Laura Jane King1, Rick Millane1, Hans Weber2, Brian Hargreaves2, and Phil Bones1
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
Being able to perform robust Dixon imaging near metal
implants would allow for improved contrast-enhanced fat suppression. This
requires accurate calculation of the phase shift due to the B0 field variation.
We present a new technique where the phase is first estimated at the outer
edges of the image. The method works inwards along a set of adjacent paths,
finishing at the boundary of the implant. The described method is used to
successfully separate fat and water in the vicinity of a titanium hip
replacement, with phantom results shown.Purpose
Metal implants disrupt standard MRI sequences, producing
images with significant artifacts. Although recently developed methods reduce
many artifacts, reliable fat suppression near metal remains challenging,
especially for contrast-enhanced imaging.
The ability to use the Dixon technique close to metal would enable or
improve applications such as contrast-enhanced detection of tumours,
inflammation or scar tissue.
For the three-point Dixon technique to succeed near metal,
correctly estimating the phase shift due to B0 field inhomogeneities is
necessary [1]. Existing techniques can fail as the phase varies rapidly near
the boundary of the implant. We propose a new technique in which the phase is
estimated incrementally using a set of 1D paths around the boundary.
The gradient of the B0 field variation increases as the
distance to the implant boundary decreases.
The phase is therefore more difficult to estimate close to the implant. Our
method unwraps the phase at the outer regions of a 2D slice first and proceeds
inwards over a set of enveloping paths, ending at the implant boundary.
The phase along a closed 1D path which circumnavigates the
implant can be represented by a Fourier series. Figure 1 shows the simulated B0 field variation near a
titanium hip replacement [2, 3]. Two possible paths are superimposed. Figure 2
shows the field variation along the paths with a Fourier series fitted to each.
A set of suitable paths is obtained by dilating the shape of
the implant in steps and identifying the boundary pixels after each step. The
wrapped phase at the pixels along each path is extracted. It is assumed that
the measured phase along the outermost path is slowly varying and can be
unwrapped. An Nth-order Fourier
series is fitted to the unwrapped phase.
The coefficients of the Fourier series, αN,
are adjusted to minimise the objective function
where ϕw is the wrapped phase data at point r on the parameterised path. FαN(r) is the Fourier series representation of
the unwrapped phase estimate, W{⋅} is the wrapping operator and D is the number of pixels on the path. This ensures
consistency between the rewrapped estimated phase and the wrapped data. By adjusting the Fourier coefficients instead
of the phase at each pixel, only 2N+1 parameters are estimated.
The phase estimation works inwards by the following steps:
1. The unwrapped phase estimate at each pixel on
the next path in is mapped from the closest pixel on the adjacent outer path.
2. An Nth-order
Fourier series is fitted to the unwrapped phase on the new path. This is the
initial unwrapped estimate.
3. The Fourier coefficients are adjusted to
minimise the objective function, and the new unwrapped estimate is calculated.
4. Steps 1-3 are repeated for each path until the
path closest to the boundary of the object is reached.
The phase at pixels which do not belong to any path is
estimated using 2D interpolation.
Data acquisition
Data were obtained using a phantom containing a titanium hip
replacement suspended in agar gel and surrounded by three vials of peanut oil. 2D-FSE
images were acquired using the three-point Dixon technique at 3T (matrix size: 384x136, FOV: 300x210 mm, 16 slices with 3 mm thickness, TR:
3400ms, TE: 10ms, echo train length: 16,
readout bandwidth: 125 kHz). The implant
geometry was obtained using a white light scanner.
Results and Discussion
Figure 3 shows the fat-only and
water-only images calculated using a minimum-norm phase unwrapping method [4]. The phase estimation has failed close to the
implant, as indicated by the fat and water swaps. The discontinuity at the implant
boundary causes errors to propagate throughout the image. This can be improved
by using a weighted phase unwrapping method [4], with the fat-only and
water-only images shown in Fig. 4. The phase inside the implant boundary is
given a weighting of zero, so it does not influence the final result. However,
the phase estimation has failed in regions with rapid field variation.
Figure 5 shows the images
calculated using the method described here. The fat has been successfully separated
from water near the implant boundary. Residual intensity variation remains due
to artifacts such as through-plane distortion.
The proposed technique has
succeeded in suppressing fat near the boundary of a titanium hip replacement
phantom. Future work will focus on better methods for generating the paths
circumnavigating the implant and assessing global convergence of the objective
function [5].
The authors would like to thank Valentina Taviani, Brady
Quist and Julian Maclaren from Stanford University for their assistance with
acquiring the experimental data, and the New Zealand Orthopaedic Association
for financial support.
[1] F. Del Grande et al., RadioGraphics, 34, 217-233, (2014)
[2] R. Salomir et al., Concepts in Magn. Reson B., 19B,
26-34, (2003)
[3] J.P. Marques, R. Bowtell, Concepts in Magn. Reson. B.,
25B, 65-78 (2005)
[4] D.C. Ghiglia, L.A. Romero, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 11,
107-116, (1994)
[5] D. Hernando et al., MRM, 63, 79-90, (2010)