The dispersion of
the contrast agent bolus at T1-weighted contrast-enhanced first-pass myocardial
perfusion MRI was examined by means of computational fluid dynamics
simulations. In this study simulations in idealized coronary artery geometries with
different extent of vessel tortuosity and in a straight reference vessel
geometry have been performed for the condition of rest and stress. The contrast
agent bolus dispersion was larger at rest compared to stress. Furthermore, a
negative correlation between the extent of tortuosity and the contrast agent
bolus dispersion was found.Purpose
Myocardial blood flow (MBF) is a
marker for myocardial perfusion. It can be measured via T1-weighted contrast-enhanced
first-pass myocardial perfusion MRI. Therefor, the arterial input function
(AIF) should be measured inside a supplying vessel as close as possible to the
tissue of interest (TOI). However, for technical reasons the AIF is usually measured
inside the blood pool of the left ventricle (LV) in myocardial perfusion MRI. Unfortunately,
dispersion (deformation) of the contrast agent (CA) bolus might occur between the LV and the myocardium. In case of the negligence of this
dispersion a systematic error of the measured MBF might arise. If an additional
measurement for pharmacologically induced stress has been accomplished, the
calculated myocardial perfusion reserve (MPR) might be inaccurate as well.
Mathematically, the dispersed AIF
can be represented as the convolution of the undispersed AIF of the LV and a so
called vascular transport function (VTF)1: AIFTOI=VTF⊗AIFLV. The variance σ2 of this
VTF can be considered as a quantitative measure for the CA bolus dispersion1.
Graafen et al. and Schmidt et al. observed an underestimation of the MBF and an overestimation of MPR inside idealized
coronary artery geometries due to negligence of CA bolus dispersion by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
simulations in previous studies2-7.
The aim of this study was to investigate
the influence of vessel tortuosity on CA bolus dispersion. This vessel
tortuosity was found to be positively correlated with several parameters, e.g. age8,
female gender9 or hypertension9, and negatively correlated
with other parameters, e.g. coronary artery disease9.
Materials and Methods
Several idealized cylindrical geometries of the
left anterior descending (LAD) with different extent of vessel tortuosity and a
straight vessel geometry of identical dimensions have been generated (Fig. 1). All
geometries exhibit a radius of 1.85 mm
10 and a length of 110 mm including
a straight flow extension of 10 mm at the outlet. CFD simulations have been performed for
rest and stress using the Fluent software package (Fluent 15, Ansys, Darmstadt,
Germany) at the High Performance Cluster ,Elwetritsch’ (RHRK, TU
Kaiserslautern, Germany). A pulsatile velocity pattern measured at rest and
stress, respectively, was set as inlet boundary condition
11. A
resistance model was implemented at the outlet, where the pressure
p(t) at the
outlet was calculated for each time step according to the equation
12,13, where
R represents the resistance of the entire downstream vascular
system and
q(t) the outflow at the outlet. The resistance
R was calculated
according to the structured tree model by Olufsen
et al.12,13,14. The
blood was considered as a non-Newtonian Fluid and the diffusion coefficient of
the commonly used CA Gd-DOTA was used. Furthermore, the variation of the corresponding
diffusion coefficient of the CA according to the local shear rate due to the
influence of the erythrocytes in blood has been implemented.
In general, a negative correlation
between the extent of tortuosity and the CA bolus dispersion was observed (Fig.
2). A decrease or a reduced increase of dispersion was found in the area at and
closely behind the turning points of the tortuous vessel geometries (Fig. 2). Furthermore,
CA bolus dispersion is larger at rest compared to stress (Fig. 2).
Discussion and Conclusion
The smaller CA bolus dispersion with increasing extent
of tortuosity might be explained by the deformation of the velocity profile
in the regions of high curvature close to the turning points of the vessel
geometries (Fig. 3). The increase in CA bolus dispersion closely behind the turning
points for the geometry with the largest extent of tortuosity (Fig. 2) may be explained by the formation of
a small recirculation zone at the inner wall at this region, which can be seen at the small
negative axial velocities in Fig. 3. Thus, the CA bolus is stretched. The
larger CA bolus dispersion at rest compared to stress can be explained by the lower
velocity of blood at rest. This negative correlation of velocity and CA bolus
dispersion has been observed before in several studies2-7.
The error in MBF and MPR due to negligence of CA bolus
dispersion at quantitative analysis with the MMID4 model is calculated for the simulation data of this study at the
moment. An underestimation of the MBF, which has been found in several previous
studies2-7, can cause a false positive classification of a patient. Furthermore, CFD
simulations in realistic geometries of the right coronary
artery (RCA) are currently performed for more realistic results.
The support by the administrators of the High
Perfomance Cluster Elwetritsch (RHRK, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany) is gratefully
The study was supported in
part by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
under grant numbers 01EO1004 and 01EO1504.References
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