Gerd Melkus1,2, Santanu Chakraborty1,2, and Fahad A Essbaiheen 1,2,3
1Medical Imaging, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2Radiology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 3King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) was found as a useful method
to evaluate neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. For QSM reconstruction
background field removed phase data is needed, but for retrospective studies
only high-pass filtered data might be available. In this study we analyzed the
influence of different high-pass filtered phase images on the susceptibility assessment
for volunteers and Parkinson’s disease patients and compared the results to QSM estimation using
background field removed phase data. With
increasing high-pass filter strength consistently
lower susceptibility results, but up to a certain filter strength differences
in susceptibility can still be distinguished.Purpose
Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is an emerging post-processing
technique that uses gradient echo phase images to calculate the tissue magnetic
susceptibility and it was found as a valuable method to characterize diseases
such as Parkinson’s disease (PD)
1,2. It was also shown that Susceptibility
Weighted Imaging (SWI) is useful to evaluate neurodegenerative diseases, but
susceptibility quantification is hindered by the non-locality and orient
dependency of high-pass filtered phase images
3,4. For retrospective
studies, QSM might be obtained from available magnitude and vendor-provided
high-pass filtered phase images of SWI. The
purpose of this study is to estimate to what extent current QSM values may be
affected when using vendor-provided high-pass filtered phase data. We analyzed
the influence of different high-pass filtered phase images on the
susceptibility assessment and compared the results to quantitative
susceptibility estimation using a background field removed phase data.
All MRI experiments were performed at 3 Tesla (Siemens Trio, Siemens
Medical, Erlangen, Germany) using a 32-channel head-coil. Flow compensated 3D multi gradient
echo images were acquired on five volunteers and seven PD patients with the
following parameters: TR = 44ms, TEs = 4.6, 11.2, 18.0, 24.8, 31.6, 38.4ms, α = 20°,
FOV = 200 x 200mm
2, matrix = 256 x 256, resolution = 0.75 x 0.75mm
slice thickness = 1.5mm, number of slices = 80. Magnitude and phase data were
stored on the scanner. Post processing of the data at TE = 18ms was performed
in Matlab (Matlab 2014a, The MathWorks) in the following steps: (1) phase
unwrapping, (2) high-pass filtering using different filter strengths (ranging
from 0.01 to 0.3 of 3dB cutoff point, (Fig. 1)) and (3) susceptibility estimation
using the iLSQR
5 method (an algorithm for sparse linear equations
and sparse least squares) available from the STISuite toolbox
6. As
reference, QSM post-processing was performed using a background field removal method
(the V-SHARP algorithm
7) and susceptibility quantification applying
iLSQR. Region of interest (ROIs) were draw in the red nucleus (RN) and the substantia
nigra (SN) and the results for the two subject groups were compared for the
different high-pass filtered images.
Fig. 1 shows the eight different high-pass filter used in this analysis
(from h=0.01 (the weakest) to h=0.3 (the strongest)). Fig. 2a shows the
original phase, Fig. 2b the phase after phase unwrapping. The purple rectangle
in Fig. 2c displays the SN/RN region of the brain for which the results of the
remaining sub-figures of Fig. 2 are shown. Fig. 2d-g shows the phase images
after different high-pass filter are applied. With increasing filter strength
from h=0.025 to h=0.3 the phase is reduced for larger tissues (like SN and RN),
the contours of the object remain. A similar trend can be seen for the
calculated susceptibility using these high-pass filtered images (Fig. 2h-k).
The results of the ROI analysis in SN and RN (Fig. 3a) can be seen in Fig. 3b
and c, respectively. The calculated susceptibility values are in both tissues
decreasing with increasing high-pass filter strength. While for the RN no
significant difference was found between the PD and the control group, the SN
showed a significant difference between both groups for susceptibility
calculation using the background field removed phase and a high-pass filter
up to h=0.05. Fig. 4 shows a comparison between a high-pass filtered phase
image provided by the vendor (Fig. 4a) and using a high pass filter h=0.05 (Fig.
4b) on two different subjects. These images appear visually similar, though
actual filter parameters used by the vendor are not known.
This study evaluated the effect of different high-pass filtered
phase images on the outcome of the susceptibility estimation for two different brain
tissues (SN and RN) in PD and controls. The analysis showed, that the
quantification using high-pass filtered susceptibility estimation resulted in
consistently lower susceptibility values, but significant differences in the
susceptibility could be detected up to a certain filter strength (here h=0.05
for the SN). For analyzing susceptibility differences in a retrospective study,
where only the magnitude and the high-pass filter phase data is available, the
high-pass filter strength needs to be evaluated and the effect of the filter
needs to be considered.
increasing strength of the high-pass filter results in consistently lower susceptibility values in SN and RN. Up to a
certain filter strength (here h=0.05) differences in susceptibility can still
be distinguished. However, as the vendor provided images visually appear close
to our h=0.05 images, retrospective QSM reconstruction using vendor-provided
SWI data will likely yield fair estimate of susceptibility.
No acknowledgement found.References
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