Pavan Poojar1 and Sairam Geethanath1
1Medical Imaging Research Centre, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
Variable density spiral (VDS)–“beachball” was designed and generated to cover
3D k-space efficiently. Beachball is obtained by rotating along one axis of a
2D VDS for various number of shots. Beachball was demonstrated in-silico by analyzing point spread
function and restrospective analysis of a in-vitro
water phantom. Reconstruction was done using NUFFT. Optimal gradient waveforms
were generated for beachball by using convex optimization formulations based on
the constraints of maximum gradient amplitude and slew rate. This
trajectory provides for smoother coverage and densely sampled at the centre of
k-space and allows implementation of silent MR. Purpose
Rapid MR imaging typically
requires highly undersampled k-space with efficient 3D coverage, incoherent
artifacts and time optimal gradient waveforms. The current work involves design
and retrospective demonstration of the 3D variable density spiral (VDS) –
“beachball” trajectory which accomplishes the above requirements and delivers
an optimal balance among the requirements listed above.
The beachball k-space
trajectory, so called due to the shape of k-space coverage that is achieved, was
generated by rotating 2D VDS around one axis (x-axis) over 3600, shown
in figure 1. The designed 2D VDS parameters are shown in figure 2. In silico simulation:
A 3D point
spread function of size 128x128x128 was simulated with a signal intensity value of
100 and size 5x5x5 voxel at the centre. 3D NUFFT reconstruction was performed
for fully sampled k-space with the beachball trajectory using the irt toolbox [1].
PSF was obtained for 837 shots as shown in figure 3. 3D PSF was also obtained
for 20 shots with each shot of 1251 points resulting in undersampled k-space
data. All simulation was performed using MATLAB, Mathworks., USA. In vitro:
Images were acquired from
1.5 T Siemen’s Avanto scanner for a spherical water phantom by using 3D Magnetization Prepared Rapid Acquisition GRE
(MP-RAGE) sequence with TR/TE=1650/2.51 ms, matrix size 128x128x128, slice
thickness =2.08 mm. Reconstruction was performed in a similar manner to that of
the in silico data. Gradient
design: Optimal gradient waveforms were obtained for single and 8 shots
by using a convex optimization tool (cvx) [2] solving
∥k−A×g∥, where
∥.∥ represents the norm operator, A is the integration matrix developed based on the trapezoidal rule, and g is the gradient under the constraints of
maximum gradient amplitude 33 mT/m and maximum slew rate 100 mT/m/ms.
Figure 1(a) shows the 2D VDS
for 1 shot, which is in x-y plane and has 1251 points. Figure 1(b) and 1(c) depict
20 shots in which first and last point was sampled 20 times. In
silico : Figure 3 shows the PSF using NUFFT reconstruction in all the
three planes for 837 shots for the centre slices. Incoherent artifacts can be
observed in all the three planes, which can be reduced using compressed
sensing. Figure 4 shows the point spread function, which is reconstructed using
3D NUFFT and shown in all the three planes. In vitro: Figure 4(e) depicts
the water phantom and corresponding reconstruction using 3D NUFFT was shown in
figure 4(f)-(h) for xy, xz and xz planes respectively. Gradient design: VDS,
which is rotated at an angle of 45 degrees along x-axis is depicted in shown in
figure 5(a) and corresponding gradient waveform is shown is figure 5(b). Figure
5(a) shows 3D VDS for 8 shots and its equivalent gradient waveforms for 8 shots
where gradient along x-axis was not changed and are shown in figure 5(b).
Discussion and Conclusion
Maximum extent of k-space
can be reached in a optimal time as it is VDS and is superior to stack of
spirals which has constant space between the cycles [3]. First and last points
of the beachball trajectory are sampled Ns times as shown in figure 1(b). 3D PSF,
which is shown in figure 3 in all the direction, has incoherent artifacts in
both in silico simulation and in vitro. This reconstruction was
performed by using 20 shots. Optimal gradient waveforms were generated based on
the constraints above-mentioned constraints shown in figure 5 for 8 shots. In
figure 5 (b), gradients in x-direction were constant for all the 8 shots as VDS
is rotated along x-axis. Y. Shu, [4] developed a 3D k-space trajectory -
“spherical shell trajectory” which is densely sampled at the pole region as
opposed to the centre region which beachball accomplishes. This is relevant to
acquisitions exploiting structure in k-space. This trajectory provides for smoother coverage and
densely samples at the centre of k-space and allows implementation of silent
MR. In addition, this sequence can be used to rapidly image 3D volumes as each
shot reaches out to different corners of k-space in an optimal manner. Future
work involves prospective implementation of beachball trajectory for 3D ASL.
No acknowledgement found.References
[1] Jeffrey A. Fessler “Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transforms Using Min-Max
Interpolation”, IEEE T-SP, 51(2):560-74, Feb. 2003
[2] Micheal Grant and Stephen Boyd, Disciplined convex
[3] Holden H. Wu and Dwight G. Nishimura “3D
Magnetization-Prepared Imaging Using a Stack-of-Rings
Trajectory”, Magn Reson Med. 2010 May ; 63(5): 1210–1218.
[4] Y. Shu,, “3D RINGLET: Spherical Shells Trajectory
for Self-Navigated 3D MRI”, Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 13 (2005).