Weiran Deng1, Michael Herbst1, and V Andrew Stenger1
1University of Hawaii JABSOM, Honolulu, HI, United States
This abstract presents a method that applies sine waveforms to the imaging gradients in radial sampling. This concept is similar controlled aliasing in Parallel Imaging (CAIPI). It enhances the encoding power of coil sensitivities by introducing spatially varying convoultion. Improvement in image quality are observed in images reconstructed from undersampled (R=8) wave-radial data compared to images from undersampled (R=8) radial data acquired at 3T.Purpose
To improve the image quality at high accelerations for radial MRI sampling.
The radial trajectory is useful for MRI applications
such as ultra-short echo time MRI
1. However, radial sampling is more
time consuming because the number of readout lines is
π/2 times that of a Cartesian acquisition.
The long acquisition times in radial imaging can be shortened by acquiring
fewer lines and using parallel imaging reconstruction. Additionally, recent
advances using controlled aliasing in parallel imaging (CAIPI
2) can
further improve image quality at higher accelerations. CAIPI has recently been
further extended to Wave-CAIPI
3 that applies wave gradients during
readouts to introduce spatially varying convolutions in the image domain.
However, existing studies have been limited to Cartesian sampling. In this work
we present preliminary results that apply Wave-CAIPI to radial sampling for
improved non-Cartesian parallel imaging efficiency.
In vivo brain data were acquired on a
Siemens (Erlangen, Germany) TimTrio 3T scanner with a 32-channel head coil
using a 3D Gradient Echo FLASH sequence (TE/TR=5/50ms, FA=15°, 2mm isotropic resolution). Radial
and wave-radial data were then synthesized by retrospectively sampling the fully
sampled FLASH k-space data. The wave amplitude was approximately 5% of the
separation dk
z and the phase
range was from 0 to 2
π. Figure 1 shows an example of a 3D wave-radial
trajectory. The reconstruction was performed using the iterative SENSE method
with NUFFT from the Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox
4. The images reconstructed from
the fully sampled data were used as ground truth to compare to images from the undersampled
radial and wave-radial data. Reduction factors (in-plane R
xy=4 and
through-plane R
z=2) were used.
Figures 2 a, b, and c show
four axial images reconstructed from fully-sampled radial, undersampled radial,
and undersampled wave-radial sampling, respectively. Even though the sensitivities
of the 32-channel coil provide encoding power for good overall image quality,
close inspection shows through-plane aliasing in the regions annotated by the
dashed cyan circles in b. These artifacts do not appear in the images from the
undersampled wave-radial data in c. The differences between the fully sampled
image and the undersampled radial and wave-radial are shown in d and e,
respectively. Note the larger difference in the undersampled radial images (regions
encircled by the cyan dashed lines) than in the undersampled wave-radial
Discussion and Conclusions
This abstract shows that Wave-CAIPI is also useful for improving
image quality at high accelerations in non-Cartesian sampling such as radial
sampling. Future work will be to find optimal wave parameters (the amplitude
and frequency of the sine/cosine function) for the highest image quality and
minimum geometry factor.
Work supported by the
NIH (R01DA019912, R01EB011517, K02DA020569.References
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