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Revisiting adaptive regularization for self-calibrated, dynamic parallel imaging reconstruction
Mark Chiew1 and Karla L Miller1

1FMRIB, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom


In this work we demonstrate a simple method for reducing error in k-t under-sampled parallel imaging by subtracting a dynamic, low-rank time-series estimate prior to un-aliasing reconstruction. This estimate is generated directly from the under-sampled data by selecting the first r components of a singular value decomposition after sliding-window reconstruction, and removes signal variance that might otherwise contribute to residual aliasing. This method is motivated by the observation that the highest variance components in time-series data are typically low-frequency, and well characterised by a sliding window filter.


To reduce error in dynamic parallel imaging by estimating and removing high-variance low-frequency signal components prior to un-aliasing reconstruction, without additional data or sampling requirements


In reconstruction of k-t under-sampled data, DC (baseline) signal estimates are often used to estimate sensitivities1 or regularize un-aliasing reconstructions2. When used as prior information in un-aliasing procedures (e.g. by subtracting it from the sampled data, and reconstructing the residuals), it can improve conditioning of the problem and reduce residual aliasing. The DC-term is frequently used because it is easy to estimate as the temporal mean across the under-sampled data; by definition, however, it fails to capture any of the dynamic signal content. As errors in parallel imaging from residual aliasing scale with signal power, removing as much true signal as possible prior to un-aliasing reconstruction minimizes these artefacts. In Xu et al., an adaptive regularization was proposed using a generalized series model (SPEAR)3 that capture more dynamic signal variance. However, this approach requires additional sampling constraints and complex model fitting. Here we propose a simple method for estimating temporally adaptive prior information directly from the under-sampled data, obtained via singular value decomposition (SVD) on a sliding-window k-t estimate.

Theory & Methods

Motivated by the observation that the highest variance components of a dynamic MRI dataset are often low-frequency, we compute the SVD of a sliding window estimate and keep the first r components as a rank-r estimate of the underlying data (ˆXr). If the spectral power of the true components falls within the bandwidth of the sliding window filter (Fig. 1), they are estimated with high fidelity. ˆXr can then be subtracted from the measured data to remove as much true signal variance prior to un-aliasing reconstruction:


where E is the k-t sampling operator, G denotes the un-aliasing linear operator (in this case GRAPPA4), and ˆX is the un-aliased final data estimate. Like SPEAR, this method generates an aliased residual x-f space that is non-zero everywhere (Fig. 2), and so is free from DC-nulling temporal filtering artefacts5. Additionally, Ding et al. showed that the SVD-filtered sliding window estimate ˆXr can be used to robustly estimate dynamic sensitivities or train GRAPPA kernels, with no need for additional reference or auto-calibration data6. However, the method by Ding et al. focused solely on producing the best possible time-dependent sensitivity or GRAPPA kernel estimates, and did not discuss the utility of using the SVD-filtered estimate directly to reduce residual aliasing. We evaluated this approach on retrospectively under-sampled cardiac cine (R=4,6 128x128 and 100 time-points) and resting FMRI data (R=4, 64x64 and 500 time-points) using standard k-t lattice sampling. Coil sensitivities were based on 32-channel measurements made from real data, compressed down to 8 virtual coils for reconstruction using the SVD, and GRAPPA kernels (5x4) trained on the entirety of ˆX4 were used for all comparisons within each dataset, to remove variability due to the GRAPPA operator.


Figure 3 plots the normalized RMSE for various reconstructions against the rank of the sliding window estimate, in general showing reduction in reconstruction error as rank increased. The error for a DC-subtracted reconstruction (dashed lines) is virtually identical to the rank-1 reconstruction error. In all cases, error begins to increase as the rank of the sliding-window estimate is increased beyond a certain point. While the selection of optimal rank for the sliding window estimate depends on both the spectral power distribution in the data and the sliding window width (i.e. under-sampling factor), the remaining comparisons were performed at a conservative rank-4 cutoff. Figure 4 shows a single column through the R=6 cine data over time, comparing the ground truth to reconstructions using DC-, rank-1 and rank-4 subtraction. Residual aliasing errors apparent in the DC/rank-1 reconstructions are largely absent in the rank-4 reconstruction. Similarly, Figure 5 shows RMSE reconstruction error across all voxels of the frequency domain information, clearly showing residual aliasing errors centered at the characteristic ±fmax/4 and fmax/2 aliasing harmonics in the rank-1 data, significantly reduced using a rank-4 estimate.


We have demonstrated a simple, adaptive and reference-free method for reducing residual aliasing in accelerated k-t image reconstruction. While low-rank modelling has become popular in dynamic imaging, the method presented here only requires that the highest variance components are sufficiently band-limited to be well characterized using a sliding window filter, and makes no assumption otherwise on the rank or structure of the data to be reconstructed.


This work was partially funded by the EPSRC (MC) and the Wellcome Trust (KLM).


1. Kellman, P., Epstein, F. H., & McVeigh, E. R. Adaptive sensitivity encoding incorporating temporal filtering (TSENSE). Magn Reson Med 2001; 45(5), 846–852.

2. Tsao, J., Boesiger, P., & Pruessmann, K. P. k-t BLAST andk-t SENSE: Dynamic MRI with high frame rate exploiting spatiotemporal correlations. Magn Reson Med 2003; 50(5), 1031–1042.

3. Xu, D., King, K. F., & Liang, Z.-P. Improving k-t SENSE by adaptive regularization. Magn Reson Med 2007; 57(5), 918–930.

4. Griswold, M. A., Jakob, P. M., Heidemann, R. M., Nittka, M., Jellus, V., Wang, J., et al. Generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisitions (GRAPPA). Magn Reson Med 2002; 47(6), 1202–1210.

5. Blaimer, M., Ponce, I. P., Breuer, F. A., Jakob, P. M., Griswold, M. A., & Kellman, P. Temporal filtering effects in dynamic parallel MRI. Magn Reson Med 2011; 66(1), 192–198.

6. Ding, Y., Chung, Y.-C., Jekic, M., & Simonetti, O. P. A new approach to autocalibrated dynamic parallel imaging based on the Karhunen-Loeve transform: KL-TSENSE and KL-TGRAPPA. Magn Reson Med 2011; 65(6), 1786–1792.


Figure 1 – Frequency vs. temporal component ordered by variance in cardiac cine (left) and FMRI (right) data. The highest variance components have their signal power concentrated in the lowest frequencies. The dashed and solid lines represent the FWHM of a sliding window filter for R=4 and R=6 respectively.

Figure 2 - Point spread function (top) and residual x-f spaces for the cardiac cine data at R=4. The subtraction of the DC-estimate (middle) results in signal voids at aliased harmonic frequencies. Using the SVD to generate a rank-4 (bottom) estimate from a sliding window reconstruction does not exhibit these nulls.

Figure 3 – Normalised RMSE against the rank of the prior estimate for the cine data at R=4 (blue), R=6 (green), and the FMRI data at R=4 (orange). Dashed lines denote the error using the simple DC-subtraction.

Figure 4 – Difference from the ground truth time courses for one image column of the cardiac cine data through the centre (x=64). Significant errors and residual aliasing is seen in the DC/rank-1 reconstruction, which are significantly reduced using the rank-4 estimate.

Figure 5 – RMSE across all voxels in the resting FMRI dataset, along the frequency axis. Using the rank-1 estimate (and virtually identical DC, not shown) leaves significant error or residual aliasing around the aliased harmonic

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)