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Calibration-free Parallel Imaging Using Randomly Undersampled Multichannel Blind Deconvolution (MALBEC)
Jingyuan Lyu1, Ukash Nakarmi1, Yihang Zhou1, Chaoyi Zhang1, and Leslie Ying1,2

1Electrical Engineering, The State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States, 2Biomedical Engineering, The State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States


This abstract presents a novel reconstruction method for parallel imaging that does not require auto-calibration data. The method formulates the image reconstruction problem as a multichannel blind deconvolution problem in k-space where the data are randomly undersampled in all channels. Under this formulation, the k-spaces of the desired image and coil sensitivities are jointly recovered by finding a rank-1 matrix subject to the data consistent constraint. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is able to achieve better reconstruction results than the state-of-the-art calibration-less parallel imaging methods.

Target audience

Scientists and clinicians interested in calibration-less parallel imaging techniques.


Calibration-less parallel imaging methods [1-5] have been proposed to reduce the scan time needed to acquire the auto-calibration data in conventional calibration-based parallel imaging methods (e.g., GRAPPA [6] and SPIRiT [7]). Most of the existing calibration-less methods are based on low-rankness of matrices formed by the acquired k-space data. In this work, we propose a new formulation for calibration-free reconstruction using MultichAnneL Blind dEConvolution, named MALBEC. The method also formulates the reconstruction problem as a low rank matrix recovery problem, but the constraint is stronger than the existing SAKE method. Therefore, the proposed MALBEC is expected to provide better reconstructions.

Theory and Methods

We formulate the reconstruction problem as a blind deconvolution problem in k-space, as illustrated in Figure 1. The acquired k-space data from K channels are denoted as y1[p,q],y2[p,q],...,yK[p,q], which are the convolution between the k-space data s[m,n] of the desired unknown image and the k-space of the coil sensitivities for each of the K different channels denoted as h1[m,n],h2[m,n],...,hk[m,n]. Mathematically, the convolution is given as yk[p,q]=M1m=0N1n=0hk[m,n]s[pm,qn].(1) In calibration-less parallel imaging, we wish to recover the full k-space data s[m,n] from the undersampled yk[p,q],k=1,2,,K, without knowledge about s[m,n] or hk[m,n]. Apparently, the problem is ill-posed with non-unique solutions. Since the coil sensitivities vary smoothly in image domain, to solve the ill-posed problem, we first assume their k-space values to have significant values only within a small window of size M×N, which is much smaller than the size of s. As in Ref. [8], we then define a large rank-1 matrix X0=s[hT1hT2hTK] where s is the vectorized s[m,n] and hk vectorized. It is seen that X0 contains all pairs of variables appearing in the sum in Eq. (1). As illustrated in Figure 2 (using a 1D convolution example), each acquired k-space data point yk[p,q] is now a linear combination of the entries in X0 along the skew direction. We define a linear operation A() which sums over skew diagonals of the submatrices shTk in X0 to generate yk[p,q], and define as the undersampling operation. Concatenating the undersampled observations from all channels into a single vector yΩ, we have a linear system of equations: yΩ=ΩA(X0).(2) The problem of reconstructing s now becomes a matrix recovery problem of X0. Because we know that the unknown matrix X0 has rank one, to recover X0 from yΩ, we want to find a matrix that satisfies Eq. (2) such that rank(X0)=1. However, the problem is difficult to solve directly. We therefore solve min subject to {{\bf{y}}_{\rm{\Omega }}} = {\rm{\Omega }}{\cal A}({\bf{X}}) \quad(3) instead, where {\left\| {\bf{X}}\right\|_*} is the nuclear norm (sum of the singular values) of {\bf{X}}. It has been proved that under certain conditions (including randomness in {\rm{\Omega }}, Eq. (3) can (with high probability) recover exactly the rank-1 matrix. Conjugate gradient method was used to solve \left( {{{\cal A}^{ - 1}}{{\rm{\Omega }}^{ - 1}}{\rm{\Omega }}{\cal A}+{{\rm{\lambda}}^{-1}}{\rm{{\rm I}}}} \right){\bf{X}}={{\rm{\lambda }}^{-1}}{\bf{G}}+{{\cal A}^{-1}}{{\rm{\Omega}}^{-1}}{{\bf{y}}_{\rm{\Omega}}}, where {\bf{G}} = {{\bf{u}}_1}{{\bf{v}}_1}, {{\bf{u}}_1} and {{\bf{v}}_1} are the first left and right singular vectors of matrix {\bf{X}}. Once we have {\bf{X}}, we can find the full k-space data at all channels using {\bf{y}} = {\cal A}({\bf{X}}). The desired image can be obtained as the sum-of squares of the images from all channels.


To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, we use the human brain dataset in Ref. [1] (3D SPGR sequence on a 1.5T MRI scanner (GE, Waukesha, WI) with an 8-channel head coil, TE=8 ms, TR=17.6 ms, and flip angle=20°. FOV=20cm×20cm×20cm, matrix size of 200×200×200). A single slice was selected from this data set and was used throughout the experiments. The data were fully acquired and then retrospectively and randomly under-sampled (with sampling pattern in Ref. [9]) to simulate the accelerated acquisition with a reduction factor of 3. The proposed MALBEC is compared against another rank-constrained method, SAKE [1]. Figure 3 shows that the MALBEC reconstruction quality is better than that of SAKE, while the computational time is about the same.


SAKE can be viewed as a relaxed version of the proposed method. Specifically, using the same notation, SAKE can be formulated as {\rm{mi}}{{\rm{n}}_{\bf{X}}}{\rm{rank}}((1+{\bf{P}}+\cdots+{{\bf{P}}^{MN}}){\bf{X}}) subject to {{\bf{y}}_{\rm{\Omega}}} = {\rm{\Omega }}{\cal A}\left({\bf{X}}\right), where {\bf{P}} is a circulant shift matrix. It is seen that this constraint is weaker than that in Eq. (3).


A novel calibration-less parallel imaging technique is proposed. It is shown to be superior to SAKE in both theory and experiments.


This work is supported in part by the NSF CBET-1265612, CCF-1514403, NIH R21EB020861.


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[2] Majumdar, Angshul, Kunal Narayan Chaudhury, and Rabab Ward. "Calibrationless parallel magnetic resonance imaging: a joint sparsity model."Sensors 13.12 (2013): 16714-16735.

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[7] Lustig, Michael, and John M. Pauly. "SPIRiT: Iterative self-consistent parallel imaging reconstruction from arbitrary k-space." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 64.2 (2010): 457-471.

[8] Romberg, Justin, Ning Tian, and Karim Sabra. "Multichannel blind deconvolution using low rank recovery." SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013.

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Figure 1. Illustration of multi-channel convolution in k-space.

Figure 2. Illustration of rank 1 matrix {{\bf{X}}_{\bf{0}}} using a 1D example. It is formed as the outer product of two vectors. Each observation {y_k}\left[ p \right] is a sum of the entries in {{\bf{X}}_{\bf{0}}} along one of the skew diagonals of a submatrix of {{\bf{X}}_{\bf{0}}}. The summations along the arrows represent the linear equation y = {\cal A}({{\bf{X}}_0}).

Figure 3. Under-sampling pattern in k-space and the reconstruction results from SAKE, Zero-filling, and the proposed MALBEC method.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)