Gabrielle Fournet1,2, Luisa Ciobanu1, Jing Rebecca Li2, Alex Cerjanic3, Brad Sutton3, and Denis Le Bihan1
1CEA Saclay/Neurospin, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2INRIA Saclay, Palaiseau, France, 3Beckman Institute of Advanced Science and Technology, Urbana, IL, United States
Incoherent Motion (IVIM) imaging allows to extract perfusion parameters from a
series of diffusion weighted images. We show that the standard mono-exponential
model used to describe the IVIM signal can be improved by switching to a
bi-exponential model. Multiple diffusion time rat brain images were acquired at
7T and compared to numerical simulations of blood flow through the
microvascular network. Our results demonstrate that the bi-exponential model better
describes the data especially at short diffusion times and suggest that the
IVIM signal comprises the contributions from two different vascular pools: small
vessels (capillaries) and medium sized-vessels.Introduction
First introduced
by Le Bihan et al. in 1988
1, IntraVoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM)
imaging is used to measure perfusion via the acquisition of a series of
diffusion weighted images. The standard IVIM mono-exponential model assumes
that the DWI signal at low b-values is attenuated from blood flowing in a pseudo-random
capillary network. However, vessels such as small arterioles or venules might also
contribute to the IVIM effect. We have acquired experimental data at 3
different “diffusion” times and performed numerical simulations to check
whether the IVIM signal is really mono-exponential (reflecting a single
vascular pool) or might reflect the presence of another vascular pool using a
bi-exponential IVIM model.
MRI acquisitions
Twelve Dark Agouti rats were
imaged under isoflurane on a 7T MRI scanner. Diffusion images were acquired
with a PGSE sequence using 30 b-values ([7-2600]s/mm²). The acquisition
parameters were set as follows: 3 gradient directions [1,1,1], [0,1,0] and [0,0,1],
diffusion gradient duration δ=3ms and separation time ∆=14,
24 or 34ms, in-plane resolution 250x250μm², 1 segment, TE/TR=45/1000ms, 6
averages, 6 repetitions, 2 slices.
Data analysis
For each value of Δ, the raw signal was averaged over the 3 directions
(assuming isotropy) and 6 repetitions in two ROIs each encompassing the 2
slices (Fig.1) placed on the left cortex (LC) and left thalamus (LT). The
signal was modeled using a IVIM/Kurtosis model (Eq.1).
SS0=(1−fIVIM)FDiff+fIVIMFIVIM [1.a.]
with FDiff=exp(−bADC0+(bADC0)2K6) [1.b.]
and FIVIM=exp(−bD∗) [1.c.]
or FIVIM=fslowexp(−bD∗slow)+ffastexp(−bD∗fast) [1.d.]
where SS0 is
the measured MR signal, FDiff and FIVIM are the diffusion and IVIM components
respectively, b is
the b-value of the sequence with diffusion encoding gradients of duration δ and separation ∆, ADC0 is the tissue apparent diffusion coefficient
obtained when b approaches 0, K is the Kurtosis, fIVIM is the total IVIM blood volume
fraction, ffast and fslow are the volume fractions of the fast and slow vascular
components, respectively, D∗fast and D∗slow are the corresponding pseudo-diffusion
coefficients and D∗ is the pseudo-diffusion coefficient of the
standard IVIM model.
The signal was first fitted
for diffusion for b>500s/mm² (Eq.1.b) then the diffusion component was
extrapolated for b<500s/mm² and subtracted from the raw signal. The residual
IVIM signal was fitted with the mono- and bi-exponential models (Eq.1.c-d).
Numerical simulations
signals coming from blood flowing through microvascular networks were
numerically simulated. The blood vessels were described as segments connected
to one another (with no bifurcations) and characterized by Gaussian
distributions of lengths, 50±50µm and blood flow velocities, vmean±σv with vmean=[0.5-12]mm/s and σv=[0.05-1]xvmean. A dictionary of signals was then
generated by combining pairs of signals corresponding to two different velocity
distributions. This dictionary was used to find the
best match with the data keeping the same fslow-value found from fitting with the bi-exponential
model and imposing constant vmean and σv for all Δ.
F_{IVIM}=f_{slow} S_{Simu/slow} (v_{slow},σ_{v_{slow}})+f_{fast}
S_{Simu/fast}( v_{fast},σ_{v_{fast}}) [2]
Statistical analysis
The corrected Akaike information
criterion (AICc) was calculated for the two models to assess
goodness of fit2. The statistical analyses were conducted using the R software3.
A p-value<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Fig.1 shows experimental data
fitted with the two models for the two ROIs for Δ=24ms.
c was significantly smaller for the bi-exponential model than the
mono-exponential model (Wilcoxon signed rank test, p-value<0.0001). The
difference in AIC
c between the 2 models increased when Δ decreased
for both ROIs suggesting that the bi-exponential model is especially
appropriate for shorter diffusion times (Fig.2). Fig.3, gathering the boxplots of
D_{slow}^* and
D_{fast}^* against Δ
reveals a significant increase in
D_{slow}^* with the diffusion time but no clear dependence for
D_{fast}^*. The
dependence of
on the diffusion time was also confirmed by
numerical simulations. By matching the
simulated signals to experimental data, we obtain
=1.5±0.5mm/s and
v_{fast}=4.5±2.8mm/s (Fig.4).
Discussion and conclusion
Our study confirms that a bi-exponential IVIM model better describes DWI data at low b-values, especially at short diffusion times, suggesting
a contribution from two vascular pools. At long diffusion times, D_{slow}^* approaches D_{fast}^*
leading to
the merging of the two exponentials into the classical IVIM mono-exponential
model. This trend is consistent with results obtained from numerical simulations.
The blood velocities for the slow and fast pools matching the experimental data
with simulated signal dictionaries suggest that those pools correspond,
respectively, to capillaries4 and small-size arterioles, perhaps between terminal
and pial vessels5,6. In conclusion, the
bi-exponential IVIM representation introduced here is coherent with the known microvascular
architecture and has the potential to provide a more complete and accurate
picture of cerebral blood flow than previous models.
The authors wish to thank Boucif
Djemai and Erwan Selingue for their excellent technical assistance. The
research was supported by the ANR/NIH Grant ANR-13-NEUC-0002-01.References
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