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Detection of Metabolic Brain Activation with High Spatiotemporal Resolution T1ρ-Weighted MRI without Statistical Parametrization and without Exogenous Tracer Administration
Dharmesh Tailor, MSE, MD, PhD1

1Radiology Specialists of Florida, Florida Hospital, Adventist Health System, Orlando, FL, United States


Accurate and precise mapping of metabolically active eloquent foci in the brain, differentiating recurrent neoplasm from pseudo-progression, differentiating tumefactive demyelination from neoplasm, delineating the actual stroke penumbra, and early detection of neurodegenerative disease, all require high-resolution imaging of underlying relative brain oxygen metabolism. At the present time, however, there is no robust technique that can map brain metabolism at a high spatiotemporal resolution. This work derives and demonstrates a model for imaging of relative CMRO2 with T-weighted MRI which can be readily performed on any clinical MRI scanner with a simple pulse sequence and without the need for hardware modification. This novel approach is optimized to yield a spatial resolution of 0.2 mm3 and temporal resolution of 3.2 sec, and developed to work without exogenous tracer or contrast agent administration, blood sampling, or statistical parametrization of the image data.


In the recent past, a few experimental MR based techniques have been developed to image either relative or absolute regional CMRO2 in the brain [1-4]. However, the higher resolution techniques rely on administration of an expensive exogenous tracer, such as enriched 17O-gas, and the techniques that do not rely of exogenous administration have been shown to achieve an optimal 1 cm spatial resolution and an imaging time of 5.5 min for voxel-by-voxel mapping of CMRO2 which is inadequate for most brain mapping tasks. This study proposes a novel approach based on proton T-weighted imaging to map relative CMRO2 in the human brain providing at least a 0.2 mm3 spatial and a 3.2 sec temporal resolution. The fast temporal resolution is desired for avoiding motion degradation, for applications such as stroke evaluation where time is especially critical, and for functional neuroimaging. The sub-mm special resolution is necessary for evaluation of small mass lesions that can best be characterized by their underlying relative metabolic activity rather than just T2 prolongation, diffusion restriction, and contrast enhancement. Our method does not rely on exogenous administration of a tracer or contrast material, can be readily implemented on any clinical MR scanner using a conventional clinical head coil without the need for any hardware modification.


Model: Our prior data suggests [5] that there is a linear relationship between the T-weighted signal and PO2. If Sh represents the T-weighted signal at a high B1 spin-locking power (at 500 Hz) and Sl represents a low B1 spin-locking power (at 125 Hz), then the following relationship may be derived:

S_h = m_h P_e+∑(i=0..n) φ(i); S_l = m_l P_e+∑(i=0..n) φ(i)

In the above equation, the sum of the function φ represents a linear combination of other factors influencing Sh other than PO2. These would include any contribution from T1 and T2 relaxation, as well as other MR and physiologic parameters that are independent of spin-locking frequency. The PO2 of a given voxel (i.e. the effective partial pressure of oxygen or Pe) may be expressed as either a weighted linear combination of or a weighted difference between the arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PA) and venous partial pressure of oxygen (PV) in that voxel, such that,

P_e = α(P_A-P_V ) and S_h-S_l ≡ ∆S = (m_h-m_l ) P_e

Letting a new constant m = mh-ml,

∆S = mP_e = αm(P_A-P_V )

By Fick’s equation, the difference between the arterial and venous oxygen content (PA-PV) is given by the ratio of CMRO2 and cerebral blood flow (CBF). Hence,

∆S = [αm/CBF] CMRO_2

Assuming that CBF is a constant during the short 3.2 s total combined imaging acquisition time of the high and low B1, the difference of high and low frequency spin-locked T-weighted images provides a relative map of CMRO2.

Experimentation: 10 healthy human subjects with normal conventional clinical MRIs (2 females and 8 males, ages 28 – 44) were imaged on a Siemens 3.0 T clinical scanner using a standard clinical head coil, in accordance with an IRB approved protocol. Continuous T-weighted images of their brains were obtained at high (500 Hz) and low (250 Hz) B1 with our sequence [6] optimized to yield acceptable SNR with ETL=60, TSL=120 ms, TR=1s, imaging time of 1.6 s, and voxel size of 0.2 mm3. No more than 10-18% of the maximum allowable SAR was reached with this imaging at any time, and the subjects experienced no discomfort or complications. During the imaging acquisition, the subjects were asked to perform a motor task that also requires the use of somatosensory/tactile perception and coordination (i.e. grabbing an MR safe object placed by the right hip with the right hand and bringing the object to the chin while holding the head still). The high and low spin-locked T-weighted images obtained during performance of this task were than subtracted to yield a relative CMRO2 image.

Results & Conclusion

A representative subtraction T-weighted image of the high and low spin-locking is shown in Figure 1 in the form of the raw subtraction data. According to our model, this image provides direct visualization of relative CMRO2. The predicted increase in metabolic activity in the left frontal (motor) and parietal cortex (tactile perception) and the right cerebellum (coordination), expected by the specific task design, is seen in all subjects. In conclusion, the proposed imaging approach may be viable for high spatiotemporal resolution imaging of oxygen metabolism in the brain.


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1. Tailor et al (2004), NeuroImage, 22, 611-18.

2. Atkinson et al (2010), NeuroImage, 51(2), 723-33.

3. He et al (2007), MRM, 57(1), 115-26.

4. Bolar et al (2011), MRM, 66(6), 1550-62.

5. Tailor et al (2009), ISMRM Proc.,17, 4527.

6. Tailor et al, (2003), MRM, 49(3), 479-87.


Figure 1: Representative relative CMRO2 map demonstrates expected left frontoparietal cerebral and right cerebellar regions of activation from performance of a right-handed coordinated motor task involving use of tactile perception, with the contralateral regions remaining relatively dormant. (Right side of image corresponds to left side of brain).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)