Naoharu Kobayashi1, Kamil Ugurbil1, and Xiaoping Wu1
1CMRR, Radiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
Current high resolution, whole brain diffusion MRI protocol at 7T
for the Human Connectome Project uses linear phase multiband (MB) refocusing pulses
that have duration longer than 10 ms. Recent studies show that shorter duration
can be obtained by designing nonlinear phase MB refocusing pulses. In this
study, we designed root-flipped MB and hyperbolic secant (HS1) based MB
refocusing pulses and investigated how the variable rate selective excitation
(VERSE) principle can be used to further reduce the pulse duration. Our results
suggest that both root-flipped and HS1 based MB refocusing pulses can be
shortened by VERSE.Purpose
To investigate how the variable rate selective excitation
(VERSE) principle
1 can be used to further shorten the nonlinear phase multiband
(MB) refocusing pulses designed with the root-flipped method
2 or using
hyperbolic secant (HS1) pulses
We started by designing root-flipped MB refocusing pulses
for a peak transmit B1 (B1+) constraint of 13 µT. This was done by using the
design tools published by Sharma et al
2, and specifying design
parameters relevant to 7T high resolution whole brain dMRI acquisitions: MB
factor = 3 (MB3), slice thickness = 1 mm, and inter-slice distance = 33 mm (assuming
a 108-mm field of view (FOV) covering a medium-sized human brain in an oblique
slice direction). The designed MB3 pulse was 8.9 ms in length with a time
bandwidth product (TB) of 6 for each single-band pulse component. We then
designed two other MB3 refocusing pulses for same slice specifications, but
using HS1 pulses
3 as single-band components. The first MB3 HS1 pulse
was generated to have
the same TB of 6 (HS1 TB=6) as the root-flipped pulse, whereas the second MB3
HS1 pulse was designed for a higher TB of 12 (HS1 TB=12). Both MB pulses were
formed by adding three 7-ms single-band HS1 pulses and introducing a 0.95-ms
time shift in between
4 to reduce the otherwise too high
peak RF magnitude, resulting in pulse duration of 8.9 ms. All
three MB3 pulses were subsequently reshaped by using VERSE
1. In our VERSE
implementation the time envelope of the input
pulse was extracted to modulate the gradient so as to minimize the pulse duration
under gradient hardware limitations (maximum amplitude of 70 mT/m
and max slew rate of 200 T/m/s) and the peak B1+ constraint. The final
pulse duration was 7.4, 4.8 and 8.2 ms for root flipped, HS1
TB=6, and HS1 TB=12 pulses, respectively. The slice profile of each pulse within
a 10-cm FOV was simulated assuming uniform initial Mxy and considering crusher
gradients. The sensitivity of these post-VERSE pulses was also investigated by
imposing a 300 Hz off resonance in the simulation.
While satisfying peak B1+ constraint, all three post-VERSE pulses
presented a flatter envelop and shorter duration than their pre-VERSE
counterpart (Fig. 1). The VERSE procedure reduced the pulse duration by 17%, 46% and 8% for root flipped, HS1 TB=6 and HS1 TB=12 pulse designs,
respectively, with the shortest duration achieved with the HS1 TB=6 pulse design. All three MB3 pulses
successfully refocused three 1-mm thick slices at the desired locations (Fig.
2). The slice profile however exhibited different characteristics, with the HS1
TB=6 pulse having least slice sharpness. The HS1 TB=12 pulse design resulted in a sharper slice profile
comparable to that of the root flipped pulse. In the presence of off resonance,
distortion in slice profile was observed for all three post-VERSE pulses (Fig.
2), with the HS1 TB=12 pulse having less
distortion in its slice profile relative
to HS1 TB=6 because of its higher bandwidth.
We have demonstrated the effectiveness of VERSE in further reducing the
duration of nonlinear phase MB refocusing pulses. With a comparable slice
profile, the post-VERSE root flipped MB3 pulse was slightly shorter than the
HS1 TB=12 pulse (7.4 vs 8.2 ms); this was mostly due
to the fact that an effective ripple of 0.01 was allowed in both passband and
stopband of the slice profile. Designing another root flipped pulse with no
ripples resulted in an increased pulse duration comparable to that of the HS1 TB=12 pulse. The
initially designed MB3 pulses exhibit high frequency oscillations (Fig. 1) due
to the thin slice thickness and large inter-slice distance specified. Following
conventional VERSE approaches by modulating gradient based on each time point
of the input pulse requires additional computation time to be spent on smoothing
the otherwise too rapidly changing gradient waveform so as to not exceed the
maximum slew rate. To overcome this issue, we have decided to reshape the gradient
based on the envelope of the input RF pulse. Our results suggest that this
VERSE implementation represents an effective while efficient approach to
reshaping MB pulses.
The VERSE principle can be applied to further reduce the
duration for nonlinear phase MB refocusing pulses designed with the root
flipped or HS1 pulse design method while satisfying certain peak RF power constraint.
This work is supported by NIH grant P41 EB015894.References
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