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Local peripheral lung tissue microstructure quantification through CPMG relaxation rate dispersion
Felix T Kurz1,2, Thomas Kampf3, Lukas R Buschle2, Sabine Heiland1, and Christian H Ziener1,2

1Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany, 2E010 Radiology, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 3Wuerzburg University, Wuerzburg, Germany


Microscopically small early stage lung pathologies like emphysematous alterations of local lung tissue are usually not detectable on clinical MR images. The presented model connects defining tissue parameters for an MR imaging voxel, i.e. local alveolar radius and air-tissue ratio as well as diffusion coefficient and air-tissue susceptibility gradient, to CPMG relaxation rate dispersion over a range of inter-echo times. The model shows an excellent agreement with data from ageing hydrogel foam that mimics lung tissue.


Ideally, the detection and evaluation of early stage pulmonary emphysema, fibrosis or carcinogenic alteration with small and/or subtle tissue changes should not rely on a radiologists inspection of CT or MR images alone but also on quantifiable physical parameters. These microstructural parameters for a local tissue environment within one imaging voxel can be linked to the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) sequence relaxation rate and the variation of the time between subsequent 180° pulses1. This allows quantifying the mean local alveolar radius and the air-tissue ratio.


For a small enough local environment, neighboring alveoli in peripheral lung tissue can be thought of as being uniformly arranged in a Wigner-Seitz cell geometry with dodecahedral alveolar air volumes that are encompassed by respective tissue dodecahedra, see also Fig. 1. The standard single sphere approximation assigns spherical volumes to both dodecahedra with radius RA and R, respectively, and allows reducing further analysis on one single alveolus in analogy to Krogh's capillary supply model2. The strong susceptibility gradient at the air-tissue interface generates, in an external B0 field, a local dipole field with strength δω. Dephasing of spin-bearing particles in the thin tissue films around the spherical alveoli is prone to diffusion effects and thereby characteristically influences MR signal decay. Since surface relaxation is not negligible, Smoluchowski boundary conditions are assumed, see Fig. 2. Spin fluctuations that are induced by the local dipole field can be described through a correlation function that can be related to relaxation rate R2, inter-echo time τ180 for CPMG sequences, and correlation time τ=R2AD (D being the diffusion coefficient with D1μm2/ms).


A detailed mathematical analysis allows expressing the diffusion-dependent part of the CPMG relaxation rate, ΔR2, with several microstructural parameters as ΔR2=45ητCδω22[τδω]2τ180n=1Gnκ4ntanh(κ2nτ1802τ) with Gn=24η5[1η]κ2n[j2(κnη13)ηj2(κn)]2η13[j2(κn)]2[j2(κnη13)]2, where η=R3AR3, and eigenvalues κn that suffice the eigenvalue equation j2(κn)y2(κn3η)=j2(κn3η)y2(κn) (j and y being spherical Bessel functions of the first and second kind, respectively). To test this analytical relation, dispersion experiments for R2 were carried out for lung-tissue-like ageing hydrogel foam on a 0.5 T benchtop relaxometer at different times of the expanding foam for D=1.062μm2/ms and η=1/1.16773, see Fig. 3a. Fig. 3b demonstrates the increase of alveolar fit radii RA over time and compares them to results from µCT measurements and random walk (RW) simulations that are based on the triangulated geometry as obtained from the µCT images. The mean relative error for RW simulation radii against the polynomial fit curve for µCT radii (solid line) is 14.36±2.66%, and 5.84±1.28% for the CPMG model. To further test the model's reaction to R2 measurement variations, all recorded R(i)2 (i=1,,18) for the experimental data at 3.5h in Fig. 3a were varied within different ranges δR(i)2 such that i:δR(i)2/R(i)2=const, see Fig. 4a. Furthermore, for R(10)2=R2(17ms), a scatter plot was done to evaluate the influence of the strength of δR(i)2 and the obtained fit parameter RA, where again all R(i)2 were varied within their respective error ranges, see Fig. 4b. It can be seen that errors are negligible for δR(i)2/R(i)2<1/50.


The excellent agreement of theoretical predictions and µCT measurements as well as a robust sensitivity analysis for R2 variations that are feasible in MR imaging, support the validity of the model. Also, the model does not need the inhalation of helium gas, which is an advantage towards other established quantification models in clinical MR imaging.


This work was supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Contract grant number: DFG ZI 1295/2-1) and by a postdoctoral fellowship granted to F.T.K. from the medical faculty of Heidelberg University. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


1. Jensen JH, et al. Magn Reson Med 2000; 44:144-156.

2. Cutillo AG. Application of magnetic resonance to the study of the lung. Armonk, NY: Futura Publishing Company, Inc.; 1996.

3. Baete SH, et al. J Magn Reson 2008;193:286-296.


Figure 2. (a) Lowest eigenvalues as a function of surface permeability ρ. The typical surface relaxivity/permeability for lung tissue (green arrow) corresponds to ρ=0.6ms1. (RA=200μm, D=2.3109m2s1, η=0.85). (b) Eigenvalue spectrum for n ≥ 1 for the same parameters as in (a). (c-d) Parameters κn and Gn in dependence on air-tissue volume fraction η.

Figure 3. Relaxation rate dispersion and quantification of mean alveolar radius for ageing hydrogel foam. (a) Measurements at different times for R2 are dispersed over inter-echo times τ180. The obtained alveolar radii are shown for each time in (b). There is an excellent agreement of CPMG model radii and radii obtained from triangulated µCT measurement data as opposed to random walk simulations on the µCT tissue geometry.

Figure 4. (a) Variations of relaxation rates for the 3.5h R2 measurements in Fig. 3a and (b) as scatter plot for one specific R2 value (R(10)2). Letting R(i)2 variations stay within 2% of the original R(i)2 values yields robust fit measurements.

Figure 1. Hydrogel foam mimicking peripheral lung tissue (a) and schematic view of lung alveoli (b). (c) Single alveolus of radius RA with surrounding tissue film in which proton spin dephasing occurs.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)