Eighty-one patients with historically confirmed PCa
underwent two repeated 3T DWI examinations performed using 14 b-values in the
range of 0-500 s/mm2 and diffusion time of 19.004 ms. Various fitting methods
for IVIM and mathematical models were evaluated in the terms of fitting quality
(Akaike information criteria), repeatability, and Gleason score prediction. Monoexponential
model demonstrated the highest repeatability and clinical values
in the regions-of-interest based
analysis of PCa DWI, b-values
in the range of 0-500 s/mm2.Purpose
Our aim was to
evaluate different fitting methods for intravoxel incoherent motion imaging
model (IVIM) (1) and compare these methods with the monoexponential,
kurtosis, and stretched exponential models/functions in the terms of fitting
quality, repeatability, and prediction of prostate cancer (PCa) aggressiveness
Eighty-one patients with histologically confirmed PCa underwent two
MR examinations on the same day performed using a 3T MR scanner (Ingenuity
PET/MR, Philips, Cleveland, USA). The
DWI was performed using a single shot SE-EPI sequence, monopolar
diffusion gradient scheme, and the following parameters: TR/TE 1394/44
ms, FOV 250x250 mm2, acquisition matrix size 124x124, reconstruction
matrix size 256x256, slice thickness 5.0 mm, no intersection gaps, diffusion
gradient timing (Δ) 21.204 ms, diffusion
gradient duration (δ) 6.600 m, SENSE factor of 2, partial-Fourier acquisition
0.69, SPAIR fat suppression, NSA 2, b values 0, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 14, 18, 23, 28,
50, 100, 300, 500 s/mm2,
acquisition time 3 minutes 45 seconds. The mean signal intensity of squared
shaped ROI (4.89x4.89x5.00 mm3), placed in the center of PCa area, peripheral
zone (PZ), and central gland (CG), was fitted. The IVIM biexponential equation
(Eq. 1) was fitted using the following five different fitting methods:
S(b)=S0(fe−bDp+(1−f)e−bDf) Eq. 1
1. “Full method”: All four parameters (S0,
Dp, Df, f) were derived using least square fitting method, in-house written C++ code, utilizing Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno
(BFGS) algorithm (2) in dlib library (3).
2. “Segmented method”: In the
first step, the monoexponential equation (Eq. 2) was used to derive Df
parameter value by fitting signal intensities in the range 100 - 500 s/mm2.
S(b)=S0e−bDf Eq. 2
In the second step, the Df
parameter value from the first
step was inserted into the biexponential equation and the remaining three
parameters (S0, Dp, f) were fitted.
3. “Over-segmented method” (4, 5): The first step
consisted of fitting signal intensities of
b values equal to or higher than 100 s/mm2 with the monoexponential model (Eq.2) identically to
the first step of the “segmented method”.
In the second step, the extrapolated signal of the fitted
monoexponential model was used to estimate f according to the equation 3:
f=(S0−intercept)/S0 Eq.3
, where the intercept is the S0 estimated from the eq. 2
In the last step the Df and f parameter values from the first and
second step, respectively, were inserted into the biexponential equation (Eq.1)
and the remaining 2 parameters (S0, Dp) were fitted.
4. “Semi-continuous multi-exponential method ” (6-8): This fitting method
utilizes Non-negative least Squares (NNLS). The assumption is that the decay
curve is composed of multiple mono exponential components each with different
fraction of contribution to the decay curve extracted by NNLS. Accordingly,
arbitrarily number of coefficient between 0.1 and 1000 μm2/ms were
chosen to derive the diffusion distribution spectrum of the signal decay curve.
Fraction f was determined from the spectrum by calculating the ratio of the
integral between 10-100 μm2/ms and the total integral.
S(b)=N∑if(ADCi).e−bADCi Eq.4
5. “Simplified IVIM Model” (9): The biexponential function
was modeled using delta function (Dirac delta function, d). Diffusion signal decay
reduces to a mono-exponential function for all non-zero b-values:
S(b)=S0(fδ(b)+(1−f)e−bDf) Eq. 5
In addition to the IVIM fitting methods the
following mathematical models/functions were fitted:
1. Monoexponential model (10):
S(b)=S0(e−bADCm) Eq. 6
2. Kurtosis model (11):
S(b)=S0(e−bADCk+16b2ADC2kK) Eq. 7
3. Stretched exponential model (12, 13):
S(b)=S0(e−(bADCs)α) Eq. 8
The fitting quality was
evaluated using corrected Akaike
information criteria difference (ΔAICc) (14) while the repeatability of the fitted
parameters was evaluated using coefficient of repeatability (CR) and Intraclass
Correlation Coefficient (ICC) values (15), specifically ICC(3,1). Receiver
operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis was used to evaluate ability of
the fitted parameters (17 parameters in total) to discriminate PCa with Gleason
score of 3+3 from those with Gleason score of >3+3. Spearman correlation
coefficient (ρ) values were calculated between the fitted
parameters and the Gleason score groups (n=3).
Based on ΔAICc the monoexponential model was the
preferred model over all of the remaining models/functions and IVIM fitting
methods in PCa, PZ and CG (Figure 1). The CR, ICC(3,1), AUC, and ρ values of ADC parameters (ADC
m, ADC
k) were similar to the D
f parameters estimated using
all of the IVIM fitting methods (Figure 3). In contrast all f and Dp
parameters demonstrated low repeatability (CR, ICC(3,1) values) and diagnostic
performance (AUC and ρ values).
Monoexponential model demonstrated the highest
repeatability and clinical performance
in the regions-of-interest based analysis of PCa DWI
obtained using b values in the range of 0-500 .
No acknowledgement found.References
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