Jonathan Andersson1, Filip Malmberg1, Håkan Ahlström1, and Joel Kullberg1
1Radiology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
When reconstructing chemical shift encoded water-fat
images so called water-fat swaps due to incorrect phase maps can be a
significant problem, limiting clinical assessment and quantitative
measurements. A method is presented for solving the problem in the case of 3
echoes, assuming only a fix intra-echo spacing. Two possible solutions are analytically
calculated for each voxel. The correct global solution is then found using a
graph-cut method. The method succeeds where a region-growing reference method
fails at low SNR. The presented method runs quickly and uses only one parameter
that can be set automatically, which should allow for online implementation. Purpose
exist several 3-point Dixon reconstruction methods. However a common problem is
so called water-fat swaps, especially at low SNR. This can limit correct
clinical assessments and also quantitative measurements. The purpose of the
method suggested herein is to give correct results even at low SNR.
signal model used is described in eq.1.
where Sn is the expected signal of echo n. The
echoes have a constant time spacing, Δt.
W and F are the
complex signals coming from water and fat respectively at the time of
excitation multiplied by a phasor. A 9-peak fat model1 is used to calculate an. Field inhomogeneities and signal decay are modeled by b, which can be written as:
The value of b for each voxel is unknown,
but two possible values can be calculated analytically using a formula derived
from eq.1, the two solutions are each given a label, 1 or 2.
b_{1,2}=\dfrac{(a_1-a_3)S_2}{2(a_2-a_3 )S_1 }±\sqrt{{\Bigg(\dfrac{(a_1-a_3)S_2}{2(a_2-a_3 )S_1 }\Bigg)}^2-\dfrac{(a_1-a_2)S_3}{(a_2-a_3 )S_1 }}\hspace{10mm}[3]
Finding the correct label is done using a
global image optimization with unary and binary terms. For each label of b a
corresponding R (=W/F) is calculated:
R_1=R(b_1,b_2)=\dfrac{a_3(a_1-a_2)b_1+a_1(a_3-a_2)b_2}{(a_2-a_1)b_1+(a_2-a_3 )b_2}\hspace{20mm}[4]
R2 is calculated by swapping b1 and
b2 in eq.4.
Since the phases
of W and F are expected to be equal in each voxel the phase of R should be
close to 0. Using this knowledge, a unary cost can be assigned for each voxel.
Binary costs for
each of the four possible combinations of labels between neighbors are also
calculated. Based on the idea
that the phase map should be spatially smooth, the cost gets lower the
closer the phases are to each other.
The unary and binary
costs are both taken into account, and a single parameter, λ,
is used to set the relative importance between them, resulting in a single
energy function (eq.5) of the entire image that is to be minimized.
E=\sum_{p∈V}-λ\cos(∠R_l^p)+\sum_{(p,q)∈\mathcal{E}}-\dfrac{m_p m_q}{d_{p,q}}\cos(∠b_l^p-∠b_l^q)\hspace{10mm}[5]
In eq.5 E is the energy to be minimized,
p and q are voxel indices, V is the set of all voxels, \mathcal{E} is the set of all 6-neighborhood voxels, m is
the magnitude weight of the voxels2, d is the Euclidian distance
between two voxels in mm and l is the label of the voxel.
The magnitude weights are used to lessen
the effect of the background noise. Eq.5 is minimized using QPBO3
which is a graph-cut method. The parameter λ can be
automatically set. After finding the correct label, estimates of W and F can be calculated
using a least-squares estimate. R_2^* can be calculated from b.
method presented will be referred to as analytical 3-point Dixon graph cut (AGC).
resulting images were compared to those from a reference method, ASR2,
which uses region-growing to find the correct label. Noise performance was tested on the images by adding noise to set SNR to different levels (1 2 4 8 16). Images were compared both visually and automatically. The
automatic method considers a voxel to be incorrectly labelled if the phase map value is significantly different from the phase map value when reconstructed at full SNR.
properties of the images used can be found in table 1. The images were
whole-body scans of 36 adult humans.
In Fig.1 reconstructed images using the two methods for different SNR can be seen. In Fig.2 the estimated percentage of voxels with the incorrect labels are presented along with p-values for the difference in the percentage of errors between the methods. For SNR 8 the p-value shows no significance, although visual inspection clearly shows more errors for ASR than for AGC. For SNR 16 no significant difference was detected automatically or visually.
The computation time for AGC was less than 1 minute on a modern desktop
computer for the whole-body test images at full SNR.
results show that the suggested method is superior to the reference method at low SNR
when it comes to the amount of swaps, while maintaining a low computation time. The method only uses one parameter,
which can be set automatically.
The method used for estimating if the incorrect label has been assigned in a voxel is not perfect. For example the automatic method shows no difference
in performance between the methods for SNR 8, in contrast to visual inspection.
AGC reconstructs data with low SNR correctly which demonstrates the method's robustness. It can potentially
give clinically and quantitatively relevant information where the reference method
fail. The short reconstruction time should allow for online reconstruction.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Hamilton
et al. In vivo characterization of
the liver fat 1H MR spectrum. NMR biomed. 2011;24:784-790.
2. Berglund
J, et al. Three-point Dixon method enables whole-body water and fat imaging of
obese subjects. Magn Reson Med. 2010;63:1659-1668.
3. Kolmogorov
V, Rother C. Minimizing non-submodular functions with graph cuts - a review. IEEE
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