Michael N Hoff1, Swati R Levendovszky1, and Jalal B Andre1
1Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States
Cerebral blood flow (CBF) may be
quantified using pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL),
but pCASL suffers from image distortion due to its long echo planar imaging
(EPI) readout. Phase labeling for additional coordinate encoding (PLACE) is
employed here to remove distortion. EPI images and pCASL subtraction images
show improved spatial accuracy when compared to a T1-weighted, anatomical
reference image. This results in
improved accuracy in CBF quantification, which could potentially improve the assessment
of disease-specific patterns indicated by regional CBF abnormalities.Purpose
spin labeling (ASL) offers a non-invasive method of quantifying cerebral blood flow
(CBF), an important marker of autoregulatory function
1. Traditional ASL acquistions use echo planar imaging
(EPI) readouts, which suffer from image distortion due to susceptibility
2. The ensuing signal mislocalization
compromises the utility of ASL to accurately assess disease-specific patterns
of regional CBF abnormalities. Phase
labeling for additional coordinate encoding (PLACE) removes image distortion
and Nyquist ghosting in ASL without requiring further data acquisition, and has
been successfully employed in animal studies
4. Our goal is to extend this approach to human
studies, with the hope of increasing the diagnostic and clinical value of ASL
by improving the spatial localization of CBF measurements.
PLACE pulse sequence
modification: PLACE encoding was achieved by adding gradient
areas along the PE direction of odd EPI dynamics (even dynamics
were unchanged).
Experiment: Images were acquired of four subjects (one is shown) using a 16-channel
head receiver coil and clinical protocols on a 3T Philips Ingenia scanner. A pseudo-continuous ASL (pCASL5)
preparation was employed, with a post-labeling delay (PLD) = 2s, and a label
duration (τ) = 1.8s.
The acquisition comprised of 30 dynamics - each with an interleaved control
and label acquisition - using a single-shot 2D EPI readout with flip angle = 90°, TR/TE = 5000/23.5 ms, and 71/72/20
matrix size and 2.9/2.9/5 mm voxel size along frequency/phase/slice directions. A 4-dynamic reference “M0” EPI image with identical readout and TR but without label
preparation was acquired for CBF quantification. T1-weighted spin-echo reference images were
also acquired with 256/205/30 matrix size along frequency/phase/slice
PLACE Postprocessing: Figure 1 displays how the PLACE distortion/displacement
map is generated. PLACE gradients generate
phase ramps along the image PE direction of each odd EPI dynamic (Fig. 1c). Complex image products “C” were formed from
each odd dynamic (Fig. 1c) and the conjugate of its neighbouring, even dynamic
(Fig. 1b). The phase of C is the phase
difference between even and odd dynamics, which is directly proportional to the
true signal position3 (Fig. 1d).
Figure 1e shows the displacement
map C′ with flattened phase that was generated by applying a linear phase ramp in
opposition to the phase ramp in C. Sub-pixel
interpolation was addressed by expanding (x25) and smoothing C′, and then using
the phase of C′ (Fig. 1e) to map expanded and distorted control, label, and M0 magnitude
image pixels to their undistorted locations.
These corrected images were then rebinned to original size.
Quantificaton: Distorted and
distortion-corrected label and control images were corrected for motion
artifact in FSL 5.0, and then registered to the corresponding averaged M0
images. Next, subtraction images △M (control – label) were
calculated using a sliding window approach
for improved SNR. Quantitative CBF maps were obtained using Equation (1),
where T1,blood = 1.65s, the blood-brain
partition coefficient λ = 0.9, and the labeling efficiency
α = 0.856. Finally, coronal and sagittal reformats of
the CBF maps were generated.
four subjects’ pCASL images showed similar distortion correction, although
only the subject shown included acquisition of M0 data and quantification of
CBF. The
green dotted line in Fig. 2 indicates common regions of the subject over several
images, with a T1-weighted image used for reference. Red
arrows indicate image distortion in the uncorrected single-dynamic EPI image
and ASL difference map. Corresponding PLACE-corrected images do not
show these distortions, and conform well to the anatomical T1-weighted
reference image. Figure 3 depicts the
uncorrected and PLACE-corrected quantitative CBF maps of the subject in three
projections. Axial images and their coronal and sagittal reformats indicate
differences in pixel-by-pixel flow quantification following distortion correction.
The results show eliminated distortion with PLACE in both the acquired EPI scans and in the final quantified CBF
maps. This correction permits accurate
quantification of CBF, and requires minimal modification to the pulse
sequence. Since pCASL already employs
multiple dynamics to ensure sufficient SNR, PLACE does not require additional
image acquisition, since associated gradients may be added to any of the
dynamics. Further studies will investigate
the effects of flow on PLACE-correction and subsequent CBF quantification.
use of PLACE to correct distortion in pCASL provides a useful tool for accurate
localization of CBF-weighted signal, and may in general improve the clinical applicability
of ASL.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Buxton et
al., MRM, 40:383-96, 1998.
2. Wu WC
et al., MRM, 58:1020-1027, 2007.
3. Xiang Q-S & Ye FQ, MRM, 57:731-741, 2007.
4. Lu HB et al., MRM, 64:1557-1566, 2010.
5. Garcia
DM et al., Proc. ISMRM, 05, 2005.
Alsop DC et al., MRM, 73:102-116, 2015.