Tobias Wech1, Nicole Seiberlich2, Andreas Schindele3, Alfio Borzì3, Herbert Köstler1, and Jürgen E. Schneider4
1Department of Diagnostical and Interventional Radiology, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 3Institute of Mathematics, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, 4Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
The feasibility of using real-time MRI to determine
T1 relaxation times in mouse hearts was
explored. An inversion recovery prepared and highly undersampled radial
was applied and data were reconstructed using a combination of through-time
radial GRAPPA and compressed sensing. The ECG in combination with the
DC-signal recorded for each projection
was used to eliminate cardiac and respiratory motion,
which allowed for fitting T1-values in
every voxel. The method was applied to five mice in vivo and the measured T1-values found
for myocardial tissue agreed well with literature. Our work indicates that it
is possible to accurately measure T1 in mice using real-time MRI.Target audience
Scientists and clinicians interested in fast
cardiac MRI in rodents.
T1 relaxation time of myocardial tissue is an
important parameter for the investigation of various cardiac diseases. The
measurement in small animals, however, is challenging. When using an initial
inversion of the magnetization, it is usually necessary to acquire data within
several repetitions/inversions to adequately cover the relaxation process and
to account for cardiac and breathing motion. In [1], a method was presented,
which allows determining real time cardiac images in mice at a temporal
resolution of ~12 ms, by using highly undersampled radial acquisitions
reconstructed by a combination of through-time radial GRAPPA [2] and CS [3]. This technique was applied to an inversion
recovery (IR) prepared acquisition in the mouse heart to enable the
determination of a 2D
T1-map by using a single inversion only.
Data were acquired in healthy C57BL/6 mice (n=5)
on a horizontal 9.4T MR system comprising a VNMRS DDR2 console (Agilent, Santa
Clara, US), a 1000 mT/m gradient system and a four-channel cardiac array (Rapid
Biomedical, Germany). A radial IR-Look-Locker FLASH sequence (TE/TR=0.99/1.98ms,
FOV=30x30mm, 1mm short-axis slice, matrix size 128x128, flip angle 5°) was applied
using a slice selective, adiabatic inversion pulse. The undersampled datasets
(six projections per timeframe) were then subjected to the reconstruction
algorithm described in [1], while a low-rank plus sparse model [4] was applied
in the compressed sensing part instead of the temporal TV operator of the
original implementation. This yielded a fully sampled series of images at a
temporal resolution of 11.88 ms corresponding to ~10 timeframes per cycle. The
ECG, recorded during the measurement, in combination with the DC-signal (i.e.
center of k-space) of the series allowed to identify a diastolic timeframe per
RR-interval and to exclude frames corrupted by respiratory motion (see Fig. 1).
The chosen frames and their timestamps were finally used to perform a
3-parameter fit to the temporal course of every voxel: M(t)=M∗0−(M0+M∗0)⋅exp(−t/T∗1), with T1=T∗1⋅[(M0+M∗0)/M∗0−1].
Fig. 2a shows the resulting
T1-map in full
field-of-view for one mouse. Voxels containing low signal in the real-time
images were masked. The image quality was confirmed in the maps obtained for
the remaining four mice (Fig. 2b-e). The
T1 values in myocardial tissue agreed
well between the different animals and a ROI-analysis within the left ventricle
yielded a mean value across all mice of
T1 = 1.12
± 0.15 s which is in
accordance with the values found earlier [5].
& Conclusion
The initial results demonstrate that the
proposed technique provides accurate myocardial
T1 maps in mice using a single
inversion only. The acquisition time of only ~ 5s per slice would significantly
shorten the duration of the measurement and therefore simplify and speed up comprehensive
studies of the murine heart. Next steps comprise of the validation of the
technique in a larger cohort as well as the investigation of disease models.
Grant sponsors: DFG (KO 2938/4-1), BHF (FS/11/50/29038);
NIH/NIBIB (R00EB011527, 1RO1HL094557); IZKF (F-254); Support by an Agilent UR
[1] Wech et al., ISMRM #3445 (2015) [2] N.
Seiberlich, et al., Magn Reson Med, 65(2):492-505 (2011). [3]
A. Beck et al., Siam Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2(1):183-202 (2009) [4] Otazo
et al., MRM 73(3):1125-1136 (2015) [5] Schneider et al., JMRI 18:691-701 (2003)