Christopher L Lankford1 and Mark D Does1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Electrical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States
This abstract provides a simple criterion by which to determine whether refocusing pulse flip angle should be fitted or constrained to a measured B1+ map in multiple spin echo (MSE) based T2 mapping protocols. Using propagation of error theory including the Cramér-Rao lower bound, it was discovered that T2 estimate precision is improved through constraint when the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the B1+ map is at least one-half the SNR of the MSE measurement. The accuracy cost of constraint is also evaluated and presented.Purpose
2 mapping is of interest to the MR imaging community due to its
specificity and repeatability compared to T
2-weighted imaging.
Conventional T
2 mapping protocols often utilize a multiple spin-echo
(MSE) pulse sequence, where magnetization is refocused and measured at more
than one echo time per excitation. In order to correct for transmit field (B
inhomogeneity and, therefore, the effects of refocusing pulse flip angle (
θ), the
extended phase graph (EPG) model
1 can be used in the signal analysis. Most
EPG-based analysis methods involve fitting
θ directly to MSE data,
2-4 but an
alternate approach is to independently measure B
1+ and use
this to constrain
θ in the EPG fitting algorithm. The following work evaluates
these two options and provides criteria which determine whether B
should be fitted or measured in any given protocol.
The variance of a T2 estimate (\hat{T}_{2}) given
a random Gauss-distributed signal vector \bf{(S)} was calculated through the first-order approximation\sigma_{\hat{T}_{2}}^{2}=\sigma_{S}^{2}\left[\left(\bf{J}^{\it{T}}\bf{J}\right)^{-1}\right]_{T_{2},T_{2}}+\sigma_{\theta}^{2}\left(\frac{\partial \hat{T}_{2}}{\partial \theta}\right)^{2}.Here,
the first term is the common Cramér-Rao lower bound of the variance of \hat{T}_{2} which includes the standard
deviation of the noise in the MSE images (\sigma_{S}) and the Jacobian
matrix of the measurement \bf{(J)} with
respect to fitted parameters (M0, T2, and θ when this
parameter is fitted). The second term is a first-order propagation of error from a measured θ map to \hat{T}_{2} and is
only nonzero when θ is constrained with finite precision, \sigma_{\theta}. When \theta is fitted to MSE data, only the left term is considered. When θ is constrained to an accurate but noisy measured value, the left term decreases in magnitude while the right term increases. When \theta is constrained to an inaccurate measure, e.g. due to main field inhomogeneity, T2 estimates will also be biased, but this has no effect on estimate variance.
spin-echo signals and their Jacobian matrices were calculated assuming T1
= 1000ms, T2 = 80ms, 10ms echo spacing, 32 echoes, and a range of
true refocusing flip angles as low as 90°. A uniform slice profile was assumed.
These signals were fitted to the EPG model over a range of constrained θ values, permitting the calculation of \partial\hat{T}_{2}/\partial\theta and estimate bias.
T1 was constrained to the true underlying value in order to
eliminate the effect of T1-related bias from the analysis. The
normalized standard deviation of \hat{T}_{2} (\sigma_{\hat{T}_{2}}/\sigma_{S}) was then calculated for a range of SNR_{\theta}/SNRMSE = (\theta/\sigma_{\theta}) / (M_{0}/\sigma_{S}) ratios in order to determine how much error the θ map may contain before
becoming a statistical liability.
expected, whether θ was constrained or fitted, refocusing flip angles closer to
180° provided T2 estimates with lower variance, as shown in Figure 1. In
the near-perfect refocusing regime (>170°), constraining θ provided <5%
reduction in \hat{T}_{2} precision compared to fitting θ. As the refocusing flip angle decreased,
\sigma_{\hat{T}_{2}} when θ was fitted closely followed the \sigma_{\hat{T}_{2}} of a constrained fit when SNR_{\theta} = 0.5 * SNRMSE. When SNR_{\theta} = \infty (bottom curve of Figure 1), T2 estimate precision can be improved by up to 60% at low
refocusing flip angles.
Estimates of T2 biased by θ constraint are shown in Figure 2. The flattening of the \hat{T}_{2}
curves in the high-flip angle regime indicates that higher actual and
constrained flip angles result in lower \hat{T}_{2} bias than equally-incorrect,
lower flip angles would permit.
Discussion & Conclusions
The results suggest that θ should be constrained to a measured B1+
map only if SNR_{\theta} > ½ SNRMSE, as will often be the
case. For example, a single-slice MSE protocol at 3T with 1.25x1.25x5 mm3
resolution (scan time: roughly 5 minutes) provides a SNRMSE≈40 in
brain while a corresponding B1+ map acquired
using the Bloch-Siegert method5 can achieve SNR_{\theta}≈50 in roughly
2 min6,7. Constraining θ in this example would provide a >27%
increase in \hat{T}_{2} precision for voxels where θ < 150°, a greater precision
benefit than the ≈18% increase potentially achievable by lengthening the MSE
scan to 7 min.
The presented analysis was extended to investigate the interaction of slice profile effects with a constrained fitting, achieving similar results. Due to the MSE signal's decreasing sensitivity to (peak) flip angle as the slice profile becomes less uniform, constraint is more beneficial at all flip angles as profile effects become more pronounced.
In summary, the acquisition of an independent θ map is often more efficient than signal averaging in both 2D and 3D indirect echo-compensated T2 mapping protocols. Furthermore, this study has provided evidence motivating the use of near-perfect refocusing pulses even when compensating for the effects of imperfect pulses.
Funding source: NIH R01 EB001744References
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