Hao Song1, John Hazle1, and Jingfei Ma1
1Imaging Physics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States
Fully-balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) is clinically useful because of its high SNR efficiency, imaging speed and unique T2/T1 contrast. A geometric solution to bSSFP has been derived and provides a simple and intuitive understanding of how the complex steady-state signals are formed. However, T1 and T2 relaxation has generally been ignored. In this work, we present an exact geometric solution to the bSSFP signals by including the T1 and T2 relaxation effects. The results are consistent with those based on matrix calculations, and are useful in understanding different aspects of bSSFP signal behavior. Introduction
Fully-balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP)
1 is clinically useful because of
its high SNR efficiency, imaging speed and unique T
1 contrast. A geometric
solution to bSSFP has been derived and provides a simple and intuitive
understanding of how the complex steady-state signals are formed
However, T
1 and T
2 relaxation has generally been ignored. In this work, we present an exact geometric
solution to the bSSFP signals by including the T
1 and T
relaxation effects.
Following convention, the equilibrium
magnetization, flip angle and the precession angle accumulated over a given TR are
denoted as M0, θ and β, respectively. Further, E1 and E2
are defined as e−TR/T1 and e−TR/T2, respectively. Assuming that the RF pulse
is applied along the X-axis and alternates in phase every other TR, Fig. 1
shows the bSSFP signal evolution during two consecutive TRs in the Y-Z and X-Y
planes, where A, B, C, D are the time points corresponding to 0+, TR-,
0+, TR-. Assuming that Mxy, β1 and Mz
are the transverse magnetization’s magnitude, transverse magnetization’s phase,
and longitudinal magnetization’s magnitude of the bSSFP signal at time-point A.
The corresponding parameters at time-point B can be written as MxyE2,
β-β1, and MzE1+M0 (1-E1),
Referring to Fig. 1, three signal
equations can be written based on the geometry of the magnetizations. Eq. [1] stipulates that the magnitudes of the
magnetization at time-points A and B are the same. Since RF pulses do not
change the magnitude of the magnetization, the magnitude of the magnetization
should also be same at time-point C.
Eq. [2] relates to the initial phase β1
of the transverse magnetization immediately after the RF pulse. Since the RF
pulse is applied along the X-axis, the magnitude of Mx at
time-points A and B are the same:
Eq. [3] establishes the relationship
between the RF flip angle and the signals at time-points A and B. Using geometry
and recognizing that RF pulses are applied along the X-axis, the |ΔMz| over |ΔMy| ratio
should be the tangent of half the RF flip angle:
Results and Discussion
Eqs. [1-3] can be used to solve for the
bSSFP signals and the results are presented as follows:
The above solutions are identical to those
given in Ref. [3], except for a change from β to β +
π. The difference can be attributed to the fact that we assumed that RF pulses
in alternating phases, whereas Ref. [3] assumed non-alternating RF pulses.
The solutions given in Eqs. [4-7] are helpful in understanding different aspects of the bSSFP signals. It is well-known that the bSSFP signals display the spin-echo behavior at TE=TR/2 over a wide range of the precession angles4. Using the solutions above and Fig. 1, such behavior can be quantified using the difference between: a) the actual echo time relative to TR, as defined by β1/β, and b) 0.5, which is the echo time at half TR. The complete result is presented in Fig. 2 as a function of E2 and precession angles, where the negative contours indicate that the actual echo occurs before TR/2, and the positive contours indicate that the actual echo occurs after TR/2. Clearly, spins are always perfectly refocused at TR/2, if E2 is 1 and regardless of β. However, as E2 becomes less than one due to T2-relaxation, spins will refocus either earlier or later than the TR/2 time point. The deviation is more pronounced for spins with a precession angle of approximately ±π, as compared to 0 or 2π.
The exact bSSFP solution including the T1
and T2 relaxation effects is derived based on the geometry of the
magnetizations. The results are consistent
with those based on matrix calculations. The geometric solutions are helpful in
understanding different aspects of the bSSFP signal behavior.
No acknowledgement found.References
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2. Zun Z, Nayak, KS. Graphical derivation of the steady-state magnetization in balanced SSFP MRI. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of ISMRM; Seattle. 2006. p. 2410
3. Brown RW, Cheng YN, Haacke EM, Thompson MR, Venkatesan R. Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Principles and Sequence Design, Ch18.
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4. Scheffler K, Hennig J. Is TrueFISP a gradient-echo or a spin-echo
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