Steen Moeller1, Sudhir ramanna1, Kamil ugurbil1, and Essa Yacoub1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
Investigation on the effect of reference or calibration scans
needed to reconstruct undersampled MRI data. The study covers 3 different
acceleration factors, and 6 different reference acquisitions. It is found that scan
to scan variability for common acceleration factors is larger than any difference
in tSNR between FLASH and FLEET, and that segmented EPI and single-shot are
inferior to FLASH and FLEET acquisitions.Purpose
Reference or calibration scans are needed to reconstruct undersampled
MRI data. Differences between reference
scans and the undersampled acquisitions can exist, as they are acquired at
different times and potentially during the presence of subject motion. This is
more concerning in EPI acquisitions where geometric distortions, due to the long
echo-spacings, are prevalent, and the effects of motion more problematic.
Previous work has demonstrated that the use of a FLASH/GRE reference scan can
significantly improve signal stability of single shot and segmented EPI
acquisitions [1]. More recently, continuous segmented EPI acquisition (FLEET), has
been proposed and reported to have superior tSNR to FLASH [2]. In segmented EPI,
the duration between image segments of the same slice is long, allowing for
signal recovery. This results in higher SNR but is more susceptible to
segmentation artifacts. In FLEET, each segment is acquired sequentially with
the minimum possible delay, reducing SNR, but also segmentation artifacts. Here
we investigate the impact of the reference scan choice on tSNR and image
quality in highly undersampled and slice accelerated 2D EPI data.
Human subjects were scanned in accordance with the IRB at the
University of Minnesota. Imaging was performed on a Siemens 7T Magnetom scanner
equipped with a 32 channel nova-medical coil. Whole brain multiband acquisition
was performed with 1.6mm^3 isotropic resolution. Each acquisition had 30
repetitions and 6 different reference scans: ‘FLASH 12’,’FLASH 52’,’FLEET 5’,’FLEET
20’, ‘Segmented EPI’, ‘Single-shot EPI’, with the numbers indicating nominal
flip angles. Three different acquisitions were performed {MB=5, iPAT=2}, {MB=3,
iPAT=3}, {MB=2, iPAT=4} with TR/TE {1000/22ms},{1400/22ms},{2000/22ms}. Scans
were also acquired in the presence of subject motion and with/without B0 shim
offsets. Additionally, 6 high-resolution scans were obtained with 0.9mm
isotropic resolution, {MB=3, iPAT=3}, {TR/TE=3640/20ms}: three using a ‘FLASH 12’
and three using a ‘Fleet 20’ reference.
Even/odd echo correction was performed using a three-line
navigator and a linear fit of the phase. Image reconstruction was performed
off-line in Matlab and compared with the online ICE reconstructions using the
CMRR MB C2P sequence [3]. The different reference scans were applied to the same image
data and time-series. A mask covering the brain was generated with FSL. tSNR
was calculated for each voxel over the whole brain and then averaged. In
addition to comparing the same data reconstructed with the different references
scans, the effect of different acquisitions of the same reference scan type (FLASH
12 /FLEET 20) was also investigated.
The impact of different reference scans on tSNR is shown in
figure 1 for R=2, R=3, R=4, using both an optimal shim, and an off-resonance
effect induced through an additional 40uT/m gradient offset along the X-axis.
The tSNR calculated for different scans of the same data demonstrates that the
variation between scans is larger than the differences between the FLASH and
the FLEET methods. For FLEET 5, the SNR is low such that the unaliasing is
inferior (data not shown).
The signal for a midbrain slice for different experiments using
FLASH 12 and FLEET 20 are shown in figure 2. This region had larger differences
than more inferior or superior slices. For iPAT4, with induced off-resonance, a
reduction in signal intensity can be seen on the top row, and, the tSNR (in
figure 3) for those same slices shows a hyper-intensity, indicating increased
fluctuations or reduced signal intensity.
The stability between sequential scans is compared in figure
4, where
ΔS is the change in signal between repeated acquisitions
of the same reference scan type. The impact of the signal
S is not
visually clear, but the relative difference between FLASH and FLEET is noticeable.
The results shown in figure 1 demonstrate that scan to scan
variability is larger than any difference in tSNR between FLASH and FLEET. Further,
overall image quality is also comparable, while ghosting is larger with segmented
or single-shot EPI, compared to FLASH or FLEET. As such, the choice of either
FLASH or FLEET would be ideal compared to an EPI calibration scan for in-plane
undersampling. FLEET acquisitions may, however, be preferred as it takes about
one third the time to acquire compared to FLASH. If time permits and similarity
between successive acquisitions is important then FLASH might be preferable. There
are also other factors yet to be considered, including the impact of tighter imaging
FOVs and the effectiveness of the 3 line navigator.
This work was supported
by NIH grants including P41 EB015894, S10 RR026783, and in part by the Human
Connectome Project (1U54MH091657)References
[1] Improvement of
temporal signal-to-noise ratio of GRAPPA accelerated echo planar imaging using
a FLASH based calibration scan. Talagala et al. Magn Reson Med. 2015
[2] Reducing sensitivity losses due to respiration and
motion in accelerated echo planar imaging by reordering the autocalibration
data acquisition. Polimeni et al. Magn Reson Med. 2015