Optimized Acquisition for Joint T2 and ADC mapping in the Heart
Zhaohuan Zhang1,2, Eric Aliotta2,3, and Daniel B Ennis2,3

1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, People's Republic of, 2Department of Radiological Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Physics & Biology in Medicine Graduate Program, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, United States


Myocardial T2 and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) can be used to evaluate the presence of edema and myocardial infarction1,2. We recently developed a technique for joint acquisition and reconstruction of T2 and ADC maps using a spin-echo EPI diffusion weighted sequence (SE-EPI DWI) with a total acquisition time short enough to accommodate measurement in a single breath-hold. The objective of this study was to optimize the joint T2/ADC acquisition to enhance sensitivity to myocardial infarction and to evaluate performance in simulations and phantom experiments.


Myocardial T2 and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) can be used to evaluate the presence of edema and myocardial infarction1,2. We recently developed a technique for joint acquisition and reconstruction of T2 and ADC maps using a spin-echo EPI diffusion weighted sequence (SE-EPI DWI) with a total acquisition time short enough to accommodate measurement in a single breath-hold. Joint T2/ADC mapping has improved precision and accuracy compared to independently acquired and reconstructed T2 and ADC maps with equivalent scan time.3 The objective of this study was to optimize the joint T2/ADC acquisition to enhance sensitivity to myocardial infarction and to evaluate performance in simulations and phantom experiments.


A joint T2/ADC protocol must acquire sufficient SE-EPI DWI over a range of echo times (TE) and diffusion encodings (b) to measure both parameters within an acceptable breath hold duration (≤18s). Reconstruction involves fitting these SE-EPI DWI to a bi-exponential signal model: S(TE,b)=S0 exp⁡(-bD)exp⁡(-TE/T2). Because TE and b are both varied (TE1,b1,TE2,b2,…,TEn,bn), many different protocols are possible. To reduce this complexity, we employed a 3-point method for joint T2/ADC measurement, which fixes the SE-EPI DWI acquisitions to only three combinations of b and TE: 1) b=0 and the shortest possible TE (TEMin); 2) b=0 and a second TE=TE2 where TE2>TEMin; and 3) b>0 and the minimum TE for this b-value (TED). The three images are acquired using N1, N2 and ND repetitions during a scan with fixed total time (N1+N2+ND=18). Therefore, in the 3-point method, the degrees of freedom to specify the acquisition scheme are: TE2, b and N1:N2:ND. This 3-point method is a natural generalization of the widely used 2-point method in SE or DWI acquisition optimization.4


Simulations: Bloch equation simulations were used to simulate signals acquired with any combination of TE and b for T2=61ms,ADC=2.16∙10-3 mm2/s (approximating infarcted myocardium). Complex Gaussian white noise was added independently to 1600 signals such that the signal to noise ratio (SNR) for the highest signal image (TEMin=21ms, b=0) was 40. T2 maps and ADC maps were reconstructed using linear least squares fitting of the simulated signals to the signal equation described above. Mapping accuracy and precision were determined by the bias and standard deviation (SD) of the reconstructed T2 and ADC values compared to programmed values. Experiments: A 50ml homogeneous agar and CuSO4 gel phantom (T2=61ms, ADC=2.16∙10-3 mm2/s ) was imaged on a 3.0 T scanner (Siemens Prisma) using a SE-EPI DWI sequence with sequence parameters TR=1000ms, 2.5x2.5x5mm resolution with a range of TE: 21-85ms and b: 100-900s/mm2. The accuracy and precision of simultaneous estimates of the joint T2 and ADC reconstruction were investigated using subsets of the acquired data and various schemes spanning a range of TE2 (27-85ms) and b (100-900s/mm2), TED based on scanner limits(54-76ms), and a range of repetitions N1:N2:ND =[1:2:15, 2:4:12, 3:6:9] for both simulated and experimentally acquired data.


Figure.1 shows the simulated precision of T2 and ADC estimates as a function of TE2 and b (N1:N2:ND=2:4:12 fixed). Figure.2 shows the precision dependence of T2 and ADC estimates on N1:N2:ND and TE2 (b=700s/mm2 fixed) by simulations and experiments. Simulations show that high precision ADC estimates (SDADC<5%) require TE2≥60ms and 400s/mm2≤b≤700 s/mm2 (Fig.1). To achieve high precision T2 estimates (SDT2<5%), TE2 must be ≥60ms. T2 precision did not depend on b. N1:N2:ND=3:6:9 was the optimal repetition ratio with maximum gains in ADC precision of about 5% and in T2 precision of about 9%. (Fig.2) Phantom experiments were generally in agreement with simulations, with N1:N2:ND =3:6:9 being optimal for most b-values and TE2 (shown for b=700s/mm2 in Fig. 2). We further validated the optimized acquisition through comparison with the non-optimized acquisition scheme. The results show general improvement in the accuracy and precision of T2 and ADC maps (Table 1).


For a fixed tissue type, Bloch simulations were used to define the optimal acquisition (TE1, TE2, N1:N2:ND) for joint T2/ADC mapping. These parameters were then confirmed in phantom experiments. Note that while simulations set a maximum SNR=40 to be consistent with expected in vivo data, the phantom experiments had much higher SNR (SNRMax=140). This likely explains the discrepancies between phantom experiments and simulations. Future work will involve implementing the optimized acquisition schemes in in-vivo joint T2/ADC mapping in the heart.


The accuracy and precision of both T2 and ADC maps were improved for joint T2/ADC mapping with an optimized, 3-point acquisition. Improvements were demonstrated in both simulations and phantom experiments.


This project received support from the Graduate Program in Biosciences, Cross-disciplinary Scholars in Science and Technology program, the Department of Radiological Sciences at UCLA.


1. Verhaert et al., JACC Cardiovasc Imaging (2011) 4(3):269–78.

2. Pop et al. Phys. Med. Biol. 58 (2013) 5009-5028.

3. Aliotta E and Ennis DB, Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2015 17(Suppl 1):W19.

4. Fleysher et al., Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 57:380–387, 2007.


Fig.1 Simulated precision maps for T2 and ADC estimates with varying TE2 and b. ADC precision is best with intermediate b-values and TE2. T2 precision is relatively independent of b-value and best with TE2≥60ms.

Fig.2 T2 and ADC precision estimates were very similar in simulations and experiments with varying N1:N2:ND and TE2 (shown for b=700s/mm2).

Table.1 Accuracy and precision T2 and ADC maps in phantom experiments with an optimized (top) and non-optimized (bottom) acquisition scheme.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)