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SNR Optimization in ZTE Imaging
Dong Kyu Kim1 and Mark D Does1,2,3

1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 3Department of Electrical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States


Zero Echo Time (ZTE) imaging is a technique with clinical potential for imaging tissues with very short T2 relaxation times. Due to the presence of a gradient during RF excitation, there is a slice profile effect that creates artifacts in the reconstructed image. This can be corrected prior to image reconstruction, at the cost of image SNR. Increasing pulse duration increases the signal acquired while reducing it lessens this profile effect. Hence, there exists an optimal pulse duration that balances these sources of signal loss. Herein, we present an optimized approach to maximizing SNR in ZTE imaging.


Zero Echo Time (ZTE) imaging is a technique with clinical potential for imaging tissues with very short T2 relaxation times. With ZTE, the readout gradient is ramped to a constant value prior to a hard RF excitation pulse, therey enabling signal acquisition along a radial k-space trajectory immediately after the RF pulse. Because the read gradient amplitude is generally high to provide a suitable point spread function of short T2 signals, the hard RF pulse may result in a sinc-shaped excitation profile in the direction of the readout gradient. To avoid the resulting artefacts in the reconstructed image, the slice profile effect on signal from each full radial sampling across k-space can be corrected prior to 3D image reconstruction1, at the cost of image signal to noise ratio (SNR). In addition, quadratic phase modulation of the hard RF pulse is used to avoid the zero crossings of the sinc excitation profile2. The slice profile effect during excitation (and the associated SNR penalty for correcting it) can be reduced by reducing the duration of the RF excitation pulse, thereby broadening the profile; however, in the typical ZTE scenario where RF amplitude is already maximized, a shorter duration RF pulse results in a lower flip angle and lower SNR. Therfore, an optimum pulse duration exists to balance these sources of SNR loss.

Materials and Methods

The raw signal equation in ZTE is [1]       S(k)=M(r)ρ(r)ei2πkrdr+ϵwhere M(r) is the magnetization as a function of radial position, r, ρ(r) is the quadratic phase modulated excitation profile, and ε is added noise. To remove the profile contribution to the signal, data from each full radial projection (i.e., from –kmax to +kmax) must be corrected by dividing by the profile1, [2]       Scorr=FT[IFT[S(k)]ρ(r)]The SNR of Scorr is [3]       SNRM(r)dr1ρ(r)2drwhere the numerator is the sum of transverse magnetization after RF excitation and the denominator is the factor by which the standard deviation of the noise is increased by the profile correction step in Eq [2]. The transverse magnetization depends on pulse duration, τ, as [4]       M(τ)sin(ω1t)(1eTRT1)1cos(ω1t)eTRT1and the slice profile, ρ(τ), is computed by numerical solution of the Bloch equations for the quadratic phase modulated RF pulse.

Thus, for excitation flip angles below the Ernst angle, the numerator of Eq [3] increases with increasing τ, but so does the denominator. At some value, τopt, the balance of these competing effects will result in a maximum SNR. For example, given typical clinical scan parameters of FOV=250x250x250 mm3, G = 10 mT/m, isotropic resolution=1 mm, TR = 10 ms, B1 amplitude = 15 µT, and T1/T2 = 108/89 ms. Figure 1 shows plots of SNR vs τ including and not including the slice profile effects and correction. Data were simulated using a set of random magnetization values and the previously stated scan parameters to estimate the SNR for various pulse durations. The simulated SNR values were then compared to the analytically derived SNR values in Eq [3].

Results and Conclusions

These results demonstrate a novel approach to optimizing SNR in ZTE imaging, under the common conditions where increasing RF excitation flip angle requires increasing RF pulse duration. The simulated optimization showed that a pulse duration of 31 µs provided the highest SNR given 3T parameters. The flip angle induced by this pulsewidth was 7.1° which was less than the predicted Ernst angle of 24.3°. This is expected because division by the profile in [3] reduces the increase in SNR with increasing pulse duration. In most applications of ZTE where the TE is much less than the T2 of the imaged tissue, T2 relaxation effects may be neglected in Eq [4]. If the TE is on the same order of magnitude as T2 the numerator of Eq [3] can be modified to include eTET2, where TE must increase with increasing τ.


This work is supported by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering through grant number EB014308.


1. Li C, Magland JF, Seifert AC, Wehrli FW. A Fast Algorithm to Correct Excitation Profile in Zero Echo Time (ZTE) Imaging. ISMRM Toronto 2015.

2. Li C, Magland JF, Seifert AC, Wehrli FW. Correction of Excitation Profile in Zero Echo Time (ZTE) Imaging Using Quadratic Phase-Modulated RF Pulse Excitation and Iterative Reconstruction. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2014 April; 33(4): 961–969.


Figure 1: SNR was calculated for a set of simulated data using clinical imaging parameters to find the optimized pulse duration corresponding to maximum SNR. Due to the effect of the excitation profile, the optimized pulse duration is less than what it would be without profile effects.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)