
short enough such that microcirculatory flow does not pass through one vascular
segment (type 2), we have
F2 = |sinc(cv)|·e-Dblood·b, where c is the first order moment of the diffusion gradient waveform and Dblood is the self-diffusion
of the water molecules in the blood8. For flow compensated pulsed and oscillating gradient waveforms, the first order moment is zero (c = 0), and we have
F2 = e-Dblood·b (Dblood
≈1.6 x 10-3 mm2/s)4, and the signal attenuations from
microcirculatory flow and diffusion become
SS0=f1⋅e−D∗(ω)⋅b+f2⋅e−Dblood⋅b+(1−f1−f2)⋅e−D(ω)⋅b Equation 1
MRI experiments: Experiments
were performed on an 11.7T Bruker scanner. A flow phantom (water in a
thin tube connected to an infusion pump with flow rates at 0, 2, and 4 mm/s)
was used to test flow compensation. PGSE
and OGSE data of mouse brains (n=7) were acquired at 16 b-values (25-1000 s/mm2) with the following parameters: single-shot EPI, TE/TR = 58/3000ms, NA=4, 5
slices with in-plane resolution = 0.2 x 0.2 mm2 and thickness of 1 mm. The OGSE data were acquired at 50Hz and 100Hz oscillating frequencies, and the FC-PGSE data were acquired with gradient duration (T in
Figure 1A) of 10 ms and 20 ms. A conventional PGSE was acquired at diffusion time
of 40 ms (assuming type 2 flow is negligible at 40 ms in the mouse brain). The model parameters [f1, f2, D*(ω)]
were estimated in Matlab using non-linear fitting, while D(ω) was calculated by log-linear fit from data with b-values greater than 300 s/mm2.
implemented flow compensated PGSE
4 (FC-PGSE) sequence and
cosine-trapezoid OGSE
7 sequence (Fig. 1A) to measure IVIM at a range
of diffusion times. Phantom data (Fig. 1B) showed that FC-PGSE and OGSE ADC
measurements at b = 200 s/mm
2 remained unchanged as flow rate increased from 0 to 4 mm/s, whereas
conventional PGSE ADC measurements increased rapidly. Based
on Equation 1, non-linear fitting
was performed at five diffusion times (Δ=2.5ms and 5ms
from OGSE at frequencies of 50Hz and 100Hz, FC-PGSE with durations of
T=10 ms and 20ms, and Δ=40ms from
conventional PGSE). The fitting results showed the pseudo-diffusion fraction (
f1) from IVIM model 1
increased with increasing diffusion time (Fig. 2A-B). The average
f1 (n=7) in the center slices
(three slices as shown Fig. 2A, excluding the ventricle) increased from 0.037±0.002
to 0.049±0.005 as the diffusion time increased from 2.5ms to 40ms. The difference associated
with diffusion times was significant with p-value=5.3x10
-7 based on
one-way ANOVA. In low b-value regime, the overall diffusion signals decreased as diffusion time increased (Fig. 3C), consistent with the increase of
Discussion and conclusion
In this study, we investigated the diffusion
time dependency of pseudo-diffusion in the mouse brain. We adopted a compartmental IVIM model considering
both types of microcirculatory flow
1. By employing flow compensated PGSE and OGSE sequences,
the model can be simplified (Equation 1) with
c=0, and a series of measurements from very short to
long diffusion times can be acquired. The fitting results support
our hypothesis that as the diffusion time increases, higher fraction of microcirculatory
flow falls into type1 (flow across several segments) rather than type2
(flow within one segment). More sophisticated models may be needed for microcirculatory flow in the transit state between type 1 and type 2. The changes in
IVIM signals with diffusion time potentially reflects the micro-vasculature geometry
and could be useful to study change in capillary segments and associated
vasculature pathology, e.g., abundant and aberrant vasculature in tumor
No acknowledgement found.References
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