Lena Trinh1, Emelie Lind1, Pernilla Peterson1, and Sven Månsson1
1Dept. of Translational Medicine, Medical Radiation Physics, Skåne University Hospital, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden
shift-encoded imaging is a quantitative method commonly used to estimate fat
fraction (FF) in various body parts. However, for a reliable assessment, this
technique requires short inter echo spacing which can be challenging if high
spatial resolution is desirable. An alternative quantitative method, based on the
difference in T2-relaxation time between fat and water, was examined and
compared to the chemical shift-encoded imaging method. This T2-based technique successfully
estimated FF in phantoms at high resolution and large matrix size, when the chemical
shift-encoded method failed.Purpose
In quantitative
studies of fat infiltration in skeletal muscle, such as studies of e.g.
1, chemical shift-encoded imaging is commonly used. However,
this technique requires short echo spacing to be reliable, especially at 3T,
which is in contradiction to the high spatial resolution and high matrix size
needed to resolve the detailed fat patterns in the muscle. The purpose of this
study is to use a fat quantification technique based on T2-relaxation
and evaluate its accuracy and precision at both low and high spatial resolution
compared to chemical shift-encoded imaging.
quantification based on the different T2 relaxation times of water and fat, rather
than the difference in resonance frequency, may be a way to obtain very high
resolution images of fat fraction (FF), in turn improving the differentiation between
intermuscular and intramuscular fat.
A phantom
was constructed using 6 vials filled with different ratios of water and Intralipid
fat emulsion (20%, Fresenius Kabi) to achieve a range of FFs (0, 5, 10 and 20
%). In vivo data was acquired from a calf of a heathy volunteer. Two sequence
types were used for phantom and in vivo data on a 3T scanner (Trio, Siemens
Healthcare): multi spin echo (MSE) for the T2-based method and multi gradient
echo (MGE) for the chemical shift-based method. Images were acquired at two
matrix sizes (128x128 and 512x512). The following settings were used for the
MSE-acquisitions: TE1/ΔTE/TR (phantom) = 11.7/11.7/2000 ms, TE1/ΔTE/TR (in
vivo) = 9.20/9.20/2000 ms and BW128/BW512 = 425/391 Hz/px. The settings for the MGE-acquisitions were: TE1128/ΔTE128/TR128
= 1.34/1.55/500 ms, TE1512/ΔTE512/TR512 =
2.57/3.92/500 ms, BW128/ BW512 = 1776/651 Hz/px and flip
angle = 12. Slice thickness and FOV were set to 5 mm and 280x280 mm2 for
all acquisitions.
FF was
calculated from MSE-data by fitting the linear parameters W (water) and F (fat)
in the signal equation S=We−t/T2W+Fe−t/T2F, using fixed values of T2F and T2W2.
The T2-values were obtained by drawing regions of interest (ROIs) in a T2-map, calculated from a
monoexponential fit in each voxel. In the phantom measurement, the T2 values of
water and Intralipid were used. Therefore, the FF map of the phantom represented
the Intralipid fraction and were divided by five to get the actual FF values,
knowing the true FF of undiluted Intralipid. In the in vivo case, ROIs were
drawn in subcutaneous fat and in muscle tissue. An iterative least squares procedure,
correcting for T2* and off resonance and including a multipeak fat model, was
used to separate the fat and water signals from MGE data3,4. To
study the effect of deviations between assumed and actual T2-values on the
estimation of FF, simulations were carried out.
The resulting
FF maps of the phantom and calf using both methods are presented in Figure 1
and Figure 2, respectively.
In Figure
3, the mean estimated FFs are plotted against the known FFs in the phantom. Chemical
shift-encoded imaging underestimates the FF at higher resolution while the T2-based
method estimates the FF accurately. At the smaller matrix size and lower
resolution, both methods perform well. The FF variation within the vials were markedly larger for chemical shift-encoded imaging than for the T2-method at the higher matrix size.
estimated FFs in three muscle ROIs (tibialis anterior, soleus and gastrocnemius)
are presented in Figure 4. Compared to the FFs obtained using chemical shift-encoded imaging at low resolution, the other approaches either under- or overestimates
the FF.
simulated errors in FF due to inaccurate T2Fat and T2Muscle
are presented in Figure 5. These results suggest that it is more important to estimate T2Muscle accurately compared to T2Fat at the
relevant FF (muscle FF ≈ 5%).
At higher resolution,
chemical shift-encoded imaging underestimates the FF in phantom and in vivo whereas
the T2-based method accurately estimates the FF in phantom but overestimates it
in vivo. It is important to accurately estimate T2, especially of the muscles,
to get a correct FF estimation. This, however, is not always easy to achieve
with the presence of other not visible components within the ROI, e.g. fat. This
may in part explain why the T2-method overestimates FF in vivo at high
resolution, and why the T2-method at low resolution performs poorly in some
muscle ROI. At low resolution, the FF calculation is also more sensitive to the
effect of Gibbs artifacts which results in inferior performance.
The phantom results show that the T2-based method can achieve an accurate estimation of FF at
both high and low resolution, compared to chemical shift-encoded imaging.
This study was supported by grants from The Magnus Bergvall Foundation and Director Albert Påhlsson's Trust for Researchers and Charity.References
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