Kévin Moulin1,2, Alban Chazot3, Pierre Croisille1,3, and Magalie Viallon1,3
1CREATIS, Université de Lyon ; CNRS UMR5220 ; Inserm U1044 ; INSA-Lyon ; Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France, 2Siemens Healthcare France, Paris, France, 3Department of Radiology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Saint- Etienne, Université Jean-Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France
DW-CMR remains challenging due to respiratory and heart
motion. Recent developments in cardiac diffusion imaging proposed Acceleration
Motion Compensation (AMC) spin echoes encoding scheme to tackle cardiac motion. In
addition, free breathing acquisition with prospective motion correction like
slice following technique has been shown to
reduce efficiently and significantly
the scan time. Here, we proposed a method to quantify the
remaining cardiac or breathing motion corruption in DW-CMR measurement and we
evaluated it using 3 diffusion encoding scheme: AMC, Stjekal-Tanner and
Twice Refocused Spin Echo. Error maps were also compared to physiological
motion indicators: cardiac motion using strain measurement and breathing phase using
navigator information.Introduction
DW-CMR remains challenging
due to respiratory and heart motion. Recent developments in cardiac diffusion
imaging proposed more robust spin echoes encoding scheme [1-4] (Acceleration
Motion Compensation (AMC)) to tackle cardiac motion. In addition, free
breathing acquisition with prospective motion correction like slice following
technique [5] has been shown to reduce efficiently
and significantly the scan time. Quality metrics for objective evaluation of
sequence and post-processing performances are therefore of crucial interest. We proposed a method to quantify the remaining
cardiac or breathing motion corruption in DW-CMR measurement and evaluated with
this new quality metric 3 commonly used diffusion encoding scheme: AMC,
Stjekal-Tanner (Monopolar) and Twice Refocused Spin Echo (TRSE). Error maps were
also compared to physiological motion indicators: cardiac motion using strain
measurement and breathing phase using navigator information.
Materials and methods
The same acquisition
strategy was applied on 7 volunteers. Before the DWI acquisitions, a mid-level 30 phases
short-axis (SA) cine SSFP sequence was performed to extract strain and strain
rate curves using feature tracking algorithm (CMR42, Circle) (Figure 1). Then, a 2-min
ADC protocol was acquired: 5 slices, 6 diffusion directions and b-values 0, 200
s/mm². Five TDs shifted every 10ms were acquired to access cardiac motion by
PCATMIP reconstruction [6]. Monopolar,
TRSE was acquired in diastole and AMC in diastole and systole with TE=38, 54,
62ms respectively; TR=5s. Prospective breathing management was achieved using a
cross-pair navigator and slice following method with a tracking factor of 0.6. For each single image acquisition, navigator-related
position, performed immediately before the
acquisition window was recorded (Figure 2).
error maps was calculated from diffusion image weighted signal S(x,y,i) as:
Where i=0,1….m-1 is the screened dimension, with
the 6 directions obtained before the Trace map calculation, and S0(x,y) being a
non-weighted reference image (Figure 3).
In-vivo comparison revealed
a higher score of artifacts for both the Monopolar and TRSE encoding schemes probably
accounting for the higher ADC values found using these techniques: 2.71+/-0.93 and 3.13+/-0.93 * 10^-3 mm²/s respectively (Figure 4). Contrarily, AMC appeared robust to
cardiac motion with low corresponding values of artefact criterion, and corresponding
ADC values that were lower and coherent with the literature for both diastolic
and systolic phase: 1.94+/-0.13 and 1.44+/-0.22 * 10^-3 mm²/s, respectively. The coefficient
of correlation between Strain measurements and Error measurements were -0.769
and -0.648 for Monopolar and TRSE encoding schemes respectively while no
correlation was found for AMC, 0.017 and -0.222 in diastole and systole
condition. There was no correlation found in any volunteer between the
breathing phase and motion artefact quantification.
Cardiac and bulk motions are very
critical for ADC measures and impose adequate management and quality metrics
able to account for appropriate motion management. Our evaluation pipe-line allows us to assert that
the combination of slice following and second order corrected diffusion
encoding scheme provide motion independent ADC estimates while minimizing the
acquisition time. In the future, quantification of the reliability of the
estimate using quality metrics will be mandatory for standardization purposes
and to establish the unique added value of DW-CMR in patients.
This work was performed within the framework
of the LABEX PRIMES (ANR-11-LABX-0063) of Université de Lyon, within
the program "Investissements d'Avenir" (ANR-11-IDEX-0007) operated by
the French National Research Agency (ANR).References
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