Systolic Myocardial T1- and ECV-Mapping using Saturation-Recovery at 3 Tesla
Nadja M Meßner1,2, Sebastian Weingärtner1,3,4, Johannes Budjan5, Dirk Loßnitzer6, Theano Papavassiliu2,6, Lothar R Schad1, and Frank G Zöllner1

1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany, 2DZHK (German Centre for Cardiovascular Research) partner site Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany, 3Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 4Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 5Institute of Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany, 61st Department of Medicine Cardiology, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany


Partial volume artifacts in myocardial T1-mapping are a major source of quantification inaccuracy. In this study, saturation-recovery T1-mapping at 3T was adapted to allow for systolic imaging in order to take advantage of the increased myocardial wall thickness. Estimated T1- and ECV- values for SR T1-mapping during systole were 1554±3ms/0.29±0.03 compared to 1581±35ms/0.31±0.04 at diastole. In conclusion, our results show that SR T1-mapping in systole might be an alternative to derive T1- and ECV-values with reduced effects of partial volume.

Purpose and Background

Spatially resolved quantification of the longitudinal relaxation time T1 has recently emerged as an important quantitative biomarker with promising potential for non-invasive tissue characterization, especially in the presence of diffuse myocardial fibrosis [1]. The combination with post-contrast T1-time and hematocrit enables the estimation of the extracellular volume fraction (ECV), which was shown to indicate fibrotic remodeling [2].

However, partial-volume effects near the highly intense blood pool signal corrupt the methods’ quantification accuracies and impair their reproducibility. Thus, data acquisition during systole has been proposed for inversion-recovery (IR) techniques [3,4], in order to benefit from the increased myocardial wall thickness. Saturation-recovery (SR) T1-mapping is known to provide more accurate T1-values and better resilience towards heart-rate variability and sequence variations at 1.5T [5].

Hence, in this work we sought to study the feasibility of systolic myocardial T1- and ECV-mapping with a SR technique at 3T.

Materials and Methods

10 healthy volunteers (5m, 5f; 25±4y) underwent T1-mapping before and 15 min after injection of a Gd based contrast agent (0.2 mmol/kg Dotarem; Guerbet, Aulnay-sous-Bois, France) at a 3T MRI scanner (Magnetom Skyra; Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) with a 30 channel receiver coil array.

The T1-mapping sequence comprised a Saturation-Pulse Prepared Heart-rate independent Inversion Recovery (SAPPHIRE) magnetization preparation [5], adapted for systolic acquisition as explained in Fig.1. Systolic T1-maps were compared to conventional SAPPHIRE T1-maps acquired during diastole. A WET module [6] was used for saturation and an adiabatic full passage tan/tanh pulse [7] for inversion, followed by a single-shot ECG-triggered bSSFP readout: TR/TE/α=2.6ms/1.0ms/35°, in-plane resolution=1.7×1.7mm2, slice-thickness=6mm, field-of-view=440×375mm2, bandwidth=1085Hz/px, #k-space lines=139, linear profile ordering, startup-pulses=5 Kaiser-Bessel, GRAPPA-factor=2.

T1-weighted images were motion corrected with MoCo (Advanced Retrospective Technique; Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). The thickness of the myocardium was evaluated as the area between the LV endo- end epicardial borders. T1- and ECV values between systole and diastole, were statistically compared using a paired student's t-test at a significance level of p<0.05.


Fig. 2 depicts representative systolic T1-maps. As illustrated, good visual quality, with a homogenous myocardium and sharp delineation towards the blood pool were obtained throughout the study.

Fig. 3 visualizes the effects of partial-voluming in a cross-section plot in the septal region of the left ventricle. In the diastolic T1-maps, major T1-time elevation at the myocardial blood interface can be observed, leaving only a small plateau in the center of the myocardium unaffected of partial-voluming. The increased myocardial thickness in the systolic images shows a larger plateau for evaluation of myocardial T1-times. An increase in apparent myocardial thickness in the T1-maps during systole (apical: 255±85%; mid-ventricular: 254±63%; basal: 209±40%) compared to diastole has been measured in average over all volunteers.

Fig. 4 shows the average pre-contrast T1-values, T1-time precision and ECV values of all 10 volunteers in AHA-16-segment bullseye plots. Systolic SAPPHIRE T1-times (1554±83 ms) are significantly lower than diastolic T1-times (1581±36 ms) (p<10-7). Systolic ECV values (0.29±0.03) are significantly lower than diastolic ECV values (0.31±0.04) (p<10-7).

Discussion and Conclusion

Systolic T1-mapping and ECV-mapping at 3T is feasible with the saturation recovery T1-mapping technique SAPPHIRE and provides robust image quality. Shorter T1-times during systole are most likely to be explained by a reduction of partial-voluming, achieved by an increase in myocardial thickness, as indicated by the comparable plateau values in Fig 3. Difference between systolic T1- and ECV-values is significant despite the inter-subject variability. This finding is in accordance with a ShMOLLI (Shortened MOLLI) study comparing diastolic and systolic T1-values [4]. The reported T1-times are in good agreement with a recent study on saturation recovery at 3T (SASHA: 1431-1491 ms) [8].

Saturation-recovery T1-mapping is inherently robust to changes in the R-R interval. Therefore, the proposed sequence design could potentially be used for HR insensitive T1-mapping in arrhythmogenic patients, with no susceptibility to imaging artifacts induced by the major variations in the duration of the diastolic rest-period. Future studies in this cohort are warranted. In conclusion, our results show that SR T1-mapping in systole might be an alternative to derive T1- and ECV-values with reduced effects of partial volume.


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[1] Moon et al., JCMR 2013 [2] Kellman et al., JCMR 2012 [3] Meßner et al., Proc. ISMRM 2015, p.2607 [4] Ferreira et al., JCMR 2015 [5] Weingärtner et al., MRM 2014 [6] Ogg et al., J Magn Reson B. 1994 [7] Kellman et al., MRM 2014 [8] Chow et al., JCMR 2015 [9] Roujol et al, Radiology 2014


Figure 1: a) Systolic SAPPHIRE T1-mapping: After 1 image without preparation, 4 images are preceded by a saturation pulse in the HB before imaging, directly after the previous image acquisition. The remaining images are acquired with an additional inversion pulse with variable delay after the R-wave. b) Conventional diastolic SAPPHIRE.

Figure 2: Example images of a healthy volunteer (35 years, m), acquired with the SAPPHIRE sequence during systole, showing T1-weighted images (top), T1-maps prior to (middle) and T1-maps 15min post contrast injection (bottom). T1-map quality is visually high in short axis apical (left), mid-ventricular (middle) and basal (right) slices.

Figure 3: a)T1-times cross-section through the myocardium in the apical, mid-ventricular and basal septum of a volunteer (23y;M). Diastolic T1-mapping (solid lines) shows strongly elevated T1-times at endo- and epicardial borders, whereas in systole (dotted) this effect is reduced.
b)Corresponding T1-maps, acquired with SAPPHIRE during diastole (top) and systole (bottom).

Figure 4: Bullseye plots (AHA-16-segment-model) show native myocardial T1-times (a), T1-time precision (b) and ECV (c), acquired with the systolic SAPPHIRE technique in 10 volunteers in three short-axis slices (A=apical, M=mid-ventricular, B=basal). The average across all segments is given in the bullseye centers, slice averages in the boxes below.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)