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Using Cellular Automata to Represent MRI Signal Progression
Nicholas Dwork1, Brian A. Hargreaves2, and John M. Pauly1

1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States


In this document we show that we can represent MRI signal progression as a sum of Cellular Automata processes.


Cellular Automata (CA) have been used for modeling physical systems and for solving differential equations numerically [1]. In this abstract, we show that the MRI signal progression for repeating sequences can be modeled as a sum of CA, opening up the possibility that the theorems of CA can help solve MRI design problems. The sum naturally splits across excited magnetization and recovered magnetization providing insight into MRI signal progression through simulation.


Extended Phase Graphs (EPG) are extremely useful for understanding MRI signal progression [2]. They represent a spin system using a Fourier basis assuming gradients induce an integer number of cycles of phase across a voxel. A pictorial depiction of the EPG basis functions is shown in figure 1.

Given this assumption, the magnetization using the basis of figure 1 can be represented by the EPG coefficients defined by the analysis equations presented below.


Note that Fn=(F+n), thus the synthesis equations can use only the coefficients for n0. With the EPG coefficients, one can perform synthesis with the equations below.


In the EPG domain, the effects of RF pulses, relaxations, gradients, and recovery are simple functions of the EPG coefficients as summarized in figure 2.


The rule of a discrete CA can be though of as a generalization of discrete convolution. A kernel of finite size is slide over the data. Whereas the output value for each location of the kernel with convolution is the result of a pointwise multiplication and a summation, the output of the CA’s rule is any function of the input values.

As shown in the equations below, longitudinal recovery only affects the Z0 term (refer to figure 2); this special case makes it challenging to represent the magnetization over time as a CA since the kernel of a CA is unchanged for all state coefficients.


Initially, we will let Zn=exp(t/T1)Zn for all n; the recovery term for Z0 will be taken into account later. The magnetization immediately after the α0 pulse is the initial condition of our CA: Q0=Rα0(Q0), where Rα0 is the rotation matrix corresponding to flip angle α0. At time t1+t2, the magnetization is represented by Q1:


This is a compact representation of the EPG propagation. Note that Q1(n) is a function of {Q0(n2),,Q0(n+2)} for all n. Additionally, note that the magnetization Qm (without taking recovery into account) can be determined by applying this same function recursively. This is a Cellular Automata; we will denote this process as CQ0(m,n) where m is the time index and n is the basis function index.

It is assumed that enough coefficients are stored such that the magnetization for n>nmax is very small, and thus we impose a 0 boundary condition for large n. For small n, we exploit the symmetry in the F coefficients and use the form of symmetric boundary conditions shown below.


The magnetization Qm(n) without recovery is linear in the EPG coefficients. Thus, the total magnetization Q1 is the sum of the CA process CQ0(1,) and the magnetization due to recovery. At time t1+t2 the magnetization due to recovery has all EPG coefficients equal to 0 except the following.


Let ˜Q have all zeros except for F+1 and Z0, which are defined as written above. Then the magnetization at time t1+t2 is Q1(n)=˜Q+CQ0(1,n). The magnetization ˜Q is an initial condition for the same CA process that starts at time t1+t2 as shown in figure 4.

Thus, the magnetization Qm is the sum of CA processes as written below.


Figure 5 shows the results of a CA simulation. In this simulation, we see the contribution from the initial excitation and from each recovery period separately.


We have shown that the signal progression in MRI with repeated sequences can be represented by a sum of CA.


The authors would like to acknowledge Karla Miller for creating figures 1 and 2.

The authors would like to thank funding provided by NIH grant T32 HL007846 (ND).


[1] Ilachinski, Andrew. Cellular automata: a discrete universe, 2001

[2] Weigel, “Extended phase graphs: dephasing, RF pulses, and echoes - pure and simple”, 2015


A pictorial depiction of the EPG basis functions. Fn represents the coefficient for the basis function with n twists.

A summary of how decay, recovery, and a RF pulses affect each EPG coefficient. Gradients shift the Fn states, T1/T2 decay affects each of the Zn/Fn states, T1 recovery affects the Z0 state, and a RF pulse mixes the coefficients of each index.

The unbalanced gradients and RF pulses of a Spin Echo Train sequence.

A delayed Spin Echo Train sequence with initial condition ˜Q.

A simulation of the separate CA processes that determine the MRI signal progression. The EPG states due to excitation (left) and recovery (center-left) are separated. Steady state is achieved when the magnetization due to excitation becomes negligible and that due to recovery converges.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)