Gaojie Zhu1, Hai Luo1, Bin Wang1, Xiang Zhou1, and Leping Zha1,2
1Advanced Application, Alltech Medical Systems, Chengdu, China, People's Republic of, 2Advanced application, Alltech Medical Systems America, Cleveland, OH, United States
Simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) acquisitions
with SENSE reconstruction rely greatly on the fidelity of coil sensitivity maps.
Due to the difficulty on choosing polynomial orders, traditional polynomial
fitting method often results in residual spatial oscillations or influence from
imaging content, which compromise the reconstruction quality. ESPIRiT (An
Eigenvalue approach to auto-calibrating parallel MRI) is a new technique to
estimate sensitivity map from auto-calibration signal. It is a sub-space
based method that is highly robust to many types of errors because
the estimated subspace automatically adapts to inconsistencies in the data. We propose to extend the simultaneous
multi-slice imaging with ESPIRIT for higher-fidelity sensitivity distribution estimation and highly robust reconstruction.Purpose:
develop an ESPIRiT-based reconstruction method for simultaneous multi-slice imaging
For simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) acquisitions
[1] with SENSE
[2] reconstruction, accurate coil sensitivity maps estimation is
essential to obtain high quality images. Traditionally, coil sensitivity maps
are estimated with the ratio of individual-coil images over a uniform image,
followed with a polynomial fitting process. The uniform image can be either
acquired from an additional body coil scan or derived by taking the square root
of the sum-of-square (SOS) of the multi-coil image
[3]. However, there are two problems
associated with those existing techniques. First, the assumption that the SOS image from multi-coil is uniform is not exactly accurate and thus
brings in-homogeneity in coil sensitivity maps estimated. Second, the
estimated sensitivity maps depend on how many polynomial orders are chosen
during the fitting process, which cause residual spatial oscillations or
influence from imaging object, both as modulations to the estimated coil sensitivity maps. ESPIRiT (An Eigenvalue approach
to auto-calibrating parallel MRI)
[4] is a new framework for
calibration of coil sensitivity map and reconstruction in parallel MRI. Basically,
ESPIRIT is a sub-space based method that is highly robust to many types of
errors because the estimated subspace automatically adapts to inconsistencies
in the data.
Coil sensitivity map estimation with ESPIRiT: Data used in this study came from the ISMRM2015 simultaneous Multi-Slice imaging
workshop and was acquired at 3.0T Siemens Skyra using a T1 weighted FLASH
sequence. ESPIRiT framework [1] is used to calculate the coil sensitivity map with
the central 24*24 full sampled raw data. ESPIRiT determines the
signal space spanned by local patches in k-space using singular value
decomposition(SVD) of a calibration matrix constructed from calibration data. Because
there are local correlation in k-space due to field-of-view limitation
and correlations induced by the receiver coils, this signal space is a small subspace of the space from all possible patches. Specifically, ESPIRiT recovers the
sensitivity maps of the receive coils as eigenvectors to eigenvalue 1 of a reconstruction operator, which is derived from signal space during
calibration process. Calibration process with SVD follows this equation A=UΣV^{H}, where A is the calibration matrix constructed by
sliding a window through calibration data. The column of the V matrix in the
SVD are basis for the rows of A, and therefore are basis for all the
overlapping blocks in the calibration data.Explicit sensitivity maps for each point follows the equation G_{q}\overrightarrow{s_{q}}=\overrightarrow{s_{q}},where G_{q} is the a reconstruction operator for each position in
image space; and \overrightarrow{s_{q}} is the sensitivities at spatial position q. The explicit
sensitivity maps can be found by an eigenvalue decomposition of all G_{q} chosing
only the eigenvectors corresponding to eigenvalue”=1”. Reconstruction of SMS with extended SENSE:After computation of coil sensitivities, a
standard SENSE reconstruction can be performed to unfold all 3 slices excited
simultaneously. In the ideal case, ESPIRiT yields a single set of sensitivity maps. But for corrupted data, ESPIRiT often yields multiple sets of maps in an attempt to
fit the data into a subspace. We use two sets of coil sensitivity maps weighted
by S-curve transition function for an extended SENSE reconstruction[4].
Figure1 demonstrates the SOS coil
sensitivity maps for each of the 3 slices. It can be seen that the method based on
traditional polynomial fitting of SENSE introduce imaging content leakage (see the
arrow in slice 1) or contain sharp spatial variation at the edge of the object
(see arrow in slice 2), while the ESPIRiT algorithm guarantees a very
spatial smooth coil sensitivity maps. The advantage of good coil sensitivity
maps can be seen more clearly in figure 2, which shows the images reconstructed
with ESPIRiT and traditional SENSE, with full sampled image as reference. Imperfect
coil sensitivity maps cause abnormal signal level for object out of the brain
boundary in slice 1 for SENSE reconstruction and lead to bright point at the image edge and some wrapped
content at the center of image in slice 2. In comparison, the reconstruction from ESPIRiT method
preserves image quality quite well within same imaging areas. Figure 3 shows that the
G-factor of ESPIRiT is not as concentrated as those from the traditional SENSE reconstruction
Conclusion and discussion
this work, we apply ESPIRiT reconstruction framework to SMS imaging. The
ESPIRIT reconstruction framework helps to produce coil sensitivity maps without
polynomial fitting process and thus obviates the dependency of sensitivities on
the polynomial order. Multiple sets of
sensitivity maps can be taken into account during the reconstruction process for enhanced robustness.
greatly appreciate M. Lustig and M. Uecker for making it possible to use their BART tool package ( and the support from ISMRM 2015 SMS workshopReferences
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