simulations were performed to study analytical mathematical models for fitting tissue
contrast agent concentration curves obtained from DCE-MRI. Randomly generated Ktrans
and ve were used to calculate the curves using the Tofts model. A
total of five analytical mathematical models, empirical mathematical model,
modified logistic model, modified sigmoidal function, Weibull model, and
extended phenomenological universalities were compared and evaluated in terms
of how well they fitted to 100 curves. Statistical analysis showed that the empirical
mathematical model provided the best fit out of those models. The analytical
mathematical models were different despite having the same number of
Dynamic contrast
enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) is a widely accepted tool for detection and diagnosis of
cancers. The Tofts model
[1] is commonly used to extract the
pharmacokinetic parameters (K
trans and v
e). However, the
tumors are extremely heterogeneous and the simple compartment models may not be
compatible with tumors. In contrast to the compartmental model, analytical
mathematical models are also popular for analyzing DCE-MRI data. These
mathematical models make no assumptions about the underlying physiology of a
tumor, but simply use one or more functions with limited parameters to
characterize the important features of the tumor contrast agent concentration curves
(C(t)). The use of fitted mathematic curves could greatly improve the accuracy
of extracting physiological parameters and calculating area under the curve,
time to peak, and initial uptake slope, etc. This is extremely important when
data is noisy and/or acquired with a low temporal resolution. There were a few
mathematical models that have been developed for analyzing data. Here we used
numerical simulations to evaluate and compare five different mathematical
models for fitting C(t) calculated by Tofts model.
Contrast agent
concentration curves: Random numbers (rn1 and rn2)
uniformly distributed between 0 and 1 were generated and mapped into the
following interval to obtain practical Ktrans and ve
Ktrans=0.001+rn1⋅(1.0−0.001) and ve=0.005+rn2⋅(0.75−0.005),
i.e., 0.001≤Ktrans
(min-1)≤1.0 and 0.005≤ve≤0.75. Only values such that Ktrans/ve
< 10 were used to calculate C(t) using the following equation with temporal
resolution of 1.5 seconds:
where Cp(t)
is a population AIF derived by Parker et al[2]. Curves C(t) were
sampled over a range of 20 min. In addition to noise free curves, we also
generated curves with noise (C ̃(t)) by adding 20% of random numbers (rn(t))
in Gaussian distribution to C(t):˜C(t)=C(t)⋅(1+rn(t)).
models: For each curve C(t) obtained above, five previously
developed mathematical models were used to fit the curve. They are:
Empirical mathematical model (EMM)[3]: C(t)=A⋅(1−e−α⋅t)q⋅e−β⋅t⋅1+e−γ⋅t2.
Modified logistic model (MLM)[4]: C(t)=P2+(P5⋅t)1+e−P4⋅(t−P3)+P1.
(c) Modified Sigmoidal
functions (MSF)[5]: C(t)=a0(1+et−a1a2)et−a1a3.
Weibull[6]: C(t)=a⋅t⋅e−tcb.
(e) Extended phenomenological universalities
(EU1)[7]: C(t)=Mert+1β(a0−r)eβt−1.
total of 100 curves were used to compare how good the fit was for all five
mathematical models. To evaluate the accuracy of fitting for each model, first
the absolute difference between C(t) and fitted curve (Cfitting(t))
were calculated for each time: D(t)=|C(t)-Cfitting(t)|. Then the top
10% (n=80) of worst fitting time points (Di(t)) were selected to
calculate the root-mean-square error (RMSE10%). For all RSME10%
values obtained from 100 curves, one-way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD tests were
performed to determine whether there was a significant difference between these
five mathematical models. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered significant.
Figure 1 shows
the plots of calculated C(t) (black line) for selected K
-1) and v
e=0.5, as well as the corresponding fits
(red line) obtained from five mathematical models. We can see that some models
fit the curves better than others, especially at the earlier time. For the
total 100 noise fee curves C(t), all five mathematical models were used to fit
all curves, and then all RMSE
10% were calculated. Figure 2 shows the
box-plot of RMSE
10% for all five mathematical models for 100 noise
free curves. It shows that the EMM had the smallest errors, and ELM and EU1 had
larger errors than MSF and Weibull models. One-way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test showed
that there were significantly differences for RMSE
10% between
mathematical models (p<0.001), except there were no significant difference
between MLM and EU1 models, and between MSF and Weibull models. After adding
the noises to the curves, statistical analysis showed that MLM had significantly
larger (p<0.01) RMSE
10% than other models with the exception of
EU1. But the EMM still had the smallest RMSE
10% than other models.
Among the five
models studied, the EMM proved to have the best for fitting the curves. The
goodness-of-fit cannot be simply attributed to number of parameters; rather, it
is mainly due to the functions used in the EMM. The MLM also had five
parameters, but the fitting was worse than the EMM. Therefore, the number of
parameters used in the model is one factor, and type of functions is another
factor in affecting the quality of the fitting curves. In summary, analytical
mathematical models were not of equal quality even when they had the same
number of parameters. One should select the model based on characteristics of
curves used in their studies. The EMM can be reduced to four or three
parameters models by setting
and/or q=1.
work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.
61374015 and 61202258), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Universities (Nos. N130404016 and N110219001). One of the authors (DH) wishes
to acknowledge the support of China Scholarship Council (CSC) for his scholarship
(NO. 201506080038) to study in abroad.References
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