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Image Intensity Corrections in ESPIRiT from Eigenvalue Based Spatially Variant Sensitivity Map Rescaling Modifications
Wang Bin1, Zhu Gaojie1, Luo Hai1, Zhou Xiang1, and Zha Leping1,2

1Alltech Medical Systems, Chengdu, China, People's Republic of, 2Alltech Medical Systems America, Cleveland, OH, United States


Images from accelerated acquisition and ESPIRiT reconstruction show inhomogeneous intensity from the original array coil sensitivity distributions, because of the arbitrarily scaled sensitivity (eigenvector) maps. We propose to use the corresponding eigenvalues to restore the proper relative sensitivity scaling in the maps as a method of intensity bias correction, to help better visualization of the anatomies.


Numerous prospective and retrospective intensity inhomogeneity correction algorithm based on image processing operation have been proposed in the last decades1,2. In the era of multi-coil acquisition, the electromagnetic reverse method3 has been suggested to calculate sensitivity map. Correlation matrix analysis to extract the intensity bias distributions was also reported4. This work implements image intensity correction in ESPIRiT reconstruction, as well as perform intensity correction to the normal images from the normal sum-of-square (SOS) combinations, using the properly spatially variant scaled coil sensitivity maps modified from the maps in the basic ESPIRiT algorithm.


ESPIRiT5 is an auto-calibrating parallel imaging algorithm capable of generating sensitivity maps from the under-sampled imaging data, which is used to unfold the aliasing artifacts with SENSE6,7 reconstruction. However, the original ESPIRiT reconstruction does not perform image intensity corrections to compensate the coil sensitivity distribution induced spatial intensity bias (Figure 1), because although the ESPIRiT derived coil sensitivity maps (eigenvectors) are good for SENSE, multiplications with the arbitrary spatially variant complex scalers made the same maps not useful to the intensity correction purpose.

SENSE provides a method to solve the image m with the under-sampled k-space data yi and the sensitivity map Si for each of the coils in


where P is the under sampling operator, F is the Fourier transform operator, and i is the coil index. If we divide the sensitivity map by a pixel dependent but coil independent value λ, the solution will be original m multiplied by a corresponding value λ. If this λ is not properly formulated, the coil sensitivity bias in the images is not corrected, although the folding artifacts in the under-sampled images are resolved, because the relative complex relations (ratios) between multi-receiver coils is retained for all the imaging pixels.

In ESPIRiT, the data space V of the auto calibration signal (ACS) region is split into two spaces, the signal space V and the null space V, through singular value decomposition (SVD)


where A is the calibration matrix. The signal space projection operator W is then constructed as


where operators Rr represents the operation of choosing a block of k-space out of the entire grid around the k-space positions indexed by r, and M represents ΣrRHrRr. Next, the operator W is transformed to the image space to solve the pixel independent eigenvalue decomposition, in order to obtain the coil sensitivity map sq,



To generate ESPIRiT sensitivity maps, the singular values Σ are discarded (thus the signal space is “whitened”). Hence, the pixel-to-pixel relative intensity variations in the sensitivity maps are discarded, despite the retaining of the relative complex coil intensity relationships. We propose to keep the singular values to define a vector space


to be used to construct operator ˉW, and then the eigenvalues of corresponding image space operator ˉGq will not be all theoretically normalized.


Finally, we define


as the spatially variant rescaled modified sensitivity maps in the SENSE reconstruction, to solve the arbitrary scaling problem in (1) and enable the image intensity bias corrected ESPIRiT reconstruction. This algorithm can be also used to generate intensity bias correction maps from values λ of the each pixel. The coil sensitivity variations caused intensity bias of the SOS combined multi-coil images are corrected by dividing the images by the map.


Under-sampled imaging data with volunteers were acquired on an AllTtech Centauri 1.5T system. Fig. 1 is a head imaging example with an 8-channel head coil and a parallel acceleration factor R=1.8. Comparing the results from with the original ESPIRiT (left images), the coil intensity bias is corrected from the proposed modifications (middle images). Fig. 2 shows examples of C-Spine images with a 7-channel head-spine coil without parallel acceleration. Intensity thresholding mask was applied to only perform the intensity bias corrections over the object region to avoid unnecessary noise and residue artifacts amplifications. Feathering out nearing the boundary generates more natural looking results with the gradual fading out of the corrections.


We greatly appreciate M. Lustig and his associates for granting the use of the ESPIRiT reconstruction code and the BART tool package ( in this study.


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[2] Uros V, Franjo P, Bostjan L, a Review of Methods for Correction of Intensity Inhomogeneity in MRI, IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 26:405-421 (2007).

[3] Jin J, Feng L, Ewald W, Yu L, Stuart C, an Electromagnetic Reverse Method of Coil Sensitivity Mapping for Parallel MRI - Theoretical Framework, J. Mag. Reson., 207:59:68 (2010).

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Figure 1. Volunteer head images from parallel accelerated acquisition (R=1.8) reconstructed from the original ESPIRiT (left), and from the modified ESPIRiT with intensity bias corrections (middle). The correction map λ is shown on the right.

Figure 2. Non-accelerated volunteer C-Spine images from the normal SOS recombination (left), and after intensity bias corrections with the correction map λ (right) derived from the proposed method (middle).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)