Xiaoyong Zhang1,2, Guoxi Xie2, Yanchun Zhu2, Zijun Wei2, Caiyun Shi2, Shi Su2, Fei Yan2, Hairong Zheng2, Bensheng Qiu1, Xin Liu2, and Zhaoyang Fan3
1University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, People's Republic of, 2Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Shenzhen, China, People's Republic of, 3Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States
An accelerated self-gating (SG) technique, SparseSG, was
developed to realize whole-heart coverage of 3D cardiac cine imaging at 3T
without ECG and breath-holding. Preliminary in vivo study demonstrated that a
whole heart coverage of 3D cine imaging can be achieved within 1 min and the
technique had excellent performance compared to the standard ECG-triggering and
conventional SG methods.Introduction
3D self-gated (SG) cine
imaging with TrueFISP not only provides excellent contrast between myocardium
and blood, but also eliminates the need for ECG set up and permits
free-breathing acquisitions [1]. However, such golden-angle
radial sampling-based techniques are commonly used at 1.5 T due to the eddy
current and SAR problems as well as time-consuming on data acquisition under
the Nyquist sampling criteria. To achieve time-efficient 3T cine imaging, a novel
accelerated SG method, named SparseSG, was proposed using a tiny golden angle
and compressed sensing [2].
Theory: A 3D hybrid radial sampling pattern was adopted for the SparseSG [1].
In order to reduce the eddy current effect, a tiny golden angle of 32.039°, instead of 111.246°,
was used for data acquisition (Fig.1). After the respiratory and cardiac motions
were determined by processing the SG data as [1], the acquired data was
retrospectively sorted into different respiratory and cardiac phases. A compressed
sensing method exploiting the image sparsity in k-t space by solving a constrained
convex optimization problem as Eq. (1) was then used for image reconstruction, thus
effectively shortening the scan time and reducing SAR.
arg min \left\{{λ ‖T\cdotρ‖_1 }\right\} subject to ‖d-P\cdot F\cdotρ‖_2^2< ε (1)
where P is sampling matrix, F is the
NUFFT operator defined on the radial acquisition pattern, ρ denotes is
the image series to be reconstructed in
x-y-t-coil space, d is the acquired radial k-t-coil space
data, T is the temporal
total-variation (TV) operator (sparsifying
transform), imposed on the l1
norm,and λ is
the regularization weight that controls the tradeoff between the data consistency
and sparsity. The SparseSG reconstruction was initially
implemented in MATLAB, using a tailored version of bregman algorithm [3].
IRB-approved cardiac imaging
was performed on 5 healthy subjects (2M, 3F, age 20~26) at 3T (Siemens Tim Trio,
Germany) with a standard 6-channel body coil and a spine coil. Scan parameters
included: 3D imaging with standard short-axis, TR=3.8ms, TE =1.9ms, spatial
resolution = 1.3×1.3×8.0 mm
3, bandwidth =1502 Hz/Pixel, partition
number = 10. The acceleration factors were R = 4 and 8, corresponding to scan
time 0.76 min and 0.38 min. The standard breath-hold 2D multi-slice ECG-triggering
and conventional self-gating methods with the same spatial and temporal
resolutions were also conducted for comparison.
Results and discussion
All MR scans were successfully
conducted. SparseSG allowed a whole-heart coverage of 3D cine imaging within 1 min,
which was much shorter than those of
the standard ECG-triggering and conventional SG methods
(Fig.2.b). As the acceleration factor increased, the reconstructed cine
images of SparseSG become a little
blurry. However, the left
ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) and cardiac structure obtained from SparseSG were in good agreement with those from standard ECG-triggering and conventional
SG methods, even if a higher
acceleration factor R=8 was used (Fig.2.a&c).
accelerated SG technique,
SparseSG, was developed to realize 3D cardiac cine imaging at 3T without ECG and breath-holding. Preliminary
in vivo study demonstrated that a whole heart coverage of 3D cine
imaging can be achieved within 1
min and the technique had excellent performance compared to the standard
ECG-triggering and conventional SG methods. This warrants further evaluation of
SparseSG on more volunteers and patients.
NSFC No.81120108012,
No.81328013, No. 81371537, No.91432301,No. 81571669,
No. 61201442 and Shenzhen Funding No. JCYJ20140417113430603,
No GJHZ20150316143320494.
[1] Liu J, et al. MRM, 2010, 63(5):1230-1237.
[2] Wundrak S, et al. 2015.doi: 10.1002/mrm.25831.
[3] Goldstein T, et al. Siam J
Imaging Sci, 2009;2(2):323-343.