Breath-Held Phase-Cycled Cardiac Cine MRI using Slow Frequency Modulation
Anjali Datta1, Corey A Baron1, R Reeve Ingle2, Joseph Y Cheng1, and Dwight G Nishimura1

1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2HeartVista, Inc., Menlo Park, CA, United States


bSSFP is commonly used for cardiac cine imaging due to its high myocardium-blood contrast but suffers from signal nulls due to off-resonance. By modifying the slow frequency modulation scheme for use in the heart, we acquire interleaved phase-cycles within a breath-hold for banding artifact reduction. Because a constant heart rate cannot be assumed, the phase increment increases slowly for a time equal to the shortest expected RR interval and then remains constant until the next trigger. In vivo results indicate that the proposed method is comparable to standard phase-cycling but with shorter scan time and interleaved phase-cycle acquisition.


Balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) is commonly used for cardiac cine imaging due to its high SNR and desirable myocardium-blood contrast, but suffers from signal nulls due to off-resonance. Acquiring multiple images with different RF phase-cycling enables the reconstruction of a combined image with reduced banding, but extra stabilization periods are needed between phase-cycles, and the sequential acquisition of different phase-cycles may cause registration errors during combination. Foxall 1 proposed slow frequency modulation to obviate stabilization periods between phase-cycles. By modifying the slow frequency modulation scheme for use in the heart, we developed a bSSFP cine sequence that can acquire interleaved phase-cycles within a breath-hold.


To test the feasibility of slow frequency modulation for cardiac cine imaging, a sequence with two phase-cycles was developed. Because a constant heart rate cannot be assumed, a modified scheme (Fig. 1) was designed in which the phase-cycling modulates slowly for a time equal to the shortest expected RR interval, after which the phase increment remains constant until the next cardiac trigger. Before the scan, we determine the number of TRs, nFM, that covers the shortest expected RR interval. For nFM TRs, the phase increment increases by 180o/nFM each TR so that the other phase-cycle is reached before the next trigger. This synchronization of the phase increments with the cardiac triggers offers immunity to heart-rate variability – a particular cardiac phase will be acquired with the same average phase-cycling during even heartbeats, and the average phase-cycling during odd heartbeats will be offset by exactly 180o.

A discrete phase-cycled sequence was also implemented for comparison. Both sequences are prospectively triggered and begin with two heartbeats of dummy acquisitions. For the slow frequency modulation sequence, interleaved phase-cycled images are acquired over 26 heartbeats. For the discrete phase-cycled sequence, a 90o RF phase-cycled image is acquired (13 heartbeats), followed by a stabilization period (2 heartbeats), and then a 270o phase-cycled image is acquired (13 heartbeats). Both sequences are sequential, segmented 2DFT acquisitions with 10 views per segment (41-ms temporal resolution). Each k-space segment is repeated until the next trigger, and, within each segment, an odd-even view ordering is used to cause temporal artifacts to ghost outside of the heart (e.g., the first segment’s ordering was 1-3-5-7-9-10-8-6-4-2).

To verify that the constant phase-cycling at the end of each heartbeat does not disrupt the slow frequency modulation profile, we used a phantom doped with nickel chloride and manganese chloride to have blood-like T1/T2 = 1045 ms/207 ms. We examined the spectral profile during the slow-frequency modulation TRs that follow the constant phase-increment TRs by acquiring projections of this phantom with no phase-encoding. A heart rate varying between 60 and 73 bpm (corresponding to 992 ms and 820 ms RR intervals, respectively) was simulated.

Slow-frequency-modulated and discrete phase-cycled scans of two volunteers were performed on a 1.5T GE Signa Excite scanner using an 8-channel cardiac receive coil and the following parameters: 22x22 cm2 FOV, 1.15x1.7 mm2 resolution, 8 mm slice thickness, 60° flip angle, 1.8 ms TE, 4.1 ms TR, and 28 heartbeat scan duration for slow frequency modulation and 30 heartbeat scan duration for discrete phase-cycling. To simulate increased off-resonance, the Y linear gradient was deliberately offset from the optimal shim, or “de-shimmed.” Phantom data to examine the spectral profile was acquired with a quadrature transmit/receive head coil.


Phantom studies show that, over a significant range in RR interval length, the slow-frequency-modulation profile experiences very limited transients from the constant phase-increment TRs at the end of each simulated heartbeat (Fig. 2). Thus, the proposed phase-cycling scheme seems appropriate for using slow frequency modulation with variable heart rates.

The bands in the two phase-cycled images in Fig. 3 are offset, facilitating the reconstruction of a combined image without signal nulls. The root-sum-of-squares-combined images from the proposed slow-frequency-modulated method (bottom row of Fig. 4) are comparable to those from standard phase-cycling (top row) but were acquired in a shorter scan time since frequency modulation eliminates the stabilization periods between phase cycles. Both methods greatly reduce the dark banding artifacts.

Discussion and Conclusion

Preliminary in-vivo results show the feasibility of cardiac cine imaging using slow frequency modulation within a breath-hold for banding-artifact reduction. Slow frequency modulation leads to interleaved acquisition of the phase-cycles and a shorter scan time than discrete phase-cycling. Acceleration via parallel imaging and partial Fourier should shorten the scan duration to less than a standard breath-hold. Slow frequency modulation, combined with this acceleration, would enable the acquisition of more phase-cycles within a breath-hold, which would facilitate a flatter spectral profile after phase-cycle combination.


We would like to thank the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program, and GE Healthcare for their support.


1. Foxall DL. Frequency-modulated steady-state free precession imaging. Magn Reson Med 2002;48;502-508.

2. Markl M, Alley MT, Elkins CJ, Pelc NJ. Flow effects in balanced steady state free precession imaging. Magn Reson Med 2003;50:892-903.


Figure 1: Proposed phase-cycling scheme. The phase increment increases linearly for nFM TRs, after which it remains constant until the next cardiac trigger. An 820 ms minimum RR (nFM = 200) results in a 0.9o frequency-modulation amount and 9o range in phase-cycling within each component image. The acquisition of the two phase-cycles is interleaved.

Figure 2: Spectral profiles of a phantom during slow frequency modulation following constant phase-cycling. Zero to 42 constant phase-increment TRs followed 200 slow frequency modulation TRs during each simulated heartbeat. The profile experiences very limited transients during a segment regardless of whether a small (left) or large (right) number of constant phase-cycle TRs precede it.

Figure 3: Phase-cycled component images of an early diastolic phase from the slow frequency modulation sequence. Each contains dark banding artifacts (solid arrows), as well as strong in-flow enhancement in near-band regions 2 (dashed arrows). However, the bands in the two phase-cycled images are offset, facilitating the reconstruction of a combined image without signal nulls.

Figure 4: Combined images from both sequences for selected cardiac phases. The dark bands in Fig. 3 are greatly reduced (solid arrows) in the corresponding combined image (center of bottom row), and the slow frequency modulation method produces images with quality comparable to discrete phase-cycling. Although the in-flow enhancement from near–band regions remains (dashed arrows), it is present in both methods.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)