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Resolving Phase Ambiguity in Two-point Dixon Imaging Using a Projected Power Method
Tao Zhang1,2, Yuxin Chen3, Marcus Alley1, Brian Hargreaves1,2, John Pauly2, and Shreyas Vasanawala1

1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 3Statistics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States


Dixon techniques offer robust water/fat separation in the presence of static field inhomogeneity. Two-point Dixon imaging with flexible echo times is desirable because of its high scan efficiency and flexibility. A major challenge in two-point Dixon imaging is how to estimate the phase error resulting from field inhomogeneity. In this work, we formulate a binary quadratic optimization and propose a fast projected power method to resolve the phase ambiguity in two-point Dixon imaging.


Dixon techniques[1] offers robust water/fat separation in the presence of static field inhomogeneity. Two-point Dixon imaging with flexible echo times is desirable because of its high scan efficiency and flexibility[2,3]. A major challenge in two-point Dixon imaging is how to estimate the phase error resulting from field inhomogeneity. Region growing[4] and regional iterative phasor extraction (RIPE)[5] are popular algorithms to resolve the phase ambiguity. Graph cut[6] and tree-reweighted message-passing[2] formulate a global optimization to determine the phase error, and have shown to be robust in areas of large field inhomogeneity. However, solving the global optimization can be computationally intensive, especially for 3D imaging. In this work, we formulate a binary quadratic optimization and propose a fast projected power method to resolve the phase ambiguity in two-point Dixon imaging.


Following the notation in [3], two-point Dixon imaging can be modeled as:


where W and F are water and fat signals in image space, S1 and S2 are complex composite signals acquired at two echo times, c1 and c2 are the dephasing factors with respect to water (usually known a priori) corresponding to the echo times using a single peak or multiple peak fat model. The main problem here is to estimate the phase error (or phasor) between two echoes, P=ei(ϕ2ϕ1)=eiΔϕ.

Two pairs of solutions (W1,F1) and (W2,F2) can be calculated analytically[3], yielding two potential solutions for P:


Because field inhomogeneity is usually smooth, the problem of selecting the correct phasor can be formulated as a global optimization[2,6]:

minimize rsNrv(P(r),P(s))

subject to P(r){P1(r),P2(r)},r

where r is an index of image pixels, s presents pixels in the neighboring set (Nr) of r, and v is a discontinuity cost function for phasor pair (P(r),P(s)). For simplicity, second-order neighborhood[6] (26 neighboring pixels in 3D) was adopted in this work to promote spatial smoothness: v(P(r),P(s))=|P(r)P(s)|.

To choose the optimal P, we can reformulate the previous problem into a binary quadratic optimization. As demonstrated in Fig. 1, define variable X(r)=(X1(r)X2(r)){(01),(10)} for each pixel, and stack them all into a vector X. Then the previous problem can be reformulated as[7]:

minimize f(X)=XTVX

subject to X(r){(01),(10)},r

where V contains the possible values of v with respect to X. Note that V is large but sparse, and VX can be implicitly represented as simple pixel-wise operations. Here, an iterative projected power method is used to solve this problem. The major steps are summarized below:

(1) Set P to unity and initialize X based on:


(2) Update XVX, then set X(r)(X2(r)X1(r)+X2(r)X1(r)X1(r)+X2(r)). Go to (4).

(3) Update XVX, then set X(r)={(10),X1(r)<X2(r)(01),otherwise. Go to (4).

(4) If the iteration count is less than 50, repeat (2); otherwise repeat (3) until X converges.

The final phasor is P(r)=X(r)T[P1(r);P2(r)],r. Water and fat can be separated by solving:


where W=Weiϕ1, and F=Feiϕ1.

The proposed method as well as the method described in [3] using RIPE were performed on a 3D in vivo pelvic dataset acquired on a 3T GE MR750 scanner. The acquisition parameters were TE1/TE2/TR 2.2/3.3/5.9 ms, BW ± 100 kHz, FOV 30×30×23 cm3, and matrix 354×320×230. Both single peak and multiple peak (six peaks) fat models were compared for each method. The dataset was downsampled first to a 3×3×3 mm3 voxel size before phasors were calculated and selected using different methods. The resolved phasor was then upsampled to the original voxel size for the final water/fat separation.


Water and fat images are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The total reconstruction time in Matlab with 2 Intel Xeon E5-2640 processors was 13.4 seconds for RIPE and 98.7 seconds for the proposed method. A complete global water/fat swap was observed for RIPE with both fat models, which indicated the wrong phasor candidate was selected. Water and fat images were manually switched and labeled as RIPE1. No global swap was observed with the proposed method. For complete comparison, RIPE was also performed with the phasor manually set to the other phasor candidate, and the results were referred to as RIPE2. As shown by the arrows, the proposed method also reduced local water/fat swaps in places with large field inhomogeneity. When the phase error was correctly resolved, better water/fat separation was obtained using the multiple peak fat model.

Discussion and Conclusion

In this work, we have formulated a binary quadratic optimization and developed a fast projected power method to resolve the phase ambiguity in two-point Dixon imaging. Compared to RIPE, improved water/fat separation can be achieved. A quadratic penalty[2,6] of v with spatial weighting can also be applied for the proposed method, but it may require more iterations to converge.


We acknowledge the use of the Fat-Water Toolbox ( for some of the results shown in this work, and the support from NIH R01 EB009690, R01 EB019241, P41 EB015891, and GE Healthcare.


[1] Dixon W. Simple proton spectroscopic imaging. Radiology 1984; 153:189-194.

[2] Berglund J, et al. Two-point Dixon method with flexible echo times. Magn Reson Med 2011; 65:994-1004.

[3] Eggers H, et al. Dual-echo Dixon imaging with flexible choice of echo times. Magn Reson Med 2011; 65:96-107.

[4] Ma J. Breath-hold water and fat imaging using a dual-echo two-point Dixon technique with an efficient and robust phase-correction algorithm. Magn Reson Med 2004; 52:415-419.

[5] Xiang Q. Two-point water-fat imaging with partially-opposed-phase (POP) acquisition: an asymmetric Dixon method. Magn Reson Med 2006; 56:572-584.

[6] Hernando D, et al. Robust water/fat separation in the presence of large field inhomogeneities using a graph cut algorithm. Magn Reson Med 2010; 63:79-90.

[7] Huang Q, et al. Scalable semidefinite relaxation for maximum a posterior estimation. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2014.


Fig. 1 Example of the formulation of the objective function with 2 pixels. Note that the matrix V is sparse, and VX can be implicitly represented by simple pixel-wise operations.

Fig. 2 Water images generated by different methods. Local swaps (arrows) were observed with RIPE methods. When the phase ambiguity was resolved correctly, better water/fat separation was obtained using the multiple peak fat model.

Fig. 3 Fat images generated by different methods. When the phase ambiguity was resolved correctly, better water/fat separation was obtained using the multiple peak fat model.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)