Lea Schroeder1, Jens Wetzl1,2, Andreas Maier1,2, Robert Rehner3, Matthias Fenchel4, and Peter Speier4
1Pattern Recognition Lab, Department of Computer Science, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 2Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 3Magnetic Resonance, Research and Development, Hardware, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany, 4Magnetic Resonance, Product Definition and Innovation, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany
Pilot Tone signals, generated by a commercial signal generator and received with standard MR local coils, were analyzed for multidimensional respiratory information. The ground
truth for respiratory motion in two orthogonal directions (\boldsymbol{g}_{SI} and \boldsymbol{g}_{AP}),
generated by sagittal image streams of the right liver dome using standard
fluoroscopic sequences, showed excellent correlation with the PT signal derived from a separate measurement (for \boldsymbol{g}_{SI}: 0.90 \pm0.13; for \boldsymbol{g}_{AP}: 0.82 \pm0.21).
Our results demonstrate
that PT navigation can provide two-dimensional
characterization of regular
and irregular respiratory motion without interfering with the MR measurement.Introduction
Respiratory motion reduces cardiac and abdominal
diagnostic magnetic resonance (MR) image quality significantly. It remains one
of the major challenges for diagnostic MR imaging as well as for many
image-guided surgical interventions and treatments in the region of thorax and
abdomen. Most respiratory-navigation strategies treat respiratory motion as
one-dimensional, limiting robustness and accuracy of navigation in cases of
irregular respiration, or pronounced
hysteresis. Some MR-signal-based navigation schemes can provide multiple
respiratory directions, but interfere with the MR measurement [1,2]. Thus,
there is a need for continuous multidimensional characterization of respiratory
motion. Recently, a novel Pilot Tone (PT) navigator was proposed by one of the
authors [3]. We investigate if the method can provide two-dimensional respiratory information.
in [3], a commercial signal generator produced a small amplitude PT with a fixed
frequency outside the frequency band of the MR signal, but inside the received
frequency band. The PT was transmitted into the magnet bore by a non-resonant
pick-up coil taped to the outer cover, close to the funnel of the magnet bore.
The modulation of the PT received by the local MR coils was processed to
characterize respiratory motion.
generate ground truth for the respiratory motion, we recorded sagittal image
streams of the right liver dome using standard fluoroscopic sequences (GRE, 513-1000 images, frame rate: 4-5 images/s, TE: 1-2 ms, TR: 4 ms, posterior spine array + anterior body array). Measurements
on 6 volunteers were performed on MAGNETOM Skyra (3T) and MAGNETOM Aera (1.5T)
(Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). For every received line and channel, we
extracted one PT amplitude value using a prototype image reconstruction program as described in [3].
processing was performed in MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA).
channel combination coefficients \boldsymbol{w} for PT navigators were
determined by comparison to image-based ground truth in a separate calibration
phase (see Figure 1) as follows: Incoming PT amplitudes were first Hann low-pass filtered
(cutoff 0.1-0.5 Hz), yielding the navigator matrix \boldsymbol{P}. Optimal weights \boldsymbol{w} were found by solving the least-square optimization problem
\boldsymbol{w}(\boldsymbol{g}) = \underset{\boldsymbol{\boldsymbol{w}}}{\operatorname{argmin}} ||\boldsymbol{P}\cdot\boldsymbol{w} - \boldsymbol{g}||^2_2 = \boldsymbol{P}^\dagger\cdot\boldsymbol{g}
where \boldsymbol{P}^\dagger is the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of \boldsymbol{P}.
ground truth signals \boldsymbol{g}_{SI} and \boldsymbol{g}_{AP} were generated from
deformation vector fields generated by elastic
registration of the calibration images to a key frame by averaging one vector
component over manually selected ROIs: the superior-inferior (SI) component \boldsymbol{g}_{SI}
from a region centered around the liver dome, and an additional anterior-posterior (AP) component \boldsymbol{g}_{AP} from a region centered on the sternum (see
Figure 2).
resulting weights \boldsymbol{w}_{SI} and \boldsymbol{w}_{AP} were applied in
subsequent measurements to generate PT navigators (right side of Figure 1).
evaluated the quality of the resulting PT navigators \boldsymbol{g}_{SI} and \boldsymbol{g}_{AP}
by sorting the calibration images according to the PT navigator values into
bins. In the last step, the mean structural similarity index (SSIM [4]) of all images in a given bin is calculated.
experiments included model experiments with instructed regular breathing
patterns and experiments featuring complex free-breathing patterns.
Over all experiments, PT navigators derived with weights from a separate calibration measurement showed excellent correlation with the ground truth in those directions (for \boldsymbol{g}_{SI}: 0.90 \pm0.13; for \boldsymbol{g}_{AP}: 0.82 \pm0.21).
3 shows PT navigators for instructed interleaved abdominal and chest breathing:
The two respiration modes can be clearly distinguished using \boldsymbol{g}_{SI} and \boldsymbol{g}_{AP}.
4 shows PT navigators for a case of irregular free-breathing.
The result of binning and
averaging the images according to the PT navigators is shown for the free-breathing example of Figure 4 in Figure 5: The top left image shows the average
over all bins, the top column the average over all \boldsymbol{g}_{SI} bins, the leftmost column the average over all \boldsymbol{g}_{AP} bins, all other images are binned
according to both navigators. Binning in two dimensions improves image
sharpness especially for extreme positions of the diaphragm, as also indicated by higher SSIM values.
Our results demonstrate that PT navigation can
provide two-dimensional characterization of regular and irregular
respiratory motion without interfering with the MR measurement and should
thus be considered as an promising alternative to established navigation
The MATLAB module for elastic registration was
kindly provided by Marie-Pierre Jolly (Imaging and Visualization Department of
the Siemens Corporate Research from Princeton).
The authors gratefully acknowledge funding of the Erlangen Graduate School in AdvancedOptical Technologies (SAOT) by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in the framework of theGerman excellence initiative.
[1] T. Nguyen et al. A novel navigator technique for fast and direct detection of 3D displacement of the coronary arteries. In Proc. 9th Annu. Meeting ISMRM,173, 2001.
[2] M. Lustig et al. Butterfly: a self navigating Cartesian trajectory. In Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Berlin, Germany, 865, 2007.
[3] P. Speier et al. PT-Nav: A Novel Respiratory Navigation Method for Continuous Acquisition Based on Modulation of a Pilot Tone in the MR-Receiver. ESMRMB, 129:97–98, 2015. doi: 10.1007/s10334-015-0487-2.
[4] Z. Wang et al. Image quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 13(4):600–612, 2004.