Chen Cui1, Abhay Shah1, Cameron M. Cushing2, Vince Magnotta3, Xiaodong Wu1,2, and Mathews Jacob1
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States, 2Radiology Oncology, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA, United States, 3Radiology, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA, United States
Phase wrapping is a
classic problem in many fields of study. In MRI, Unwrapping the phase in the
estimation of B0 field inhomogeneity maps is challenging commonly due to the
presence of a large field inhomogeneity, anatomical discontinuities or low SNR
in certain regions of the map (e.g. boundaries). We propose a general phase
unwrapping method that exploits the smoothness of the field map in three
spatial dimensions. The method is solved using a linear-convex constrained graph search
algorithm that provides the globally guaranteed optimal solution without
over-smoothing effect. The proposed scheme aims to produce a robust solution
for field map estimation that will further improve the quality of quantitative susceptibility
mapping (QSM). Purpose
To propose a general phase unwrapping
method that exploits smoothness of the field map in 3-D and
provides the globally optimal solution without
over-smoothing effect. The proposed scheme aims to produce a robust solution for
field map estimation that will further improve the quality of QSM.
Phase unwrapping is an important topic in many fields of study. It can be
mathematically expressed as recovering the unwrapped phase ω_{0}({\mathbf r}) from the wrapped phase ω({\mathbf r}) at each location {\mathbf r} of an object (e.g. an image):
ω_{0}({\mathbf r}) = ω({\mathbf r}) + 2\pi k({\mathbf r}) \space \space \space [1]
k is a positive integer and ω({\mathbf r}) \in [0, 2\pi]. For the B0 field map estimation in MRI with the presence of fat and/or water, state-of-the-art methods (e.g. region-growing, region-merging or iterative graph cut) recover the unwrapped field map value by incorporating the smoothness of the field map into either an energy minimization problem formulation or a morphological method. These methods have proven effective in many cases, but fail to provide the global minimum in challenging cases commonly due to the presence of a large field inhomogeneity, anatomical discontinuities or low SNR in certain regions of the map (e.g. boundaries). The GlObally Optimal Surface Estimation (GOOSE)1 and 3D GOOSE2 introduced previously by the same authors are able to provide the globally optimal solutions, but could also possibly cause over-smoothing due to the strict constraint imposed on the graph. Computational cost is also a concern for 3D-GOOSE when the dataset contains a large number of slices in the 3rd dimension such as in QSM. Now we propose to exploit the smoothness of the field map in 3-D by minimizing the difference between all neighboring voxels while allowing full interactions among voxels in neighboring columns in the graph. The graph is constructed with only keeping in the bottom layer and k layers above. The estimate of the field map is formulated as the following optimization scheme:
{\mathbf k} = \arg\min_{\mathbf k} \sum_{\mathbf r} \nabla | ω_0({\mathbf r}) | = \arg\min_{\mathbf k} \sum_{\mathbf r} \nabla | ω({\mathbf r}) + 2\pi k({\mathbf r}) | \space \space \space [2]
{\mathbf k} is the vector matrix for k({\mathbf r}) at all locations. ω({\mathbf r}) is the B0 field value that minimizes a
predefined likelihood measure for the field map at location {\mathbf r} in one period: [0, 2\pi]. For example it is
obtained using the VARPRO formulation in GOOSE. The difference between field map
values at adjacent voxels is modeled using a linear-convex constraint. An
illustration of the interaction among the nodes in the graph can be seen in
Fig. 1. Eq. [2] is solved by using the globally optimal surface search
algorithm as introduced in Wu's work3. in which the theoretical proof of the global
minimum of Eq. [2] is achieved. Meanwhile, the over-smoothing effect is
well-prevented by the new formulation since the smoothness assumption is built
on the independently-precalculated field values. The new formulation greatly reduces the number of layers (usually to single digit) in the graph therefore
enables a great saving of computation during graph search.
The proposed method is run with the Cornell QSM 3T datasets and compared with
the region-growing (marked in Fig. 2) method
4 in the Cornell QSM Toolbox ( As we can see in Fig. 2, the field maps obtained from the region-growing method and
the proposed method are almost identical for the 28th slice. However, for the 21st slice, the region-growing method produces artifacts at multiple regions with high field value variations (near
boundary), whereas the proposed method delivers a homogeneous field map. One possible explanation is that the region-growing scheme fails to plant seeds in the correct locations in regions
with low SNRs but a high field variation. The difference can also
be visualized in the QSM maps. The
artifacts near boundary might undermine the capability of QSM providing useful
information to physicians when it comes to measuring the cavity after tumor
resection, as well as observing tumors at the edge of the brain. The proposed
algorithm also provides the computational gain in the experiment. We observe it
on average takes
k = 2 or 3 to obtain a fully recovered 3D field map which
costs ~5mins for a dataset of size 256*256*64.
Discussion and Conclusion
A fast, linear-convex constrained 3-D graph search algorithm
for phase unwrapping is proposed. The scheme shows promises
with current MRI datasets. The method needs to be further trained on other
challenging datasets such as torso, abdomen or in high magnetic field.
The authors would like to thank developers of the Cornell QSM Toolbox, which was used for the comparisons in this article. References
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[3] Wu, X., & Chen, D. Z. (2002). Optimal net surface problems with applications. In Automata, languages and programming (pp. 1029-1042). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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