Suchandrima Banerjee1, David Aramburu-Nunez2, Ramesh Paudyal2, Thomas Chenevert3, Michael Boss4, and Amita Shukla-Dave2,5
1Global MR Applications & Workflow, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States, 2Department of Medical Physics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, United States, 3Department of Radiology, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 4Applied Physics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO, United States, 5Department of Radiology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, United States
The benefits of reduced
field-of-view (rFOV) imaging with the single-shot echoplanar diffusion sequence
such as lower distortion and better discrimination of tumor from benign tissue have been demonstrated in several anatomies. In most of these published works, lower
ADC was reported using rFOV compared to the standard full FOV (fFOV) method,
irrespective of the technique by which rFOV was achieved. In this work we
conducted controlled experiments in 3 phantoms to avoid some of the confounding
factors present in vivo and
investigated if there is a systemic underestimation of ADC in rFOV DWI compared
to fFOV DWI. Target Audience:
MR physicists and clinicians interested in diffusion and quantitative imaging
benefit of reduced field-of-view (rFOV) imaging with the single-shot echoplanar
diffusion sequence with regard to lower distortion and better discrimination of
tumor from benign tissue has been demonstrated in several anatomies [1-5]. In
most of these publications, lower Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) was also
reported using rFOV compared to the standard full FOV (fFOV) method,
irrespective of the technique by which rFOV was achieved [6-8]. In cases where
rFOV and fFOV were acquired at the same resolution, distortion was lower in the
former, and could have contributed to measurement differences especially at
tissue boundaries. In cases where rFOV was acquired at a higher spatial
resolution, less partial voluming in heterogeneous tissue environment could
have contributed to lower/ “truer representation” of ADC in rFOV images. On
the other hand, lower SNR due to a smaller excitation volume could also have
caused ADC underestimation [9]. A thorough quantitative study
is needed to establish one to one correspondence in diffusion measurements between
the two approaches that would going forward allow, for example, inclusion of
both rFOV and fFOV data in longitudinal studies. As a first step we conducted controlled
rFOV vs. fFOV experiments at 2 field strengths and three phantoms to
investigate if rFOV scans inherently yield lower ADC values.
A Sphere Phantom (GE, Waukesha,
WI) doped with CuSO4 at room temperature and the new National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) and RSNA-QIBA ice-water diffusion phantom were
used for 3T experiments. The ice-water phantom is constructed of varying
concentrations of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in aqueous solution to generate
physiologically relevant ADC values at 0 °C; the vials are arranged
in different positions (c=central; o=outer; i=inner) to sample any spatial
dependence of ADC [10]. Scans were acquired on a GE MR 3.0T system (Discovery
MR750, Waukesha, WI) with a 12 channel receive array using the standard fFOV EPI DWI
and FOCUS, where a 2D spatially selective excitation is used to limit the phase FOV (pfov) extent [3]. FOCUS scans were acquired with pfov factors of 1 and 0.5. A FOCUS
pfov = 0.5 scan was additionally acquired with 2 averages, to have “equivalent”
SNR as fFOV scans. All other scan parameters were
kept identical between acquisitions (FOV=24cm, Slice thickness=5mm/5mmgap, in-plane: 1.875x1.875 mm
2, TR/TE=8000/63 ms, b-value =0 and 1000
2). Scans were also acquired in a 4 cylinder phantom (GE,
Waukesha,WI) constructed of cylinders having relaxation properties similar to
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (agarose gel doped with .08 mM CuS0
4), grey matter
(GM) (.9 mM NiCl
2) , white matter (WM) (2 mM NiCl
2) and skull fat (vegetable oil) on a GE 1.5T system
(Discovery MR450W, Waukesha, WI) using a 12 channel receive array. These acquisitions also consisted of standard fFOV EPI
and FOCUS sequences (FOV=18cm, Slice thickness=4mm/1mm gap, in-plane
resolution=1.4x1.4 mm
2, TR/TE=4000/66 ms, b value= 0 and 1000 s/mm
with 1 average for all except the last FOCUS scan, similar to 3T.
Measurements were in close agreement between all
the acquisitions in the GE sphere (Figure 1) and the ice-water phantom (Figure
2) at 3T. In the ice-water phantom, distortion was expectedly much lower in the
FOCUS pfov=0.5 scans due to shorter readout, compared to fFOV as seen in Figure
2. Regions of interest for ADC analysis were placed away from vial boundaries
as much as possible, to minimize effects of distortion on the measurements. In
the 4 cylinder phantom, there was small underestimation in ADC measurements obtained
from FOCUS pfov=0.5 images compared to fFOV, which was virtually eliminated in the
“SNR matched” FOCUS pfov=0.5 scan (Figure 3).
Unlike in 3T
experiments, FOCUS pfov=0.5 images were in the low SNR regime at 1.5T, such that
noise bias created an underestimation in ADC values that was removed in the
“SNR matched” FOCUS pfov=0.5 scan. This could also explain why the biggest measurement
difference was in WM, which had the lowest SNR of the CSF, GM and WM cylinders,
due to its shortest T2 relaxation time.
Our initial
observations indicate that rFOV diffusion methods do not inherently yield lower
ADC values. But users wishing to combine and compare metrics obtained from rFOV
and fFOV acquisitions should give careful consideration
to choice of scan parameters such as number of averages and optimal b value.
For a more complete investigation, experiments would have to be conducted on
phantoms with diffusion properties, other factors such as higher spatial
resolution would have to be explored, and a wide range of scalar and tensor
diffusion metrics would have to be analyzed.
No acknowledgement found.References
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Chenevert T, Attariwala R, Shukla-Dave
A, Jackson E, Amaro E, accepted to RSNA 2015