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Quantitative MRI explorations of the hyaluronan-based extracellular matrix in brain tissues
Riccardo Metere1, Markus Morawski2, Carsten Jäger2, and Harald E. Möller1

1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2Paul Flechsig Institute for Brain Research, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany


The tissue composition of the brain can be related to different contrast sources in quantitative MRI. Particularly, myelin and iron are considered to be major sources of MRI contrast, with strong correlation to T1 and T2, respectively. However, other components, may also play a role in contrast generation. In this work, we present experiments in post-mortem human brain specimens to disentangle the potential contribution of the hyaluronan-based extracellular matrix from other contrast sources in quantitative relaxation maps. This was achieved by comparing images of digested and undigested samples that were otherwise subject to the same environmental conditions.


Quantitative MRI is believed to be a promising technique to investigate the tissue microstructure of the brain. Particularly, it was proposed that myelin and iron could be quantified using T1 and T2 maps [1]. However, other tissue components may also influence the MR signal, including the ExtraCellular Matrix (ECM). Previously, it was shown that ECM impacts quantitative MRI both in synthetic samples [2] and connective tissues [3,4].

The ECM of brain tissues is composed primarily of hyaluronan polymer chains anchored to the membrane of the cells and provides a scaffold for proteoglycans and other specialized structures that have a strong negative charge and are believed to determine its physiological function [5,6].

Recently it was proposed that the digestion of the ECM may lead to measurable changes in T1 and T2 mapping [7]. To investigate the origin of this effect, we performed experiments where two human brain samples were imaged simultaneously: one was processed for ECM removal while the other one was used as reference.


The hyaluronan-based ECM of the CNS, and also the specialized neuronal ECM of PNs, can be effectively removed by enzymatic digestion, which is believed to disassemble the macromolecular ECM scaffold, as shown in Fig. 1. Two post-mortem sample, fixed with 4% ParaFormAldehyde (PFA), of approx. 40×20×5mm3 from the left and right thalamus region (Fig. 2) of a deceased male donor (TBC age: 82yr, COD: colon carcinona, with no neuropathological abnormalities) were measured before and after treatment.

The samples were stored in a 0.1M, pH 7.4 PBS solution at 4\;\mathrm{°C}. Digestion of one sample was performed with hyaluronidase from bovine testis (Sigma H3884), with up to \approx{}4500\;\mathrm{units/ml}, at 37\;\mathrm{°C} for 14\;\mathrm{days}. The other sample was kept under the same environmental conditions, except for the addition of the enzyme. For each MRI scanning session, the samples were embedded in 0.6\% Agar gel (with addition of 0.4\% NaCl), after placement in a spherical container. Images were acquired using a MAGNETOM 7T (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) and a circularly-polarized Tx / 32-channel Rx Nova coil. During each session, quantitative T_1 and T_2^* 3D maps (0.33mm isotropic nominal resolution) were recorded using MP2RAGE and FLASH, respectively.

Each set of experiments lasted approx. 2\;\mathrm{days}, and the time between pre- and post- sessions was approx. 4\;\mathrm{weeks}. Results were assessed by visual inspection of the maps, the voxel-by-voxel correlation histograms and by calculating the average and the standard deviation of the difference images.

Additionally, to verify the effectiveness of the digestion, the two samples were sliced and stained for hyaluronan (with bHABP).


T_1 and T_2^* maps for pre- and post-digestion experiments for both samples are shown alongside with their difference as well as voxel correlation histograms and histograms for repeated-scans reproducibility under identical conditions in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. Visual inspection of both T_1 and T_2^* maps show contrast changes across distinct regions. Additionally, the 2D histograms present significant deviation from the identity line after the treatment. Similar deviations were not observed in the test-retest correlation histograms of repeated scans. However, the results for the two samples (i.e. digested vs. reference) are similar. Note the the shape of the histograms of the two samples behaves differently in the two cases. The hyaluronan staining (Fig.5) indicates that the digestion was effective but the initial quality of the sample may be suboptimal.


