Romain Nicolas Froidevaux1, Markus Weiger1, David Otto Brunner1, Bertram Jakob Wilm1, Benjamin Emanuel Dietrich1, and Klaas Paul Pruessmann1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland
Often used for the imaging of compounds with short relaxation times, 3D
center-out sequences performing broadband excitation on a ramped-up strong
gradient provide very short acquisition delays and high bandwidth. In turn,
data located around the k-space center is missed and needs to be recovered. Different approaches, like algebraic
ZTE, WASPI or PETRA are used
today. An important but still open question is how the relation of the deadtime
and the T2s involved affect image quality. We show that critical situations
occur for similar values of deadtime and T2, frequently encountered when
imaging ultra-short-T2s in solid tissues or hardware parts.Introduction
Often used for the imaging of compounds with short transverse relaxation times
(<1 ms), 3D center-out sequences performing broadband excitation on a
ramped-up strong gradient provide very short acquisition delays and high
bandwidth [1] (Fig. 1). Because of finite transmit-receive deadtimes (
data located around the k-space center is missed and needs to be recovered. To
do so, different approaches,
often referred to as “zero echo time” techniques, like algebraic ZTE [2], WASPI [3,4] or PETRA [5] are used today. Typically, deadtimes of 5-60 us are realized to
target tissues with T2s of 150-500 us with overall promising results. However, an
important but still open question is how the relation of the deadtime and the
T2s involved affect image quality. Therefore, we investigate the performance of
state-of-the-art zero-TE techniques depending on the deadtime duration. We focus
on the case where components are present with ultra-short-T2s of tens of us coming
from hardware parts or solid tissues, showing that critical situations can occur
for similar values of deadtime and T2.
Sequences: The three
techniques use the same basic pulse sequence (Fig. 1) and differ only in the
way they recover the data lost during the deadtime (Fig 2). In ZTE, this issue is addressed by radial
oversampling and algebraic reconstruction [2] up to gap sizes of 3-4 Nyquist
dwells (limited by ill-conditioning) [6], optionally adding k=0 [7]. In PETRA, the lacking centre is
measured with single-point imaging (SPI). In WASPI, a second ZTE acquisition is
performed at lower gradient strength with optional T2 correction [3] or linear
merging in an overlap region [4]. Note that strictly speaking, any method
relying on the direct measurement of k0 will have TE=Δ. Thus only ZTE and WASPI (without k0) are “true”
zero-echo-time sequences.
After recovering
the missing data, 3D images were reconstructed iteratively with the conjugate
gradient method [8] by solving:
with E=encoding
matrix, v=voxel intensities, m=measured data, D=density compensation matrix, W=weighting
matrix used for merging in WASPI.
Experiments: First, a stack
of rubber erasers (T2* ~=324 us) was imaged with a hard polymer-based surface
coil (T2* ~=10 us). Parameters: bandwidth=500 kHz, isotropic resolution=3.75
mm, max. gradient=24.5 mT/m, minimum Δ=6 us.
Second, a proton-free PTFE-based
surface coil was used to image a piece of bovine tibia. Long-lived signals were
removed by releasing the bone marrow, leaving mainly bone matrix (T2* ~=10 us)
and bound water (T2* ~=160 us). Parameters: bandwidth=250 kHz, isotropic
resolution=1.6 mm, max. gradient=29.4 mT/m, minimum Δ=6 us.
The effect of deadtime on image quality was then investigated by
removing data up to 40 us.
1D PSF simulations were
performed to investigate the sequences’ performance for ultra-short-T2 signal (Fig.
3). Pure ZTE (without k0) is the only method able to reconstruct the
expected ideal Lorentzian lineshape. All other methods diverge from it when T2 approaches Δ . PETRA and ZTE with k0 exhibit a narrower center lobe and two side lobes
of low amplitude. In WASPI, the main lobe amplitude is lowered while side lobes
of increased intensity appear, with variations depending on overlap and use of
Fig 4: The performance observed for the ultra-short-T2
signal of the coil confirms the findings of the PSF simulations. Pure ZTE works
well at Δ=6 us while at Δ=8 us aliasing of
out-of-band signal in the FOV center can be removed by adding k0. PETRA
exhibits only minor ringing artifacts at smaller Δ while
coil signal is suppressed at Δ=40 us. In WASPI, strong ringing
artifacts are observed, at Δ=40 us even from the longer
T2 signal of rubber.
Fig 5: Apart from blurring
due to apodization, the ultra-short-T2 components of the bone (mainly collagen)
are well reconstructed by ZTE and PETRA at Δ=12 us. In WASPI, this signal
is lost associated with data overlap. At Δ=40 us, image intensity
becomes dominated by bound water which is depicted well only with PETRA.
Compounds with short transverse
relaxation times (hundreds of us) can be imaged with high fidelity with all investigated
“zero-TE” techniques. However, for
deadtimes comparable to the T2s involved, careful consideration is required. ZTE
provides maximum short-T2 sensitivity with almost ideal PSF at moderate deadtimes,
but may suffer from artifacts due to out-of-band signal at larger deadtimes [6].
In this case, PETRA offers favorable performance, and also enables selecting T2
sensitivity by variation of the deadtime duration. In contrast, WASPI can lead
to oscillating PSFs and thus image artifacts, whereupon T2 correction [3] is
limited to comparable T2 values.
No acknowledgement found.References
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[2] Weiger, M., and K. P. Pruessmann. "MRI with zero
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