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Equivalence of EPG and Isochromat-based simulation of MR signals
Shaihan J Malik1, Alessandro Sbrizzi2, Hans Hoogduin2, and Joseph V Hajnal1

1Imaging Sciences & Biomedical Engineering, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Imaging Division, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands


Extended Phase Graphs and Isochromat-summation are two leading methods for simulating MR signals. The latter method is more intuitive, but choice of the number and distribution of isochromats significantly affects results. It is well known that the two methods are related by Fourier Transform, but precise equivalence is not widely understood. We demonstrate conditions under which they are exactly equivalent and related by DFT. Choice of isochromats is shown to be a sampling problem and conditions for accurate isochromat-based simulations are given. Matlab code is provided as a direct illustration.


Simulation of rapid MR sequences is often necessary for characterising transient and steady-state signal behaviour, a tool increasingly used for obtaining accuracy in quantitative imaging. There are broadly two approaches: i) isochromat-summation and ii) Extended Phase Graph1 (EPG) simulations. Of these, isochromat-summation is more intuitive but its accuracy depends on the number and positions of simulated isochromats. By exploring the link with EPG we derive criteria for ensuring isochromat-based simulations are accurate. Matlab code to reproduce all results may be downloaded from https://github.com/mriphysics/EPG-isochromat.


Consider a voxel with uniform magnetization density and relaxation properties. Rotation due to RF pulses is constant within this voxel and is characterized by flip angle θ and phase angle φ. In order to simulate generation of echoes the voxel is further subdivided into a distribution of ‘isochromats’ at positions r each characterised by gradient dephasing angle ψ, where


Bloch simulations are performed, and the predicted signal ˜S is computed by averaging transverse magnetisation M+ over all isochromats:



The integral is approximated as a sum over a set of angles ψm. Choice of sampling scheme is the key issue for isochromat-summation simulations. The EPG method approaches the same problem in the reciprocal (Fourier) domain, by representing magnetization in terms of configuration states:




For a sequence with regular timing (fixed Δk), the possible k values generated form a set of discrete values:


such that the magnetization distribution can be written as a sum over integer-indexed states:




Numerical predictions are obtained by following a series of algorithmic rules2. Once numerical values for the coefficients ~Fn, ~Fn and ~Zn are known, we may determine M+(ψ) for any ψ. A key general assumption is that states with k≠0 are fully dephased: only the k=0 state contributes measurable signal. By comparison with Eq.2 we identify ˜S=˜F0.

The DFT may be represented as follows:


where N is the number of isochromats in the ensemble. If the isochromat angles are selected according to






Hence, the DFT may be used to recover the EPG representation directly from an isochromat simulation, with the resulting Fourier coefficients corresponding to the configuration state coefficients. There are two restrictions: i)ψm must be selected according to Eq.7; ii) N≥K where K is the number of non-zero transverse configuration states– if N<K then aliasing will occur (i.e. Nyquist sampling condition).

Maximum configuration order of selected sequences

Figure 1 depicts phase diagrams for SPGR (Fig.1a) and FSE (Fig.1b) sequences. For SPGR we are interested in F0 directly after each RF pulse; after p pulses KSPGR=2p-1. For FSE sequences we are interested in F0 mid-way between refocusing pulses; after p refocusing pulses KFSE=4p-1.

Numerical Results

1. SPGR with differing numbers of Isochromats

SPGR was simulated for p=100 RF pulses. Figure 2 demonstrates exact agreement between EPG and isochromat simulations for N=199(=KSPGR). Figure 3 shows the same results computed with smaller N: for N<199, FFT(M+) shows aliasing effects. These manifest themselves as errors in ˜S for N<100, when aliasing corrupts the prediction at n=0.

2. FSE with differing numbers of Isochromats

FSE was simulated for p=100 refocusing pulses. Figure 4 shows that exact agreement is obtained for N=399(=KFSE). Aliasing results when N<KFSE however errors in ˜S only result when N≤200 and aliases corrupt the n=0 prediction. There is a marked difference in error for odd and even N.

3. SPGR with diffusion

SPGR was simulated for p=1500 pulses with N=100 for a range of Φ, with and without diffusion implemented by circular convolution3 (Figure 5). Without diffusion, N=100 results in large errors in the isochromat calculation; inclusion of diffusion drastically reduces errors since it acts as a low-pass filter on Fn – i.e. reduced numbers of isochromats can still reproduce the isochromat signal distributions without aliasing.

Discussion & Conclusions

We demonstrate that isochromat-simulations are equivalent to EPG by simple use of DFT when dephasing angles ψ are appropriately selected. As a result EPG predictions may be deduced from isochromat-summations and vice versa. EPG indicates that isochromat-summation with N isochromats and p pulses can only guarantee accuracy if N≥p for SPGR and N≥2p for FSE. If N is reduced, errors occur in a predictable way due to aliasing. However diffusion effects can be used to maintain accuracy with smaller numbers of isochromats (N<<p) by acting as low pass filter in the Fourier (EPG) domain. Insights gained may pave the way for faster simulations by using a mixture of domains to increase computational efficiency.


This research was funded by the EPSRC (EP/L00531X/1 and EP/H046410/1), Medical Research Council (MR/K006355/1), and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust and King's College London. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.


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2. Weigel, M. Extended phase graphs: Dephasing, RF pulses, and echoes - pure and simple. J. Magn.Reson.Imaging 41, 266–295 (2015).

3. Gudbjartsson, H. & Patz, S. Simultaneous Calculation of Flow and Diffusion Sensitivity in Steady-State Free Precession Imaging. Magn.Reson.Med. 34, 567–579 (1995).


Figure 1: Phase diagrams for (a) SPGR and (b) FSE sequences. Black lines denote transverse states Fn, blue dotted lines longitudinal states Zn. After p pulses, the number of non-zero Fn is 2p-1 for SPGR and 4p-1 for FSE (e.g. p=6). Increasing the number of pulses linearly increases the maximum configuration order.

Figure 2: Spoiled Gradient echo (SPGR) simulation using EPG and isochromat-summation with TR=5ms/θ=10°/T1=1500ms/T2=500ms, and RF spoiling phase increment Φ=120°. Predicted signals are identical. The EPG prediction Fn can be exactly reproduced from fft(M+), likewise the isochromat distribution M+ can be exactly obtained from ifft(Fn).

Figure 3: SPGR simulations using same parameters as Fig.2 with different numbers of isochromats. Reduction of N leads to aliasing for N<2p-1. However errors in predicted signal only occur for N<p: at this level the aliasing affects the average of the isochromat ensemble – i.e. the alias crosses the n=0 line in fft(M+).

Figure 4: FSE isochromat-summation simulations using p=100 50° refocusing pulses and T1=1500ms/T2=500ms/echo-spacing=5ms. Aliasing is visible for N<4p-1, however errors in signal only occur for N<2p, when aliases cross the n=0 axis. Different error levels occur for odd and even numbers of isochromats because the odd numbered configuration states have low populations.

Figure 5: SPGR simulation for different RF spoiling phase with and without diffusion effects. Simulations ran for 5*T1/TR=1500 pulses but for only 100 isochromats –i.e. N<<p. (a) Without diffusion severe aliasing occurs; (b) with diffusion the simulations agree well. (c)&(d) Show EPG representations: un-shaded areas indicate the FOV for N=100. Diffusion severely restricts the ‘bandwidth’ of Fn, hence aliasing is avoided even with restricted N.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)