Results from previously reported experiments [7] have led to the hypothesis that significant contrast changes may be related to the ECM removal. The current experiments were designed to disentangle potential contributions related to enzymatic activity from other subtle processes related to the prolonged storage of the sample in PBS. While we were able to confirm previous results, i.e. a contrast change that may be related to the hyaluronan content, our data from the reference sample also indicate that a substantial percentage of such changes may be driven by concomitant processes rather than by the digestion itself. On the other hand, there seems to be a small, but appreciable (especially in the histograms), effect that is likely to be related to the ECM digestion. More information on the spatial distribution of the ECM is still required, in order to perform an additional analysis to reliably quantify the effects associated with the ECM removal.


Further experiments are required for the quantification of the impact of the ECM in quantitative MRI and for investigating the underlying biophysical mechanisms. However, we were able to show that processes concomitant to the digestion treatment, along with the hyaluronan digestion itself, substantially contribute to observable contrast changes.


Funded by: EU through the 'HiMR' Marie Curie ITN (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN-316716); the Helmholtz Alliance 'ICEMED'; the German Research Foundation (SPP 1608 Mo2249/2-1); the EU-COST Action BM1001; the Alzheimer Forschungsinitiative e.V. (AFI #11861); and the Federal State of Saxony.


[1] Stüber, C. et al. Myelin and iron concentration in the human brain: A quantitative study of MRI contrast. NeuroImage 93, Part 1, 95–106 (2014).

[2] Laurens, E., Schneider, E., Winalski, C. S. & Calabro, A. A synthetic cartilage extracellular matrix model: hyaluronan and collagen hydrogel relaxivity, impact of macromolecular concentration on dGEMRIC. Skeletal Radiol 41, 209–217 (2012).

[3] Nishioka, H. et al. T-1 rho and T-2 mapping reveal the in vivo extracellular matrix of articular cartilage. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 35, 147–155 (2012).

[4] Li, X. & Majumdar, S. Quantitative MRI of articular cartilage and its clinical applications. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 38, 991–1008 (2013).

[5] Morawski, M. et al. Involvement of Perineuronal and Perisynaptic Extracellular Matrix in Alzheimer’s Disease Neuropathology. Brain Pathol 22, 547–561 (2012).

[6] Morawski, M. et al. Tenascin-R promotes assembly of the extracellular matrix of perineuronal nets via clustering of aggrecan. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 369, (2014).

[7] Metere, R. et al. Possible Contribution of the Extracellular Matrix to the MRI Contrast in the Brain. in 0013 (ISMRM, 2015).


Fig 1: (PRE) Potential molecular structure of hyaluronan-based perineuronal and perisynaptic ECM components and (POST) the assumed effect of hyaluronidase digestion.

Fig 2: Anatomy of the digested (left) and undigested / control (right) samples: the labels and the abbreviations are explained in the figure.

Fig 3: T_1 mapping analysis for the undigested and the digested sample, before (PRE) and after (POST) the treatment. The T_1 maps were obtained using MP2RAGE with the following acquisition parameters: T_{I,(1,2)}=300,1200\;\mathrm{ms}; \alpha_{1,2}=4,8°; T_R=4\;\mathrm{s}; T_E=2.9\;\mathrm{ms}; N_{avg}=32). The 1D and 2D histograms have 64\;\mathrm{bins} and use a linear scale.

Fig 4: T_2^* mapping analysis for the undigested and the digested sample, before (PRE) and after (POST) the treatment. The T_2^* maps were obtained from multi-echo FLASH measurements with the following acquisition parameters: \alpha=68°; T_R=500\;\mathrm{ms}; T_{E,i}=3.99,...,65.19\;\mathrm{ms}; \Delta{}T_{E,i}=7.65\;\mathrm{ms}; N_{T_{E,i}}=9) using a log-linear fit. The histograms have 64\;\mathrm{bins} and are linearly scaled.

Fig 5: Hyaluronan staining showing the ECM distribution and the effectiveness of the enzymatic digestion.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)