Isaac Huen1, Joanne Beckmann1, Yuriko Suzuki2, Maria A Zuluaga3, Andrew Melbourne3, Matthias JP van Osch4, David Atkinson5, Sebastien Ourselin3, Neil Marlow1, and Xavier Golay1
1Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Philips Medical Systems, Philips, Tokyo, Japan, 3Centre for Medical Image Computing, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 4C.J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 5Centre for Medical Imaging, University College London, London, United Kingdom
The properties of the cerebral vasculature are of clinical relevance and thus of interest for investigation. Here an ASL-based 3D angiographic technique (CINEMA-STAR) is used to measure blood arrival times and blood velocities of a bolus labeled in the neck. Results are shown to be in broad agreement with existing methods.Background
Vasculature is
central to cerebral pathology. Aortic stiffness increases with age[1] and is associated with multiple cardiovascular pathologies[2-6] including
stroke[3]. Increased vascular stiffness can result in reduced vascular
resistance causing damage to sensitive tissues as in the brain[1]. Parameters
indirectly related to vascular stiffness such as pulse wave velocity (PWV)
correlate with cerebral small-vessel disease, cognitive decline and
Alzheimer’s disease[7]. However, these methods potentially reflect the entire
vasculature and are therefore not specific to the brain. Measurement of
cerebrovascular blood velocities using phase-contrast angiography is a well established
technique[8] that provides blood velocities at particular instants.
However, this usually only reports on a short length of vessel, without access
to the entire vascular pathway. Dynamic MRA, where blood is labelled (typically
in the carotid arteries) and then repeatedly imaged in the target slice, makes
characterization of the passage of an individual bolus through the vasculature possible.
The CINEMA-STAR[9] sequence acquires a 3D volume at high temporal resolution immediately
following labelling. Here we propose to use it to gather novel information
about blood flowing through arteries. In this work a bolus is labelled, and its
blood arrival time (BAT) at each point of the vasculature measured in order to
yield distance travelled and velocity of the bolus along a selected blood
vessel. Velocities are shown to be in agreement with existing methods.
Scan protocol
Four 19 year old
healthy subjects were scanned on a 3T Philips Achieva system (Philips Medical
Systems, Best, NL) under informed consent
(REC: 13/SC/0514). Data was acquired using CINEMA-STAR[10] adapted for 3D volume imaging. A 300mm thick slab 20mm
inferior to the CoW was labelled using a STAR[11] labelling. After a delay of 20ms, blood arrival in a
parallel volume beginning at the carotid arteries was monitored by segmented 3D
TFEPI acquisition of 16 phases spaced by 65ms with FOV: 200x200x70mm3;
Acquisition matrix: 116x113; Flip angle: 10°; TR =13ms; SENSE factor: 3; TFE
factor: 3; EPI factor: 5; TI/ΔTI/final TI: 20ms/65ms/995ms. ECG triggering was
employed to ensure blood arrival was imaged starting from the same point in the
cardiac cycle throughout. Scan duration was approximately 12 minutes.
Data processing
Unless otherwise
specified, image processing was performed using MATLAB R2012b (The Mathworks,
Natick, MA). Image processing was based on previous 2D CoW angiography
analysis.[12] Signal from control volumes was voxelwise subtracted from
label volumes for all 16 phases, yielding signal profiles against time for each
voxel. These profiles were corrected for label T1 decay (Figure 1)
using the method employed by van Osch et al.[12].
smoothing was applied to the imaging volume prior to analysis (FWHM=1.56mm). BAT
was defined as the phase at which signal increased most rapidly and found using
a Canny[13] filter to identify the time of the first peak. A mask of the
vasculature (Figure 2A) was defined by thresholding regions of greater inflow,
and then skeletonized (Figure 2B) using the Skeletonize plugin in ImageJ 1.48v
(Wayne Rasband, National Institutes of Health, USA) to obtain the skeleton of
the vasculature. BATs were calculated at each point of the skeleton (Figure 2C)
by averaging BATs of adjacent voxels.
travelled from labelling plane was first calculated at each point of the skeleton.
Individual vessels were then selected using an in-house MATLAB routine. Along
the selected vessel, distance travelled was plotted against BAT (Figure 3B). Distance
travelled was obtained as a continuous function by fitting a sigmoid function
to BAT of the following form:
Where r(t)
is distance travelled, A, B and C are fitted constants and t is BAT.
Velocity was found as the derivative of this
distance travelled, dr/dt. Distance
travelled and velocity were plotted against BAT for the selected vessel (Figure
Results are shown for an example blood vessel
(right MCA) in Figure 3.
Average peak velocity across all 4 subjects was 44.3± 14.3cm/s.
Multiphase 3D angiography was used to derive
distance travelled and velocity as a continuous function along a selected blood
vessel. Blood velocity in the right MCA of 44.3± 14.3cm/s was in broad agreement
with previous velocities measured using both phase contrast angiography (59.4±4.1cm/s)
[14] and transcranial Doppler (58.7cm/s) [15]. Blood velocity peaks, as expected,
around the straight M1 segment (distance 5-8cm in this case), followed by a
decrease thereafter as blood undergoes further vascular resistance due to
vascular branching and the Windkessel effect.
Many thanks to
Joanne Beckmann and Helen O’Reilly for providing clinical support for EPICure
scans; Matthias van Osch, Yuriko Suzuki and M. Nakamura for development of
the initial CINEMA-STAR sequence; University College Hospital radiographers for
carrying out scans, especially Alex and Jagadish; and Magda and James at 8-11
Queen Square.References
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